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Releases: linuxserver/docker-grocy


23 Sep 08:06
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Alpine 3.14 and PHP 8.

grocy Changes:

  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having "> 2 times duplicate" (means the same barcode was added more than 2 times) product barcodes
  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having unsupported parent/child product nesting levels
    • More information on this: Only 1 level is currently supported; creating > 1 level nestings was never possible via the UI/frontend, but not checked/enforced by the backend before v3.0.0 - so it was potentially possible via the API (or any third party app/tool which utilizes it) to create such a nesting which then made this upgrade to fail
  • Fixed that it was not possible to select a chore/battery on the corresponding tracking pages by mouse/touch
  • Fixed that grouping by columns in tables may caused duplicate groups
  • Fixed that grocycode camera barcode scanning didn't recognize the scanned code for chore/battery tracking
  • Fixed that when having any "Track date only" chore on the calendar, the iCal export was broken
  • Optimized the meal plan page to be properly printable (thanks @MrKrisKrisu)


❗ The release before (v3.1.0) introduced that "numbers are now returned as numbers": This was reverted since it had unintended side effects (so all fields are technically strings now again, just like before - sorry for that)

  • Fixed that missing_products of the /stock/volatile endpoint also contained inactive products
  • Fixed that when having multiple Userfields for an entity, the /objects/{entity} endpoint returned wrong Userfield values
  • Fixed that the /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/consume and /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/transfer endpoints haven't used the stock entry given by a stock entry grocycode (thanks @lowlee for the initial work on this)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes were broken for normal barcodes (only grocycodes were accepted) (thanks @larsverp)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes also accepted chore or battery grocycodes (thanks @lowlee)


16 Sep 08:06
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Alpine 3.14 and PHP 8.

grocy Changes:

  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having "> 2 times duplicate" (means the same barcode was added more than 2 times) product barcodes
  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having unsupported parent/child product nesting levels
    • More information on this: Only 1 level is currently supported; creating > 1 level nestings was never possible via the UI/frontend, but not checked/enforced by the backend before v3.0.0 - so it was potentially possible via the API (or any third party app/tool which utilizes it) to create such a nesting which then made this upgrade to fail
  • Fixed that it was not possible to select a chore/battery on the corresponding tracking pages by mouse/touch
  • Fixed that grouping by columns in tables may caused duplicate groups
  • Fixed that grocycode camera barcode scanning didn't recognize the scanned code for chore/battery tracking
  • Fixed that when having any "Track date only" chore on the calendar, the iCal export was broken
  • Optimized the meal plan page to be properly printable (thanks @MrKrisKrisu)


❗ The release before (v3.1.0) introduced that "numbers are now returned as numbers": This was reverted since it had unintended side effects (so all fields are technically strings now again, just like before - sorry for that)

  • Fixed that missing_products of the /stock/volatile endpoint also contained inactive products
  • Fixed that when having multiple Userfields for an entity, the /objects/{entity} endpoint returned wrong Userfield values
  • Fixed that the /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/consume and /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/transfer endpoints haven't used the stock entry given by a stock entry grocycode (thanks @lowlee for the initial work on this)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes were broken for normal barcodes (only grocycodes were accepted) (thanks @larsverp)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes also accepted chore or battery grocycodes (thanks @lowlee)


02 Sep 08:10
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Alpine 3.14 and PHP 8.

grocy Changes:

  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having "> 2 times duplicate" (means the same barcode was added more than 2 times) product barcodes
  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having unsupported parent/child product nesting levels
    • More information on this: Only 1 level is currently supported; creating > 1 level nestings was never possible via the UI/frontend, but not checked/enforced by the backend before v3.0.0 - so it was potentially possible via the API (or any third party app/tool which utilizes it) to create such a nesting which then made this upgrade to fail
  • Fixed that it was not possible to select a chore/battery on the corresponding tracking pages by mouse/touch
  • Fixed that grouping by columns in tables may caused duplicate groups
  • Fixed that grocycode camera barcode scanning didn't recognize the scanned code for chore/battery tracking
  • Fixed that when having any "Track date only" chore on the calendar, the iCal export was broken
  • Optimized the meal plan page to be properly printable (thanks @MrKrisKrisu)


❗ The release before (v3.1.0) introduced that "numbers are now returned as numbers": This was reverted since it had unintended side effects (so all fields are technically strings now again, just like before - sorry for that)

  • Fixed that missing_products of the /stock/volatile endpoint also contained inactive products
  • Fixed that when having multiple Userfields for an entity, the /objects/{entity} endpoint returned wrong Userfield values
  • Fixed that the /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/consume and /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/transfer endpoints haven't used the stock entry given by a stock entry grocycode (thanks @lowlee for the initial work on this)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes were broken for normal barcodes (only grocycodes were accepted) (thanks @larsverp)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes also accepted chore or battery grocycodes (thanks @lowlee)


26 Aug 08:09
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Alpine 3.14 and PHP 8.

grocy Changes:

