welcome to Litestar! We're excited that you're interested in contributing to Litestar.dev. Before you get started, please read the following guidelines. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the Litestar Discord server. We're happy to help!
- Install
PDM <https://pdm.fming.dev/latest/>
_ - Run
pdm install
to create avirtual environment <https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html>
_ and install the dependencies - Install Node.js -
. - Install Pre-commit - Run
pre-commit install
to install pre-commit hooks. - Run
make install
to install Python and Node dependencies. - Activate the virtual environment.
Read more here <https://pdm.fming.dev/latest/usage/venv/#activate-a-virtualenv>
_. - Run
make serve
to start the development server.
Many modern IDEs like PyCharm or VS Code will enable the pdm-managed virtualenv that is created in step 2 for you automatically. If your IDE / editor doesn't offer this functionality, then you will need to manually activate the virtualenv yourself. Otherwise, you may encounter errors or unexpected behaviour when trying to run the commands referenced within this document.
The easiest way to activate this virtualenv manually as described at
Working with virtual environments <https://pdm.fming.dev/latest/usage/venv/#activate-a-virtualenv>
PDM's documentation.
The rest of this document will assume this environment is active wherever commands are referenced.
Fork this repository on GitHub.
Clone your fork of the repository to your local machine using Git.
Follow the instructions described in the above section to set up your environment.
Create a new branch and Make your desired changes to the code.
(Optional) Run the command
pre-commit run --all-files
to run linters and formatters. This step is not necessary, as Git will automatically execute this command before you commit changes. However, you may want to run it manually in order to apply fixes. -
Commit your changes to the Git repository.
Push the changes to your fork on GitHub.
In the title of the pull request, describe the changes you made and include the issue number if applicable. You may use Conventional Commits to structure your commit messages.
For example:
- feat: allow provided a config object to extend other configs.
- fix: handle strings in config extending.
- docs: correct spelling of CHANGELOG.
- style: convert tabs to spaces.
Wait for the CI to run and for a maintainer to review your changes. If any changes are requested, make them and commit them to the same branch. The CI will automatically run again, and the maintainer will review your changes again. Repeat this process until your changes are approved.
Once your changes have been approved, a maintainer will merge them into the main branch.
Congratulations! You've successfully contributed to Litestar!
(Optional) Add yourself to the list of contributors. To do so, follow the instructions in the Adding yourself as a contributor.
- All files should be written in ReST, Sphinx, If you're unfamiliar with any of those, ReStructuredText primer, and Sphinx quickstart are recommended reads.
- For CSS styling, we use tailwindcss.
- To run the documentation locally, run the command
make serve
. - To build the documentation, run the command
make page
. - To build the documentation and serve it locally, run the command
make serve