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BOLT #11: Invoice Protocol for Lightning Payments

A simple, extendable, QR-code-ready protocol for requesting payments over Lightning.

Table of Contents

Encoding Overview

The format for a Lightning invoice uses bech32 encoding, which is already used for Bitcoin Segregated Witness. It can be simply reused for Lightning invoices even though its 6-character checksum is optimized for manual entry, which is unlikely to happen often given the length of Lightning invoices.

If a URI scheme is desired, the current recommendation is to either use 'lightning:' as a prefix before the BOLT-11 encoding (note: not 'lightning://'), or for fallback to Bitcoin payments, to use 'bitcoin:', as per BIP-21, with the key 'lightning' and the value equal to the BOLT-11 encoding.


A writer:

  • MUST encode the payment request in Bech32 (see BIP-0173)
  • SHOULD use upper case for QR codes (see BIP-0173)
  • MAY exceed the 90-character limit specified in BIP-0173.

A reader:

  • MUST parse the address as Bech32, as specified in BIP-0173 (also without the character limit).
    • Note: this includes handling uppercase as specified by BIP-0173
  • if the checksum is incorrect:
    • MUST fail the payment.

Human-Readable Part

The human-readable part of a Lightning invoice consists of two sections:

  1. prefix: ln + BIP-0173 currency prefix (e.g. lnbc for Bitcoin mainnet, lntb for Bitcoin testnet, lntbs for Bitcoin signet, and lnbcrt for Bitcoin regtest)
  2. amount: optional number in that currency, followed by an optional multiplier letter. The unit encoded here is the 'social' convention of a payment unit -- in the case of Bitcoin the unit is 'bitcoin' NOT satoshis.

The following multiplier letters are defined:

  • m (milli): multiply by 0.001
  • u (micro): multiply by 0.000001
  • n (nano): multiply by 0.000000001
  • p (pico): multiply by 0.000000000001


A writer:

  • MUST encode prefix using the currency required for successful payment.
  • if a specific minimum amount is required for successful payment:
    • MUST include that amount.
    • MUST encode amount as a positive decimal integer with no leading 0s.
    • If the p multiplier is used the last decimal of amount MUST be 0.
    • SHOULD use the shortest representation possible, by using the largest multiplier or omitting the multiplier.

A reader:

  • if it does NOT understand the prefix:
    • MUST fail the payment.
  • if the amount is empty:
    • SHOULD indicate to the payer that amount is unspecified.
  • otherwise:
    • if amount contains a non-digit OR is followed by anything except a multiplier (see table above):
      • MUST fail the payment.
    • if the multiplier is present:
      • MUST multiply amount by the multiplier value to derive the amount required for payment.
      • if multiplier is p and the last decimal of amount is not 0:
        • MUST fail the payment.


The amount is encoded into the human readable part, as it's fairly readable and a useful indicator of how much is being requested.

Donation addresses often don't have an associated amount, so amount is optional in that case. Usually a minimum payment is required for whatever is being offered in return.

The p multiplier would allow to specify sub-millisatoshi amounts, which cannot be transferred on the network, since HTLCs are denominated in millisatoshis. Requiring a trailing 0 decimal ensures that the amount represents an integer number of millisatoshis.

Data Part

The data part of a Lightning invoice consists of multiple sections:

  1. timestamp: seconds-since-1970 (35 bits, big-endian)
  2. zero or more tagged parts
  3. signature: Bitcoin-style signature of above (520 bits)


A writer:

  • MUST set timestamp to the number of seconds since Midnight 1 January 1970, UTC in big-endian.
  • MUST set signature to a valid 512-bit secp256k1 signature of the SHA2 256-bit hash of the human-readable part, represented as UTF-8 bytes, concatenated with the data part (excluding the signature) with 0 bits appended to pad the data to the next byte boundary, with a trailing byte containing the recovery ID (0, 1, 2, or 3).

A reader:

  • MUST check that the signature is valid (see the n tagged field specified below).


signature covers an exact number of bytes even though the SHA2 standard actually supports hashing in bit boundaries, because it's not widely implemented. The recovery ID allows public-key recovery, so the identity of the payee node can be implied.

Tagged Fields

Each Tagged Field is of the form:

  1. type (5 bits)
  2. data_length (10 bits, big-endian)
  3. data (data_length x 5 bits)

Note that the maximum length of a Tagged Field's data is constricted by the maximum value of data_length. This is 1023 x 5 bits, or 639 bytes.