  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having "> 2 times duplicate" (means the same barcode was added more than 2 times) product barcodes
  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having unsupported parent/child product nesting levels
    • More information on this: Only 1 level is currently supported; creating > 1 level nestings was never possible via the UI/frontend, but not checked/enforced by the backend before v3.0.0 - so it was potentially possible via the API (or any third party app/tool which utilizes it) to create such a nesting which then made this upgrade to fail
  • Fixed that it was not possible to select a chore/battery on the corresponding tracking pages by mouse/touch
  • Fixed that grouping by columns in tables may caused duplicate groups
  • Fixed that grocycode camera barcode scanning didn't recognize the scanned code for chore/battery tracking
  • Fixed that when having any "Track date only" chore on the calendar, the iCal export was broken
  • Optimized the meal plan page to be properly printable (thanks @MrKrisKrisu)


❗ The release before (v3.1.0) introduced that "numbers are now returned as numbers": This was reverted since it had unintended side effects (so all fields are technically strings now again, just like before - sorry for that)

  • Fixed that missing_products of the /stock/volatile endpoint also contained inactive products
  • Fixed that when having multiple Userfields for an entity, the /objects/{entity} endpoint returned wrong Userfield values
  • Fixed that the /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/consume and /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/transfer endpoints haven't used the stock entry given by a stock entry grocycode (thanks @lowlee for the initial work on this)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes were broken for normal barcodes (only grocycodes were accepted) (thanks @larsverp)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes also accepted chore or battery grocycodes (thanks @lowlee)


22 Aug 00:05
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LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Alpine 3.14 and PHP 8.

grocy Changes:

  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having "> 2 times duplicate" (means the same barcode was added more than 2 times) product barcodes
  • Fixed that the upgrade failed when having unsupported parent/child product nesting levels
    • More information on this: Only 1 level is currently supported; creating > 1 level nestings was never possible via the UI/frontend, but not checked/enforced by the backend before v3.0.0 - so it was potentially possible via the API (or any third party app/tool which utilizes it) to create such a nesting which then made this upgrade to fail
  • Fixed that it was not possible to select a chore/battery on the corresponding tracking pages by mouse/touch
  • Fixed that grouping by columns in tables may caused duplicate groups
  • Fixed that grocycode camera barcode scanning didn't recognize the scanned code for chore/battery tracking
  • Fixed that when having any "Track date only" chore on the calendar, the iCal export was broken
  • Optimized the meal plan page to be properly printable (thanks @MrKrisKrisu)


❗ The release before (v3.1.0) introduced that "numbers are now returned as numbers": This was reverted since it had unintended side effects (so all fields are technically strings now again, just like before - sorry for that)

  • Fixed that missing_products of the /stock/volatile endpoint also contained inactive products
  • Fixed that when having multiple Userfields for an entity, the /objects/{entity} endpoint returned wrong Userfield values
  • Fixed that the /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/consume and /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/transfer endpoints haven't used the stock entry given by a stock entry grocycode (thanks @lowlee for the initial work on this)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes were broken for normal barcodes (only grocycodes were accepted) (thanks @larsverp)
  • Fixed that the "Stock by-barcode" API routes also accepted chore or battery grocycodes (thanks @lowlee)


12 Aug 08:08
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LinuxServer Changes:

Add 'int','json' and 'zlib' PHP extensions.

grocy Changes:

⚠️ The following PHP extensions are now additionally required: json, intl, zlib

⚠️ PHP 8 is now supported and from now on the only tested runtime version (although currently PHP 7.2 should still work).

New feature: grocycode / label printer support

(Own) Product/stock entry/chores/batteries labels/barcodes

  • Print own labels/barcodes for products/stock entries/chores/batteries and then scan that code on every place a product/stock entry/chore/battery can be selected
  • Can be printed (or downloaded) via
    • The product/chore/battery edit page
    • The context/more menu per line on the overview pages and for stock entries on the stock entries page
    • Automatically on purchase (new option on the purchase page, defaults can be configured per product) for stock entries
  • The used barcode type can be configured via the config.php option GROCYCODE_TYPE:
    • 1D (default) will produce a Code128 1D barcode (supported by the integrated camera barcode scanner)
    • 2D will produce a DataMatrix 2D barcode (currently not supported by the integrated camera barcode scanner, but can be probably printed smaller)
  • Label printer functionality can be enabled via the new feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_LABEL_PRINTER (defaults to disabled)
  • Label printer communication happens via WebHooks - see the new LABEL_PRINTER* config.php options
  • grocycodes can also be used without a label printer - you can view or download thm as pictures and print them manually
  • More information:
  • (Thanks a lot @mistressofjellyfish for the initial work on this)

New feature: Meal plan sections

  • Split the meal plan into sections like Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
    • => New button "Configure sections" on the meal plan page to configure the sections (top right corner)
    • => Each meal plan entry can be assigned to a section

New feature: Shopping list thermal printer support

  • The shopping list can now be printed on a thermal printer
    • The printer must be compatible to the ESC/POS protocol and needs to be locally attached or network reachable to/by the machine hosting grocy (so the server)
    • See the new TPRINTER* config.php options to configure the printer connection and other options
    • => New button on the shopping list print dialog
  • Can be enabled via the new feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_THERMAL_PRINTER (defaults to disabled)
  • (Thanks a lot @Forceu)

