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File metadata and controls

70 lines (54 loc) · 3.43 KB


The loader allows you to extend templates for SFC by overriding slots.


Install the loader by running:

npm npm i --save vue-template-extends

Add loader to Webpack config in module.rules:

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
    module: {
        rules: [
                resourceQuery: /blockType=template-extends/,
                loaders: ['vue-template-extends']


For example, your base component has template:

<!-- BaseComponent.vue -->
        <slot name="header">Base header</slot>
        Some common content

To override slots from base component, you must create in child component file custom block <template-extends> with attribute base that contains a relative path to base component template (without file extension). This block should contain <slot> tags with optional name attribute. Default name for slots is default (like in VueJs).

<!-- ChildComponent.vue -->
<template-extends base="./BaseComponent">
    <slot name="header">Child header</slot>

Implementation details

When loader used for <template-extends> custom block, it gets evaluated (recursively by base-attribute) template string from parent component defined in base attribute. Then it replaces <slot>-tags content in parent template string with related (matched by name-attributes) <slot>-tags content in <template-extends>-block. All this happens on the server during build.

Then on the client-side in user's browser, evaluated template compiled by Vue.compile() to renders functions (render and staticRenderFns), that is sets as component options.


In one of my projects I have some complex forms with small differences in some places. Unfortunately VueJs by default don't allow extends a template's blocks (like @yeld/@extends/@section in Laravel Blade).

Possible solutions that I know is:

  • Use template pre-processor for custom template engine, that supports extends templates:
    • Pug - Supported out of the box bu VueJs. But I don't like this solution because I don't wont to change all my templates to Pug-syntax just for extend some templates.
    • Nunjucks - I started to try it, but not complete, because this loader has been created.
  • Use custom loaders:

In fact this loader inspired by Vue Slot Loader and grown from the last (thanks to @SasanFarrokh).