Currently defined tagged fields are:

  • p (1): data_length 52. 256-bit SHA256 payment_hash. Preimage of this provides proof of payment.
  • s (16): data_length 52. This 256-bit secret prevents forwarding nodes from probing the payment recipient.
  • d (13): data_length variable. Short description of purpose of payment (UTF-8), e.g. '1 cup of coffee' or 'ナンセンス 1杯'
  • m (27): data_length variable. Additional metadata to attach to the payment. Note that the size of this field is limited by the maximum hop payload size. Long metadata fields reduce the maximum route length.
  • n (19): data_length 53. 33-byte public key of the payee node
  • h (23): data_length 52. 256-bit description of purpose of payment (SHA256). This is used to commit to an associated description that is over 639 bytes, but the transport mechanism for the description in that case is transport specific and not defined here.
  • x (6): data_length variable. expiry time in seconds (big-endian). Default is 3600 (1 hour) if not specified.
  • c (24): data_length variable. min_final_cltv_expiry_delta to use for the last HTLC in the route. Default is 18 if not specified.
  • f (9): data_length variable, depending on version. Fallback on-chain address: for Bitcoin, this starts with a 5-bit version and contains a witness program or P2PKH or P2SH address.
  • r (3): data_length variable. One or more entries containing extra routing information for a private route; there may be more than one r field
    • pubkey (264 bits)
    • short_channel_id (64 bits)
    • fee_base_msat (32 bits, big-endian)
    • fee_proportional_millionths (32 bits, big-endian)
    • cltv_expiry_delta (16 bits, big-endian)
  • 9 (5): data_length variable. One or more 5-bit values containing features supported or required for receiving this payment. See Feature Bits.


A writer:

  • MUST include exactly one p field.
  • MUST include exactly one s field.
  • MUST set payment_hash to the SHA2 256-bit hash of the payment_preimage that will be given in return for payment.
  • MUST include either exactly one d or exactly one h field.
    • if d is included:
      • MUST set d to a valid UTF-8 string.
      • SHOULD use a complete description of the purpose of the payment.
    • if h is included:
      • MUST make the preimage of the hashed description in h available through some unspecified means.
        • SHOULD use a complete description of the purpose of the payment.
  • MAY include one x field.
    • if x is included:
      • SHOULD use the minimum data_length possible.
  • SHOULD include one c field (min_final_cltv_expiry_delta).
    • MUST set c to the minimum cltv_expiry it will accept for the last HTLC in the route.
    • SHOULD use the minimum data_length possible.
  • MAY include one n field. (Otherwise performing signature recovery is required)
    • MUST set n to the public key used to create the signature.
  • MAY include one or more f fields.
    • for Bitcoin payments:
      • MUST set an f field to a valid witness version and program, OR to 17 followed by a public key hash, OR to 18 followed by a script hash.
  • if there is NOT a public channel associated with its public key:
    • MUST include at least one r field.
      • r field MUST contain one or more ordered entries, indicating the forward route from a public node to the final destination.
        • Note: for each entry, the pubkey is the node ID of the start of the channel; short_channel_id is the short channel ID field to identify the channel; and fee_base_msat, fee_proportional_millionths, and cltv_expiry_delta are as specified in BOLT #7.
    • MAY include more than one r field to provide multiple routing options.
  • if 9 contains non-zero bits:
    • SHOULD use the minimum data_length possible.
  • otherwise:
    • MUST omit the 9 field altogether.
  • MUST pad field data to a multiple of 5 bits, using 0s.
  • if a writer offers more than one of any field type, it:
    • MUST specify the most-preferred field first, followed by less-preferred fields, in order.

A reader:

  • MUST skip over unknown fields, OR an f field with unknown version, OR p, h, s or n fields that do NOT have data_lengths of 52, 52, 52 or 53, respectively.
  • if the 9 field contains unknown odd bits that are non-zero:
    • MUST ignore the bit.
  • if the 9 field contains unknown even bits that are non-zero:
    • MUST fail the payment.
    • SHOULD indicate the unknown bit to the user.
  • MUST check that the SHA2 256-bit hash in the h field exactly matches the hashed description.
  • if a valid n field is provided:
    • MUST use the n field to validate the signature instead of performing signature recovery.
  • if there is a valid s field:
  • if the c field (min_final_cltv_expiry_delta) is not provided:
    • MUST use an expiry delta of at least 18 when making the payment
  • if an m field is provided:


The type-and-length format allows future extensions to be backward compatible. data_length is always a multiple of 5 bits, for easy encoding and decoding. Readers also ignore fields of different length, for fields that are expected may change.