Stock improvements/fixes

  • Product barcodes are now enforced to be unique across products
  • On the stock overview page it's now also possible to search/filter by product barcodes (via the general search field)
  • The product picker on the consume and transfer page now only shows products which are currently in stock
  • Added a filter option to only show in-stock products on the stock overview and products list (master data) page
  • Added new columns on the stock overview page (hidden by default): Product description, product default location, parent product, product picture
  • Added a new product option "Should not be frozen" (defaults to disabled and only visible when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRODUCT_FREEZING is enabled)
    • When enabled, on moving the product to a freezer location (so when freezing it), a corresponding warning will be shown
  • Optimized that when opening a product which has "Default due days after opened" set, the resulting date now never extends the original due date
  • Added a new stock setting (top right corner settings menu) "Add decimal separator automatically for price inputs" (defaults to disabled)
    • When enabled, you always have to enter the value including decimal places, the decimal separator will be automatically added based on the amount of allowed decimal places
  • Fixed that editing stock entries was not possible
  • Fixed that consuming with Scan Mode was not possible
  • Fixed that the current stock total value (header of the stock overview page) didn't include decimal amounts (thanks @Ape)
  • Fixed that the transfer page was not fully populated when opening it from the stock entries page
  • Fixed that undoing a consume/open action from the success notification on the stock entries page was not possible
  • Fixed that adding a barcode to a product didn't save the selected quantity unit when the product only has a single one
  • Fixed that the store information on a stock entry was lost when transferring a partial amount to a different location
  • Fixed that the "Spoil rate" on the product card was wrong in some cases
  • Fixed that the stock journal showed always the products default location (instead of the location of the transaction)
  • Fixed that the aggregated amount of parent products was wrong when indirect quantity unit conversions were used

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • The amount now defaults to 1 for adding items quicker
  • Added a status filter for only done items
  • The total value is now also shown (based on "Last price (Total)" per item, displayed on the page header and only when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRICE_TRACKING is enabled)
  • Fixed that shopping list prints had a grey background (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed the form validation on the shopping list item page (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that when adding products to the shopping list from the stock overview page, the used quantity unit was always the products default purchase QU (and not the selected one)
  • Fixed that the displayed last unit/total price was wrong when the used quantity unit was not the products stock QU
  • Fixed that the "Add as barcode to existing product" productpicker workflow did not work

Recipe improvements/fixes

  • Recipe printing improvements (thanks @Ape)
  • Calories are now always displayed per single serving (on the recipe and meal plan page)
  • The note of an ingredient will now also be added to the corresponding shopping list item when using "Put missing products on the shopping list"
  • It's now possible to copy a recipe (button/dropdown menu item per recipe)
  • Fixed that the recipe page was slow when there were a lot meal plan recipe entries
  • Fixed that "Only check if any amount is in stock" (recipe ingredient option) didn't work for stock amounts < 1
  • Fixed that when adding missing items to the shopping list, on the popup deselected items got also added
  • Fixed that the amount of self produced products with tare weight handling enabled was wrong ("Produces product" recipe option)
  • Fixed that the ingredient amount calculation for included/nested recipes was (for most cases) wrong
  • Fixed that the ingredient amount was wrong when using a to the product indirectly related quantity unit
  • Fixed that the calories amount calculation was wrong when quantity unit conversions were involved

Meal plan improvements/fixes

  • Improved the meal plan page loading time (drastically when having a big history of meal plan entries)
  • Meal plan entries can now be visually marked as "done" (new button per entry)
    • This happens automatically on consuming a recipe/product from the meal plan page
  • It's now possible to copy all entries of a day to another day (in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column)
  • The "Display recipe" button was removed, instead clicking the recipe title now displays the recipe (and this now also works for products; shows the product card)
  • Fixed that stock fulfillment checking used the desired servings of the recipe (those selected on the recipes page, not them from the meal plan entry)

Chores improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to track any addtional info on a chore execution by using Userfields
    • => Configure the desired Userfields for the entity chores_log
    • => The on chore execution tracking entered information is then visible on the corresponding chore journal entry
  • Fixed that tracking chores with "Done by" a different user was not possible

Userfield improvements/fixes

  • Userfields can now be configured as mandatory (new Userfield option, defaults to disabled)
  • Fixed that numeric Userfields were initialised with 1.0
  • Fixed that shortcuts (up/down key) and the format did not work correctly when using multiple date/time Userfields per object
  • Fixed that Userfields were not saved when adding a product or a recipe (only on editing)

General & other improvements/fixes

  • LDAP authentication improvements / OpenLDAP support (thanks @tank0226)
    • A read only service account can now be used for binding
    • The username attribute is now configurable
    • Filtering of accounts is now possible
    • => See the new LDAP* config.php options
  • Improved the page loading time of all journal pages (stock/chores/batteries) by adding a new date range filter
  • Some night mode style improvements (thanks @BlizzWave and @KTibow)
  • Help tooltips are now additionally also triggered by clicking on them (instead of only hovering them, which doesn't work on mobile / touch devices)
  • The camera barcode scanner now also supports Code 39 barcodes (used for example in Germany on pharma products (PZN)) (thanks @andreheuer)
  • Fixed that the number picker up/down buttons did not work when the input field was empty or contained an invalid number
  • Fixed that links and embeds (e.g. YouTube videos) did not work in the text editor
  • Fixed that the "Manage users" and "Manage API keys" menu was not shown when using reverse proxy authentication

API improvements/fixes

❗ Numbers are now returned as numbers (so technically without quotes around them, were strings for nearly all endpoints before - should practically be no real difference)

  • Added a new endpoint /system/localization-strings to get the localization strings (gettext JSON representation; in the by the user de...
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05 Aug 08:07
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LinuxServer Changes:

Add 'int','json' and 'zlib' PHP extensions.

grocy Changes:

⚠️ The following PHP extensions are now additionally required: json, intl, zlib

⚠️ PHP 8 is now supported and from now on the only tested runtime version (although currently PHP 7.2 should still work).

New feature: grocycode / label printer support

(Own) Product/stock entry/chores/batteries labels/barcodes

  • Print own labels/barcodes for products/stock entries/chores/batteries and then scan that code on every place a product/stock entry/chore/battery can be selected
  • Can be printed (or downloaded) via
    • The product/chore/battery edit page
    • The context/more menu per line on the overview pages and for stock entries on the stock entries page
    • Automatically on purchase (new option on the purchase page, defaults can be configured per product) for stock entries
  • The used barcode type can be configured via the config.php option GROCYCODE_TYPE:
    • 1D (default) will produce a Code128 1D barcode (supported by the integrated camera barcode scanner)
    • 2D will produce a DataMatrix 2D barcode (currently not supported by the integrated camera barcode scanner, but can be probably printed smaller)
  • Label printer functionality can be enabled via the new feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_LABEL_PRINTER (defaults to disabled)
  • Label printer communication happens via WebHooks - see the new LABEL_PRINTER* config.php options
  • grocycodes can also be used without a label printer - you can view or download thm as pictures and print them manually
  • More information:
  • (Thanks a lot @mistressofjellyfish for the initial work on this)

New feature: Meal plan sections

  • Split the meal plan into sections like Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
    • => New button "Configure sections" on the meal plan page to configure the sections (top right corner)
    • => Each meal plan entry can be assigned to a section

New feature: Shopping list thermal printer support

  • The shopping list can now be printed on a thermal printer
    • The printer must be compatible to the ESC/POS protocol and needs to be locally attached or network reachable to/by the machine hosting grocy (so the server)
    • See the new TPRINTER* config.php options to configure the printer connection and other options
    • => New button on the shopping list print dialog
  • Can be enabled via the new feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_THERMAL_PRINTER (defaults to disabled)
  • (Thanks a lot @Forceu)

Stock improvements/fixes

  • Product barcodes are now enforced to be unique across products
  • On the stock overview page it's now also possible to search/filter by product barcodes (via the general search field)
  • The product picker on the consume and transfer page now only shows products which are currently in stock
  • Added a filter option to only show in-stock products on the stock overview and products list (master data) page
  • Added new columns on the stock overview page (hidden by default): Product description, product default location, parent product, product picture
  • Added a new product option "Should not be frozen" (defaults to disabled and only visible when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRODUCT_FREEZING is enabled)
    • When enabled, on moving the product to a freezer location (so when freezing it), a corresponding warning will be shown
  • Optimized that when opening a product which has "Default due days after opened" set, the resulting date now never extends the original due date
  • Added a new stock setting (top right corner settings menu) "Add decimal separator automatically for price inputs" (defaults to disabled)
    • When enabled, you always have to enter the value including decimal places, the decimal separator will be automatically added based on the amount of allowed decimal places
  • Fixed that editing stock entries was not possible
  • Fixed that consuming with Scan Mode was not possible
  • Fixed that the current stock total value (header of the stock overview page) didn't include decimal amounts (thanks @Ape)
  • Fixed that the transfer page was not fully populated when opening it from the stock entries page
  • Fixed that undoing a consume/open action from the success notification on the stock entries page was not possible
  • Fixed that adding a barcode to a product didn't save the selected quantity unit when the product only has a single one
  • Fixed that the store information on a stock entry was lost when transferring a partial amount to a different location
  • Fixed that the "Spoil rate" on the product card was wrong in some cases
  • Fixed that the stock journal showed always the products default location (instead of the location of the transaction)
  • Fixed that the aggregated amount of parent products was wrong when indirect quantity unit conversions were used

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • The amount now defaults to 1 for adding items quicker
  • Added a status filter for only done items
  • The total value is now also shown (based on "Last price (Total)" per item, displayed on the page header and only when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRICE_TRACKING is enabled)
  • Fixed that shopping list prints had a grey background (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed the form validation on the shopping list item page (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that when adding products to the shopping list from the stock overview page, the used quantity unit was always the products default purchase QU (and not the selected one)
  • Fixed that the displayed last unit/total price was wrong when the used quantity unit was not the products stock QU
  • Fixed that the "Add as barcode to existing product" productpicker workflow did not work