The p field supports the current 256-bit payment hash, but future specs could add a new variant of different length: in which case, writers could support both old and new variants, and old readers would ignore the variant not the correct length.

The d field allows inline descriptions, but may be insufficient for complex orders. Thus, the h field allows a summary: though the method by which the description is served is as-yet unspecified and will probably be transport dependent. The h format could change in the future, by changing the length, so readers ignore it if it's not 256 bits.

The m field allows metadata to be attached to the payment. This supports applications where the recipient doesn't keep any context for the payment.

The n field can be used to explicitly specify the destination node ID, instead of requiring signature recovery.

The x field gives warning as to when a payment will be refused: mainly to avoid confusion. The default was chosen to be reasonable for most payments and to allow sufficient time for on-chain payment, if necessary.

The c field allows a way for the destination node to require a specific minimum CLTV expiry for its incoming HTLC. Destination nodes may use this to require a higher, more conservative value than the default one (depending on their fee estimation policy and their sensitivity to time locks). Note that remote nodes in the route specify their required cltv_expiry_delta in the channel_update message, which they can update at all times.

The f field allows on-chain fallback; however, this may not make sense for tiny or time-sensitive payments. It's possible that new address forms will appear; thus, multiple f fields (in an implied preferred order) help with transition, and f fields with versions 19-31 will be ignored by readers.

The r field allows limited routing assistance: as specified, it only allows minimum information to use private channels, however, it could also assist in future partial-knowledge routing.

Security Considerations for Payment Descriptions

Payment descriptions are user-defined and provide a potential avenue for injection attacks: during the processes of both rendering and persistence.

Payment descriptions should always be sanitized before being displayed in HTML/Javascript contexts (or any other dynamically interpreted rendering frameworks). Implementers should be extra perceptive to the possibility of reflected XSS attacks, when decoding and displaying payment descriptions. Avoid optimistically rendering the contents of the payment request until all validation, verification, and sanitization processes have been successfully completed.

Furthermore, consider using prepared statements, input validation, and/or escaping, to protect against injection vulnerabilities in persistence engines that support SQL or other dynamically interpreted querying languages.

Don't be like the school of Little Bobby Tables.

Feature Bits

Feature bits allow forward and backward compatibility, and follow the it's ok to be odd rule. Features appropriate for use in the 9 field are marked in BOLT 9.

The field is big-endian. The least-significant bit is numbered 0, which is even, and the next most significant bit is numbered 1, which is odd.


A writer:

A reader:

  • if the feature vector does not set all known, transitive feature dependencies:
    • MUST NOT attempt the payment.
  • if the basic_mpp feature is offered in the invoice:
  • otherwise:

Payer / Payee Interactions

These are generally defined by the rest of the Lightning BOLT series, but it's worth noting that BOLT #4 specifies that the payee SHOULD accept up to twice the expected amount, so the payer can make payments harder to track by adding small variations.

The intent is that the payer recovers the payee's node ID from the signature, and after checking that conditions such as fees, expiry, and block timeout are acceptable, attempts a payment. It can use r fields to augment its routing information, if necessary to reach the final node.

If the payment succeeds but there is a later dispute, the payer can prove both the signed offer from the payee and the successful payment.

Payer / Payee Requirements

A payer:

  • after the timestamp plus expiry has passed:
    • SHOULD NOT attempt a payment.
  • otherwise:
    • if a Lightning payment fails:
      • MAY attempt to use the address given in the first f field that it understands for payment.
  • MAY use the sequence of channels, specified by the r field, to route to the payee.
  • SHOULD consider the fee amount and payment timeout before initiating payment.
  • SHOULD use the first p field that it did NOT skip as the payment hash.

A payee:

  • after the timestamp plus expiry has passed:
    • SHOULD NOT accept a payment.



NB: all the following examples are signed with priv_key=e126f68f7eafcc8b74f54d269fe206be715000f94dac067d1c04a8ca3b2db734. All invoices contain a payment_secret=1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 unless otherwise noted.