Recipe improvements/fixes

  • Recipe printing improvements (thanks @Ape)
  • Calories are now always displayed per single serving (on the recipe and meal plan page)
  • The note of an ingredient will now also be added to the corresponding shopping list item when using "Put missing products on the shopping list"
  • It's now possible to copy a recipe (button/dropdown menu item per recipe)
  • Fixed that the recipe page was slow when there were a lot meal plan recipe entries
  • Fixed that "Only check if any amount is in stock" (recipe ingredient option) didn't work for stock amounts < 1
  • Fixed that when adding missing items to the shopping list, on the popup deselected items got also added
  • Fixed that the amount of self produced products with tare weight handling enabled was wrong ("Produces product" recipe option)
  • Fixed that the ingredient amount calculation for included/nested recipes was (for most cases) wrong
  • Fixed that the ingredient amount was wrong when using a to the product indirectly related quantity unit
  • Fixed that the calories amount calculation was wrong when quantity unit conversions were involved

Meal plan improvements/fixes

  • Improved the meal plan page loading time (drastically when having a big history of meal plan entries)
  • Meal plan entries can now be visually marked as "done" (new button per entry)
    • This happens automatically on consuming a recipe/product from the meal plan page
  • It's now possible to copy all entries of a day to another day (in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column)
  • The "Display recipe" button was removed, instead clicking the recipe title now displays the recipe (and this now also works for products; shows the product card)
  • Fixed that stock fulfillment checking used the desired servings of the recipe (those selected on the recipes page, not them from the meal plan entry)

Chores improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to track any addtional info on a chore execution by using Userfields
    • => Configure the desired Userfields for the entity chores_log
    • => The on chore execution tracking entered information is then visible on the corresponding chore journal entry
  • Fixed that tracking chores with "Done by" a different user was not possible

Userfield improvements/fixes

  • Userfields can now be configured as mandatory (new Userfield option, defaults to disabled)
  • Fixed that numeric Userfields were initialised with 1.0
  • Fixed that shortcuts (up/down key) and the format did not work correctly when using multiple date/time Userfields per object
  • Fixed that Userfields were not saved when adding a product or a recipe (only on editing)

General & other improvements/fixes

  • LDAP authentication improvements / OpenLDAP support (thanks @tank0226)
    • A read only service account can now be used for binding
    • The username attribute is now configurable
    • Filtering of accounts is now possible
    • => See the new LDAP* config.php options
  • Improved the page loading time of all journal pages (stock/chores/batteries) by adding a new date range filter
  • Some night mode style improvements (thanks @BlizzWave and @KTibow)
  • Help tooltips are now additionally also triggered by clicking on them (instead of only hovering them, which doesn't work on mobile / touch devices)
  • The camera barcode scanner now also supports Code 39 barcodes (used for example in Germany on pharma products (PZN)) (thanks @andreheuer)
  • Fixed that the number picker up/down buttons did not work when the input field was empty or contained an invalid number
  • Fixed that links and embeds (e.g. YouTube videos) did not work in the text editor
  • Fixed that the "Manage users" and "Manage API keys" menu was not shown when using reverse proxy authentication

API improvements/fixes

❗ Numbers are now returned as numbers (so technically without quotes around them, were strings for nearly all endpoints before - should practically be no real difference)

  • Added a new endpoint /system/localization-strings to get the localization strings (gettext JSON representation; in the by the user de...
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29 Jul 08:13
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LinuxServer Changes:

Add 'int','json' and 'zlib' PHP extensions.

grocy Changes:

⚠️ The following PHP extensions are now additionally required: json, intl, zlib

⚠️ PHP 8 is now supported and from now on the only tested runtime version (although currently PHP 7.2 should still work).

New feature: grocycode / label printer support

(Own) Product/stock entry/chores/batteries labels/barcodes

  • Print own labels/barcodes for products/stock entries/chores/batteries and then scan that code on every place a product/stock entry/chore/battery can be selected
  • Can be printed (or downloaded) via
    • The product/chore/battery edit page
    • The context/more menu per line on the overview pages and for stock entries on the stock entries page
    • Automatically on purchase (new option on the purchase page, defaults can be configured per product) for stock entries
  • The used barcode type can be configured via the config.php option GROCYCODE_TYPE:
    • 1D (default) will produce a Code128 1D barcode (supported by the integrated camera barcode scanner)
    • 2D will produce a DataMatrix 2D barcode (currently not supported by the integrated camera barcode scanner, but can be probably printed smaller)
  • Label printer functionality can be enabled via the new feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_LABEL_PRINTER (defaults to disabled)
  • Label printer communication happens via WebHooks - see the new LABEL_PRINTER* config.php options
  • grocycodes can also be used without a label printer - you can view or download thm as pictures and print them manually
  • More information:
  • (Thanks a lot @mistressofjellyfish for the initial work on this)

New feature: Meal plan sections

  • Split the meal plan into sections like Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
    • => New button "Configure sections" on the meal plan page to configure the sections (top right corner)
    • => Each meal plan entry can be assigned to a section

New feature: Shopping list thermal printer support

  • The shopping list can now be printed on a thermal printer
    • The printer must be compatible to the ESC/POS protocol and needs to be locally attached or network reachable to/by the machine hosting grocy (so the server)
    • See the new TPRINTER* config.php options to configure the printer connection and other options
    • => New button on the shopping list print dialog
  • Can be enabled via the new feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_THERMAL_PRINTER (defaults to disabled)
  • (Thanks a lot @Forceu)

Stock improvements/fixes

  • Product barcodes are now enforced to be unique across products
  • On the stock overview page it's now also possible to search/filter by product barcodes (via the general search field)
  • The product picker on the consume and transfer page now only shows products which are currently in stock
  • Added a filter option to only show in-stock products on the stock overview and products list (master data) page
  • Added new columns on the stock overview page (hidden by default): Product description, product default location, parent product, product picture
  • Added a new product option "Should not be frozen" (defaults to disabled and only visible when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRODUCT_FREEZING is enabled)
    • When enabled, on moving the product to a freezer location (so when freezing it), a corresponding warning will be shown
  • Optimized that when opening a product which has "Default due days after opened" set, the resulting date now never extends the original due date
  • Added a new stock setting (top right corner settings menu) "Add decimal separator automatically for price inputs" (defaults to disabled)
    • When enabled, you always have to enter the value including decimal places, the decimal separator will be automatically added based on the amount of allowed decimal places
  • Fixed that editing stock entries was not possible
  • Fixed that consuming with Scan Mode was not possible
  • Fixed that the current stock total value (header of the stock overview page) didn't include decimal amounts (thanks @Ape)
  • Fixed that the transfer page was not fully populated when opening it from the stock entries page
  • Fixed that undoing a consume/open action from the success notification on the stock entries page was not possible
  • Fixed that adding a barcode to a product didn't save the selected quantity unit when the product only has a single one
  • Fixed that the store information on a stock entry was lost when transferring a partial amount to a different location
  • Fixed that the "Spoil rate" on the product card was wrong in some cases
  • Fixed that the stock journal showed always the products default location (instead of the location of the transaction)
  • Fixed that the aggregated amount of parent products was wrong when indirect quantity unit conversions were used

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • The amount now defaults to 1 for adding items quicker
  • Added a status filter for only done items
  • The total value is now also shown (based on "Last price (Total)" per item, displayed on the page header and only when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRICE_TRACKING is enabled)
  • Fixed that shopping list prints had a grey background (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed the form validation on the shopping list item page (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that when adding products to the shopping list from the stock overview page, the used quantity unit was always the products default purchase QU (and not the selected one)
  • Fixed that the displayed last unit/total price was wrong when the used quantity unit was not the products stock QU
  • Fixed that the "Add as barcode to existing product" productpicker workflow did not work

Recipe improvements/fixes

  • Recipe printing improvements (thanks @Ape)
  • Calories are now always displayed per single serving (on the recipe and meal plan page)
  • The note of an ingredient will now also be added to the corresponding shopping list item when using "Put missing products on the shopping list"
  • It's now possible to copy a recipe (button/dropdown menu item per recipe)
  • Fixed that the recipe page was slow when there were a lot meal plan recipe entries
  • Fixed that "Only check if any amount is in stock" (recipe ingredient option) didn't work for stock amounts < 1
  • Fixed that when adding missing items to the shopping list, on the popup deselected items got also added
  • Fixed that the amount of self produced products with tare weight handling enabled was wrong ("Produces product" recipe option)
  • Fixed that the ingredient amount calculation for included/nested recipes was (for most cases) wrong
  • Fixed that the ingredient amount was wrong when using a to the product indirectly related quantity unit
  • Fixed that the calories amount calculation was wrong when quantity unit conversions were involved

Meal plan improvements/fixes

  • Improved the meal plan page loading time (drastically when having a big history of meal plan entries)
  • Meal plan entries can now be visually marked as "done" (new button per entry)
    • This happens automatically on consuming a recipe/product from the meal plan page
  • It's now possible to copy all entries of a day to another day (in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column)
  • The "Display recipe" button was removed, instead clicking the recipe title now displays the recipe (and this now also works for products; shows the product card)
  • Fixed that stock fulfillment checking used the desired servings of the recipe (those selected on the recipes page, not them from the meal plan entry)

Chores improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to track any addtional info on a chore execution by using Userfields
    • => Configure the desired Userfields for the entity chores_log
    • => The on chore execution tracking entered information is then visible on the corresponding chore journal entry
  • Fixed that tracking chores with "Done by" a different user was not possible

Userfield improvements/fixes

  • Userfields can now be configured as mandatory (new Userfield option, defaults to disabled)
  • Fixed that numeric Userfields were initialised with 1.0
  • Fixed that shortcuts (up/down key) and the format did not work correctly when using multiple date/time Userfields per object
  • Fixed that Userfields were not saved when adding a product or a recipe (only on editing)

General & other improvements/fixes

  • LDAP authentication improvements / OpenLDAP support (thanks @tank0226)
    • A read only service account can now be used for binding
    • The username attribute is now configurable
    • Filtering of accounts is now possible
    • => See the new LDAP* config.php options
  • Improved the page loading time of all journal pages (stock/chores/batteries) by adding a new date range filter
  • Some night mode style improvements (thanks @BlizzWave and @KTibow)
  • Help tooltips are now additionally also triggered by clicking on them (instead of only hovering them, which doesn't work on mobile / touch devices)
  • The camera barcode scanner now also supports Code 39 barcodes (used for example in Germany on pharma products (PZN)) (thanks @andreheuer)
  • Fixed that the number picker up/down buttons did not work when the input field was empty or contained an invalid number
  • Fixed that links and embeds (e.g. YouTube videos) did not work in the text editor
  • Fixed that the "Manage users" and "Manage API keys" menu was not shown when using reverse proxy authentication