Please make a donation of any amount using payment_hash 0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090102 to me @03e7156ae33b0a208d0744199163177e909e80176e55d97a2f221ede0f934dd9ad



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • s: payment secret
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zygs: payment secret 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
  • p: payment hash
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • qqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqypq: payment hash 0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090102
  • d: short description
    • pl: data_length (p = 1, l = 31; 1 * 32 + 31 == 63)
    • 2pkx2ctnv5sxxmmwwd5kgetjypeh2ursdae8g6twvus8g6rfwvs8qun0dfjkxaq: 'Please consider supporting this project'
  • 9: features
    • qr: data_length (q = 0, r = 3; 0 * 32 + 3 == 3)
    • sgq: b100000100000000
  • 357wnc5r2ueh7ck6q93dj32dlqnls087fxdwk8qakdyafkq3yap9us6v52vjjsrvywa6rt52cm9r9zqt8r2t7mlcwspyetp5h2tztugp: signature
  • 9lfyql: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • 8d3ce9e28357337f62da0162d9454df827f83cfe499aeb1c1db349d4d81127425e434ca29929406c23bba1ae8ac6ca32880b38d4bf6ff874024cac34ba9625f1 hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 1 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e62630b25fe64500d04444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444021a00008101820283038404800081018202830384048000810182028303840480810343f506c6561736520636f6e736964657220737570706f7274696e6720746869732070726f6a6563740500e08000 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • 6daf4d488be41ce7cbb487cab1ef2975e5efcea879b20d421f0ef86b07cbb987 hex of SHA256 of the preimage

Please send $3 for a cup of coffee to the same peer, within one minute



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 2500u: amount (2500 micro-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • s: payment secret...
  • p: payment hash...
  • d: short description
    • q5: data_length (q = 0, 5 = 20; 0 * 32 + 20 == 20)
    • xysxxatsyp3k7enxv4js: '1 cup coffee'
  • x: expiry time
    • qz: data_length (q = 0, z = 2; 0 * 32 + 2 == 2)
    • pu: 60 seconds (p = 1, u = 28; 1 * 32 + 28 == 60)
  • 9: features
    • qr: data_length (q = 0, r = 3; 0 * 32 + 3 == 3)
    • sgq: b100000100000000
  • uk0rl77nj30yxdy8j9vdx85fkpmdla2087ne0xh8nhedh8w27kyke0lp53ut353s06fv3qfegext0eh0ymjpf39tuven09sam30g4vgp: signature
  • fna3rh: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • e59e3ffbd3945e4334879158d31e89b076dff54f3fa7979ae79df2db9dcaf5896cbfe1a478b8d2307e92c88139464cb7e6ef26e414c4abe33337961ddc5e8ab1 hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 1 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e626332353030750b25fe64500d04444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444021a000081018202830384048000810182028303840480008101820283038404808103414312063757020636f66666565030041e140382000 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • 047e24bf270b25d42a56d57b2578faa3a10684641bab817c2851a871cb41dbc0 hex of SHA256 of the preimage

Please send 0.0025 BTC for a cup of nonsense (ナンセンス 1杯) to the same peer, within one minute



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 2500u: amount (2500 micro-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • s: payment secret...
  • p: payment hash...
  • d: short description
    • pq: data_length (p = 1, q = 0; 1 * 32 + 0 == 32)
    • uwpc4curk03c9wlrswe78q4eyqc7d8d0: 'ナンセンス 1杯'
  • x: expiry time
    • qz: data_length (q = 0, z = 2; 0 * 32 + 2 == 2)
    • pu: 60 seconds (p = 1, u = 28; 1 * 32 + 28 == 60)
  • 9: features
    • qr: data_length (q = 0, r = 3; 0 * 32 + 3 == 3)
    • sgq: b100000100000000
  • htjpauu9ur7fw2thcl4y9vfvh4m9wlfyz2gem29g5ghe2aak2pm3ps8fdhtceqsaagty2vph7utlgj48u0ged6a337aewvraedendscp: signature
  • 573dxr: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • bae41ef385e0fc972977c7ea42b12cbd76577d2412919da8a8a22f9577b6507710c0e96dd78c821dea16453037f717f44aa7e3d196ebb18fbb97307dcb7336c3 hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 1 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e626332353030750b25fe64500d04444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444021a000081018202830384048000810182028303840480008101820283038404808103420e3838ae383b3e382bbe383b3e382b92031e69daf30041e14038200 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • f140d992ba419578ba9cfe1af85f92df90a76f442fb5e6e09b1f0582534ba87d hex of SHA256 of the preimage

Now send $24 for an entire list of things (hashed)