API improvements/fixes

❗ Numbers are now returned as numbers (so technically without quotes around them, were strings for nearly all endpoints before - should practically be no real difference)

  • Added a new endpoint /system/localization-strings to get the localization strings (gettext JSON representation; in the by the user de...
Read more


25 Jul 22:19
Choose a tag to compare

LinuxServer Changes:

Add 'int','json' and 'zlib' PHP extensions.

grocy Changes:

⚠️ The following PHP extensions are now additionally required: json, intl, zlib

⚠️ PHP 8 is now supported and from now on the only tested runtime version (although currently PHP 7.2 should still work).

New feature: grocycode / label printer support

(Own) Product/stock entry/chores/batteries labels/barcodes

  • Print own labels/barcodes for products/stock entries/chores/batteries and then scan that code on every place a product/stock entry/chore/battery can be selected
  • Can be printed (or downloaded) via
    • The product/chore/battery edit page
    • The context/more menu per line on the overview pages and for stock entries on the stock entries page
    • Automatically on purchase (new option on the purchase page, defaults can be configured per product) for stock entries
  • The used barcode type can be configured via the config.php option GROCYCODE_TYPE:
    • 1D (default) will produce a Code128 1D barcode (supported by the integrated camera barcode scanner)
    • 2D will produce a DataMatrix 2D barcode (currently not supported by the integrated camera barcode scanner, but can be probably printed smaller)
  • Label printer functionality can be enabled via the new feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_LABEL_PRINTER (defaults to disabled)
  • Label printer communication happens via WebHooks - see the new LABEL_PRINTER* config.php options
  • grocycodes can also be used without a label printer - you can view or download thm as pictures and print them manually
  • More information:
  • (Thanks a lot @mistressofjellyfish for the initial work on this)

New feature: Meal plan sections

  • Split the meal plan into sections like Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
    • => New button "Configure sections" on the meal plan page to configure the sections (top right corner)
    • => Each meal plan entry can be assigned to a section

New feature: Shopping list thermal printer support

  • The shopping list can now be printed on a thermal printer
    • The printer must be compatible to the ESC/POS protocol and needs to be locally attached or network reachable to/by the machine hosting grocy (so the server)
    • See the new TPRINTER* config.php options to configure the printer connection and other options
    • => New button on the shopping list print dialog
  • Can be enabled via the new feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_THERMAL_PRINTER (defaults to disabled)
  • (Thanks a lot @Forceu)

Stock improvements/fixes

  • Product barcodes are now enforced to be unique across products
  • On the stock overview page it's now also possible to search/filter by product barcodes (via the general search field)
  • The product picker on the consume and transfer page now only shows products which are currently in stock
  • Added a filter option to only show in-stock products on the stock overview and products list (master data) page
  • Added new columns on the stock overview page (hidden by default): Product description, product default location, parent product, product picture
  • Added a new product option "Should not be frozen" (defaults to disabled and only visible when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRODUCT_FREEZING is enabled)
    • When enabled, on moving the product to a freezer location (so when freezing it), a corresponding warning will be shown
  • Optimized that when opening a product which has "Default due days after opened" set, the resulting date now never extends the original due date
  • Added a new stock setting (top right corner settings menu) "Add decimal separator automatically for price inputs" (defaults to disabled)
    • When enabled, you always have to enter the value including decimal places, the decimal separator will be automatically added based on the amount of allowed decimal places
  • Fixed that editing stock entries was not possible
  • Fixed that consuming with Scan Mode was not possible
  • Fixed that the current stock total value (header of the stock overview page) didn't include decimal amounts (thanks @Ape)
  • Fixed that the transfer page was not fully populated when opening it from the stock entries page
  • Fixed that undoing a consume/open action from the success notification on the stock entries page was not possible
  • Fixed that adding a barcode to a product didn't save the selected quantity unit when the product only has a single one
  • Fixed that the store information on a stock entry was lost when transferring a partial amount to a different location
  • Fixed that the "Spoil rate" on the product card was wrong in some cases
  • Fixed that the stock journal showed always the products default location (instead of the location of the transaction)
  • Fixed that the aggregated amount of parent products was wrong when indirect quantity unit conversions were used

Shopping list improvements/fixes

  • The amount now defaults to 1 for adding items quicker
  • Added a status filter for only done items
  • The total value is now also shown (based on "Last price (Total)" per item, displayed on the page header and only when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_PRICE_TRACKING is enabled)
  • Fixed that shopping list prints had a grey background (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed the form validation on the shopping list item page (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that when adding products to the shopping list from the stock overview page, the used quantity unit was always the products default purchase QU (and not the selected one)
  • Fixed that the displayed last unit/total price was wrong when the used quantity unit was not the products stock QU
  • Fixed that the "Add as barcode to existing product" productpicker workflow did not work