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 20m: amount (20 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • s: payment secret...
  • p: payment hash...
  • h: tagged field: hash of description
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • 8yjmdan79s6qqdhdzgynm4zwqd5d7xmw5fk98klysy043l2ahrqs: SHA256 of 'One piece of chocolate cake, one icecream cone, one pickle, one slice of swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollypop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon' (SHA256 hex: 3925b6f67e2c340036ed12093dd44e0368df1b6ea26c53dbe4811f58fd5db8c1)
  • 9: features
    • qr: data_length (q = 0, r = 3; 0 * 32 + 3 == 3)
    • sgq: b100000100000000
  • 7ea976txfraylvgzuxs8kgcw23ezlrszfnh8r6qtfpr6cxga50aj6txm9rxrydzd06dfeawfk6swupvz4erwnyutnjq7x39ymw6j38gp: signature
  • 7ynn44: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • f67a5f696648fa4fb102e1a07b230e54722f8e024cee71e80b4847ac191da3fb2d2cdb28cc32344d7e9a9cf5c9b6a0ee0582ae46e9938b9c81e344a4dbb5289d hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 1 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e626332306d0b25fe64500d04444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444021a000081018202830384048000810182028303840480008101820283038404808105c343925b6f67e2c340036ed12093dd44e0368df1b6ea26c53dbe4811f58fd5db8c10280704000 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • e2ffa444e2979edb639fbdaa384638683ba1a5240b14dd7a150e45a04eea261d hex of SHA256 of the preimage

The same, on testnet, with a fallback address mk2QpYatsKicvFVuTAQLBryyccRXMUaGHP



  • lntb: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin testnet
  • 20m: amount (20 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • h: tagged field: hash of description...
  • s: payment secret...
  • p: payment hash...
  • f: tagged field: fallback address
    • pp: data_length (p = 1; 1 * 32 + 1 == 33)
    • 3 = 17, so P2PKH address
    • x9et2e20v6pu37c5d9vax37wxq72un98: 160-bit P2PKH address
  • 9: features...
  • dj545axuxtnfemtpwkc45hx9d2ft7x04mt8q7y6t0k2dge9e7h8kpy9p34ytyslj3yu569aalz2xdk8xkd7ltxqld94u8h2esmsmacgp: signature
  • ghe9k8: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • 6ca95a74dc32e69ced6175b15a5cc56a92bf19f5dace0f134b7d94d464b9f5cf6090a18d48b243f289394d17bdf89466d8e6b37df5981f696bc3dd5986e1bee1 hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 1 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e746232306d0b25fe64500d044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444442e1a1c92db7b3f161a001b7689049eea2701b46f8db7513629edf2408fac7eaedc608043400010203040506070809000102030405060708090001020304050607080901020484313172b5654f6683c8fb146959d347ce303cae4ca728070400 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • 33bc6642a336097c74299cadfdfdd2e4884a555cf1b4fda72b095382d473d795 hex of SHA256 of the preimage

On mainnet, with fallback address 1RustyRX2oai4EYYDpQGWvEL62BBGqN9T with extra routing info to go via nodes 029e03a901b85534ff1e92c43c74431f7ce72046060fcf7a95c37e148f78c77255 then 039e03a901b85534ff1e92c43c74431f7ce72046060fcf7a95c37e148f78c77255



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 20m: amount (20 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • s: payment secret...
  • p: payment hash...
  • h: tagged field: hash of description...
  • f: tagged field: fallback address
    • pp: data_length (p = 1; 1 * 32 + 1 == 33)
    • 3 = 17, so P2PKH address
    • qjmp7lwpagxun9pygexvgpjdc4jdj85f: 160-bit P2PKH address
  • r: tagged field: route information
    • 9y: data_length (9 = 5, y = 4; 5 * 32 + 4 == 164)
      • q20q82gphp2nflc7jtzrcazrra7wwgzxqc8u7754cdlpfrmccae92qgzqvzq2ps8pqqqqqqpqqqqq9qqqvpeuqafqxu92d8lr6fvg0r5gv0heeeqgcrqlnm6jhphu9y00rrhy4grqszsvpcgpy9qqqqqqgqqqqq7qqzq:
        • pubkey: 029e03a901b85534ff1e92c43c74431f7ce72046060fcf7a95c37e148f78c77255
        • short_channel_id: 66051x263430x1800
        • fee_base_msat: 1 millisatoshi
        • fee_proportional_millionths: 20
        • cltv_expiry_delta: 3
        • pubkey: 039e03a901b85534ff1e92c43c74431f7ce72046060fcf7a95c37e148f78c77255
        • short_channel_id: 197637x395016x2314
        • fee_base_msat: 2 millisatoshi
        • fee_proportional_millionths: 30
        • cltv_expiry_delta: 4
  • 9: features...
  • dfjcdk6w3ak5pca9hwfwfh63zrrz06wwfya0ydlzpgzxkn5xagsqz7x9j4jwe7yj7vaf2k9lqsdk45kts2fd0fkr28am0u4w95tt2nsq: signature
  • 76cqw0: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • 6a6586db4e8f6d40e3a5bb92e4df5110c627e9ce493af237e20a046b4e86ea200178c59564ecf892f33a9558bf041b6ad2cb8292d7a6c351fbb7f2ae2d16b54e hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 0 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e626332306d0b25fe64500d04444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444021a000081018202830384048000810182028303840480008101820283038404808105c343925b6f67e2c340036ed12093dd44e0368df1b6ea26c53dbe4811f58fd5db8c104843104b61f7dc1ea0dc99424464cc4064dc564d91e891948053c07520370aa69fe3d258878e8863ef9ce408c0c1f9ef52b86fc291ef18ee4aa020406080a0c0e1000000002000000280006073c07520370aa69fe3d258878e8863ef9ce408c0c1f9ef52b86fc291ef18ee4aa06080a0c0e101214000000040000003c00080500e08000 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • b342d4655b984e53f405fe4d872fb9b7cf54ba538fcd170ed4a5906a9f535064 hex of SHA256 of the preimage