Recipe improvements/fixes

  • Recipe printing improvements (thanks @Ape)
  • Calories are now always displayed per single serving (on the recipe and meal plan page)
  • The note of an ingredient will now also be added to the corresponding shopping list item when using "Put missing products on the shopping list"
  • It's now possible to copy a recipe (button/dropdown menu item per recipe)
  • Fixed that the recipe page was slow when there were a lot meal plan recipe entries
  • Fixed that "Only check if any amount is in stock" (recipe ingredient option) didn't work for stock amounts < 1
  • Fixed that when adding missing items to the shopping list, on the popup deselected items got also added
  • Fixed that the amount of self produced products with tare weight handling enabled was wrong ("Produces product" recipe option)
  • Fixed that the ingredient amount calculation for included/nested recipes was (for most cases) wrong
  • Fixed that the ingredient amount was wrong when using a to the product indirectly related quantity unit
  • Fixed that the calories amount calculation was wrong when quantity unit conversions were involved

Meal plan improvements/fixes

  • Improved the meal plan page loading time (drastically when having a big history of meal plan entries)
  • Meal plan entries can now be visually marked as "done" (new button per entry)
    • This happens automatically on consuming a recipe/product from the meal plan page
  • It's now possible to copy all entries of a day to another day (in the dropdown of the add button in the header of each day column)
  • The "Display recipe" button was removed, instead clicking the recipe title now displays the recipe (and this now also works for products; shows the product card)
  • Fixed that stock fulfillment checking used the desired servings of the recipe (those selected on the recipes page, not them from the meal plan entry)

Chores improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to track any addtional info on a chore execution by using Userfields
    • => Configure the desired Userfields for the entity chores_log
    • => The on chore execution tracking entered information is then visible on the corresponding chore journal entry
  • Fixed that tracking chores with "Done by" a different user was not possible

Userfield improvements/fixes

  • Userfields can now be configured as mandatory (new Userfield option, defaults to disabled)
  • Fixed that numeric Userfields were initialised with 1.0
  • Fixed that shortcuts (up/down key) and the format did not work correctly when using multiple date/time Userfields per object
  • Fixed that Userfields were not saved when adding a product or a recipe (only on editing)

General & other improvements/fixes

  • LDAP authentication improvements / OpenLDAP support (thanks @tank0226)
    • A read only service account can now be used for binding
    • The username attribute is now configurable
    • Filtering of accounts is now possible
    • => See the new LDAP* config.php options
  • Improved the page loading time of all journal pages (stock/chores/batteries) by adding a new date range filter
  • Some night mode style improvements (thanks @BlizzWave and @KTibow)
  • Help tooltips are now additionally also triggered by clicking on them (instead of only hovering them, which doesn't work on mobile / touch devices)
  • The camera barcode scanner now also supports Code 39 barcodes (used for example in Germany on pharma products (PZN)) (thanks @andreheuer)
  • Fixed that the number picker up/down buttons did not work when the input field was empty or contained an invalid number
  • Fixed that links and embeds (e.g. YouTube videos) did not work in the text editor
  • Fixed that the "Manage users" and "Manage API keys" menu was not shown when using reverse proxy authentication

API improvements/fixes

❗ Numbers are now returned as numbers (so technically without quotes around them, were strings for nearly all endpoints before - should practically be no real difference)

  • Added a new endpoint /system/localization-strings to get the localization strings (gettext JSON representation; in the by the user de...
Read more


08 Jul 08:17
Choose a tag to compare

LinuxServer Changes:

Reduce image size.

grocy Changes:

⚠️⚠️ SQLite >= 3.9.0 (was released in late 2015) is required

Here is a workaround if you still run a SQLite version >= 3.8.3 < 3.9.0

PHP 7.2 with SQLite 3.8.3 was the formerly in README mentioned minimum runtime requirement, any future release will only be tested against a reasonable recent runtime (currently PHP 7.4 with SQLite 3.27.2) - supporting those (very) old runtime stuff is too time consuming...

  • Improved the prerequisites checker (added missing required PHP extension ctype) (thanks @Forceu)
  • Added validation checks for most data/config.php settings to prevent using invalid ones (thanks @Forceu)
  • When using reverse proxy authentication (ReverseProxyAuthMiddleware), additionally a valid API key can now also be used for authentication (if you don't want to protect the API endpoints via your reverse proxy, however)
  • Added a new API endpoint /system/time to get the current server time (thanks @Forceu)
  • An amount attached to a barcode is now also prefiled when scanning the product on the Consume/Transfer/Inventory page
  • Fixed that some number inputs were broken when the new decimal places setting were set to 0
  • Fixed that browser camera barcode scanning did not work on the product edit page for adding product barcodes
  • Fixed that indirect unit conversions (those between units, not product overrides) could not be used/selected
  • Fixed that the new product option "Never show on stock overview" was unintentionally set by default for new products
  • Fixed that adding items to the shopping list from the context/more menu on the stock overview page did not work
  • Fixed that consuming was not possible when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_LOCATION_TRACKING was disabled
  • Fixed that adding images in text editor fields did not work
  • Fixed some other minor UI glitches