On mainnet, with fallback (P2SH) address 3EktnHQD7RiAE6uzMj2ZifT9YgRrkSgzQX



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 20m: amount (20 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • s: payment secret...
  • h: tagged field: hash of description...
  • p: payment hash...
  • f: tagged field: fallback address
    • pp: data_length (p = 1; 1 * 32 + 1 == 33)
    • j = 18, so P2SH address
    • 3a24vwu6r8ejrss3axul8rxldph2q7z9: 160-bit P2SH address
  • 9: features...
  • z6qsgww34xlatfj6e3sngrwfy3ytkt29d2qttr8qz2mnedfqysuqypgqex4haa2h8fx3wnypranf3pdwyluftwe680jjcfp438u82xqp: signature
  • hf75ym: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • 16810439d1a9bfd5a65acc61340dc92448bb2d456a80b58ce012b73cb5202438020500c9ab7ef5573a4d174c811f669885ae27f895bb3a3be52c243589f87518 hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 1 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e626332306d0b25fe64500d044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444442e1a1c92db7b3f161a001b7689049eea2701b46f8db7513629edf2408fac7eaedc608043400010203040506070809000102030405060708090001020304050607080901020484328f55563b9a19f321c211e9b9f38cdf686ea0784528070400 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • 9e93321a775f7dffdca03e61d1ac6e0e356cc63cecd3835271200c1e5b499d29 hex of SHA256 of the preimage

On mainnet, with fallback (P2WPKH) address bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kv8f3t4


  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 20m: amount (20 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • s: payment secret...
  • h: tagged field: hash of description...
  • p: payment hash...
  • f: tagged field: fallback address
    • pp: data_length (p = 1; 1 * 32 + 1 == 33)
    • q: 0, so witness version 0
    • w508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7k: 160 bits = P2WPKH.
  • 9: features...
  • t29a0wturnys2hhxpner2e3plp6jyj8qx7548zr2z7ptgjjc7hljm98xhjym0dg52sdrvqamxdezkmqg4gdrvwwnf0kv2jdfnl4xatsq: signature
  • mrnsse: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • 5a8bd7b97c1cc9055ee60cf2356621f8752248e037a953886a1782b44a58f5ff2d94e6bc89b7b514541a3603bb33722b6c08aa1a3639d34becc549a99fea6eae hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 0 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e626332306d0b25fe64500d044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444442e1a1c92db7b3f161a001b7689049eea2701b46f8db7513629edf2408fac7eaedc60804340001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090102048420751e76e8199196d454941c45d1b3a323f1433bd628070400 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • 44fbec32cdac99a1a3cd638ec507dad633a1e5bba514832fd3471e663a157f7b hex of SHA256 of the preimage

On mainnet, with fallback (P2WSH) address bc1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3qccfmv3


  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 20m: amount (20 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • s: payment secret...
  • h: tagged field: hash of description...
  • p: payment hash...
  • f: tagged field: fallback address
    • p4: data_length (p = 1, 4 = 21; 1 * 32 + 21 == 53)
    • q: 0, so witness version 0
    • rp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3q: 260 bits = P2WSH.
  • 9: features...
  • 9vlvyj8cqvq6ggvpwd53jncp9nwc47xlrsnenq2zp70fq83qlgesn4u3uyf4tesfkkwwfg3qs54qe426hp3tz7z6sweqdjg05axsrjqp: signature
  • 9yrrwc: Bech32 checksum
  • Signature breakdown:
    • 2b3ec248f80301a421817369194f012cdd8af8df1c279981420f9e901e20fa3309d791e11355e609b59ce4a220852a0cd55ab862b1785a83b206c90fa74d01c8 hex of signature data (32-byte r, 32-byte s)
    • 1 (int) recovery flag contained in signature
    • 6c6e626332306d0b25fe64500d044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444442e1a1c92db7b3f161a001b7689049eea2701b46f8db7513629edf2408fac7eaedc608043400010203040506070809000102030405060708090001020304050607080901020486a01863143c14c5166804bd19203356da136c985678cd4d27a1b8c63296049032620280704000 hex of data for signing (prefix + data after separator up to the start of the signature)
    • 865a2cc6730e1eeeacd30e6da8e9ab0e9115828d27953ec0c0f985db05da5027 hex of SHA256 of the preimage

Please send 0.00967878534 BTC for a list of items within one week, amount in pico-BTC



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on bitcoin mainnet
  • 9678785340p: amount (9678785340 pico-bitcoin = 967878534 milli satoshi)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pwmna7l: timestamp (1572468703)
  • s: payment secret...
  • p: payment hash
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • gc3xfm08u9qy06djf8dfflhugl6p7lgza6dsjxq454gxhj9t7a0s: payment hash 462264ede7e14047e9b249da94fefc47f41f7d02ee9b091815a5506bc8abf75f
  • d: short description
    • 8d: data_length (8 = 7, d = 13; 7 * 32 + 13 == 237)
    • gfkx7cmtwd68yetpd5s9xar0wfjn5gpc8qhrsdfq24f5ggrxdaezqsnvda3kkum5wfjkzmfqf3jkgem9wgsyuctwdus9xgrcyqcjcgpzgfskx6eqf9hzqnteypzxz7fzypfhg6trddjhygrcyqezcgpzfysywmm5ypxxjemgw3hxjmn8yptk7untd9hxwg3q2d6xjcmtv4ezq7pqxgsxzmnyyqcjqmt0wfjjq6t5v4khx: 'Blockstream Store: 88.85 USD for Blockstream Ledger Nano S x 1, "Back In My Day" Sticker x 2, "I Got Lightning Working" Sticker x 2 and 1 more items'
  • x: expiry time
    • qy: data_length (q = 0, y = 2; 0 * 32 + 4 == 4)
    • jw5q: 604800 seconds (j = 18, w = 14, 5 = 20, q = 0; 18 * 32^3 + 14 * 32^2 + 20 * 32 + 0 == 604800)
  • c: min_final_cltv_expiry_delta
    • qp: data_length (q = 0, p = 1; 0 * 32 + 1 == 1)
    • 2: min_final_cltv_expiry_delta = 10
  • r: tagged field: route information
    • zj: data_length (z = 2, j = 18; 2 * 32 + 18 == 82)
    • q0gxwkzc8w6323m55m4jyxcjwmy7stt9hwkwe2qxmy8zpsgg7jcuwz87fcqqeuqqqyqqqqlgqqqqn3qq9q:
      • pubkey: 03d06758583bb5154774a6eb221b1276c9e82d65bbaceca806d90e20c108f4b1c7
      • short_channel_id: 589390x3312x1
      • fee_base_msat = 1000
      • fee_proportional_millionths = 2500
      • cltv_expiry_delta = 40
  • 9: features...
  • rvgkpnmps664wgkp43l22qsgdw4ve24aca4nymnxddlnp8vh9v2sdxlu5ywdxefsfvm0fq3sesf08uf6q9a2ke0hc9j6z6wlxg5z5kqp: signature
  • u2v9wz: Bech32 checksum

Please send $30 for coffee beans to the same peer, which supports features 8, 14 and 99, using secret 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 25m: amount (25 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • p: payment hash...
  • d: short description
    • q5: data_length (q = 0, 5 = 20; 0 * 32 + 20 == 20)
    • vdhkven9v5sxyetpdees: 'coffee beans'
  • s: payment secret
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zygs: 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
  • 9: features
    • q5: data_length (q = 0, 5 = 20; 0 * 32 + 20 == 20)
    • sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqsgq: b1000....00000100000100000000
  • 2a25dxl5hrntdtn6zvydt7d66hyzsyhqs4wdynavys42xgl6sgx9c4g7me86a27t07mdtfry458rtjr0v92cnmswpsjscgt2vcse3sgp: signature
  • z3uapa: Bech32 checksum

Same, but all upper case.


Same, but including fields which must be ignored.



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 25m: amount (25 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • p: payment hash...
  • d: short description
    • q5: data_length (q = 0, 5 = 20; 0 * 32 + 20 == 20)
    • vdhkven9v5sxyetpdees: 'coffee beans'
  • s: payment secret
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zygs: 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
  • 9: features
    • q5: data_length (q = 0, 5 = 20; 0 * 32 + 20 == 20)
    • sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqsgq: b1000....00000100000100000000
  • 2: unknown field
    • qr: data_length (q = 0, r = 3; 0 * 32 + 3 == 3)
    • qqq: zeroes
  • f: tagged field: fallback address
    • pp: data_length (p = 1, p = 1; 1 * 32 + 1 == 33)
    • nqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq: fallback address type 19 (ignored)
  • p: payment hash
    • pn: data_length (p = 1, n = 19; 1 * 32 + 19 == 51) (ignored)
    • qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  • p: payment hash
    • p4: data_length (p = 1, 4 = 21; 1 * 32 + 21 == 53) (ignored)
    • qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  • h: hash of description
    • pn: data_length (p = 1, n = 19; 1 * 32 + 19 == 51) (ignored)
    • qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  • h: hash of description
    • p4: data_length (p = 1, 4 = 21; 1 * 32 + 21 == 53) (ignored)
    • qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  • s: payment secret
    • pn: data_length (p = 1, n = 19; 1 * 32 + 19 == 51) (ignored)
    • qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  • s: payment secret
    • p4: data_length (p = 1, 4 = 21; 1 * 32 + 21 == 53) (ignored)
    • qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  • n: node id
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52) (ignored)
    • qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  • n: node id
    • pk: data_length (p = 1, k = 22; 1 * 32 + 22 == 54) (ignored)
    • qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
  • z599y53s3ujmcfjp5xrdap68qxymkqphwsexhmhr8wdz5usdzkzrse33chw6dlp3jhuhge9ley7j2ayx36kawe7kmgg8sv5ugdyusdcq: signature
  • zn8z9x: Bech32 checksum

Please send 0.01 BTC with payment metadata 0x01fafaf0



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 10m: amount (10 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • p: payment hash
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • qqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqypq: payment hash 0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090102
  • d: short description
    • p9: data_length (p = 1, 9 = 5; 1 * 32 + 5 == 37)
    • wpshjmt9de6zqmt9w3skgct5vysxjmnnd9jx2: 'payment metadata inside'
  • m: metadata
    • q8: data_length (q = 0, 8 = 7; 0 * 32 + 7 == 7)
    • q8a04uq: 0x01fafaf0
  • s: payment secret
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zygs: 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
  • 9: features
    • q2: data_length (q = 0, 2 = 10; 0 * 32 + 10 == 10)
    • gqqqqqqsgq: [b01000000000000000000000000000000000100000100000000] = 8 + 14 + 48
  • 7hf8he7ecf7n4ffphs6awl9t6676rrclv9ckg3d3ncn7fct63p6s365duk5wrk202cfy3aj5xnnp5gs3vrdvruverwwq7yzhkf5a3xqp: signature
  • d05wjc: Bech32 checksum

Examples of Invalid Invoices

Same, but adding invalid unknown feature 100



  • lnbc: prefix, Lightning on Bitcoin mainnet
  • 25m: amount (25 milli-bitcoin)
  • 1: Bech32 separator
  • pvjluez: timestamp (1496314658)
  • p: payment hash...
  • d: short description
    • q5: data_length (q = 0, 5 = 20; 0 * 32 + 20 == 20)
    • vdhkven9v5sxyetpdees: 'coffee beans'
  • s: payment secret
    • p5: data_length (p = 1, 5 = 20; 1 * 32 + 20 == 52)
    • zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zygs: 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
  • 9: features
    • q4: data_length (q = 0, 4 = 21; 0 * 32 + 21 == 21)
    • psqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqsgq: b000011000....00000100000100000000
  • tqyx5vggfcsll4wu246hz02kp85x4katwsk9639we5n5yngc3yhqkm35jnjw4len8vrnqnf5ejh0mzj9n3vz2px97evektfm2l6wqccp: signature
  • 3y7372: Bech32 checksum

Bech32 checksum is invalid.


Malformed bech32 string (no 1)


Malformed bech32 string (mixed case)


Signature is not recoverable.


String is too short.


Invalid multiplier


Invalid sub-millisatoshi precision.



[ FIXME: ]

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.