All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
New Dashboard - CADC LBvServers New Dashboard - CADC CSvServers New Dashboard - CADC GSLBvServers
- Update Dashboards from the "Export for sharing externally" and dashboard import. This includes trying provisioning files, and then reverting to grafana http api.
- Cast certain ADC Nitro Values to [int64] instead of [int] including csvserver, lbvserver, gslbvserver instances. - Thanks to Kevin Schwartzmiller for the find
- Made the error log output from the Get-CADC functions consistent with each other.
- Insert links between similarly grouped dashboards
- Renamed CVAD-DeliveryGroupsDetails.json to CVAD-DeliveryGroups.json
- Leaves InfluxData, log files, and scripts in place during Uninstall-VisualizationSetup
- New Dashboard - CVAD Delivery Group Details
- New Dashboard - CVAD TimeShift
- Fixes #2 - Have the Install-VisualizationSetup insert Grafana yaml files in the newly downloaded directory.
- Moved the incomplete scripts to Testing directory in Config
- Assets for screenshots moved to its own branch
- First public version.
- Figuring out if I like this Changelog format
- New Dashboard - CADC Overview
- New Dashboard - CVAD Overview
- Fixes #1 - Answers questions about current usage of Invoke-CommandAs, which is not yet ready for inclusion as it creates an additional dependency.
- New features
- Changes in existing functionality
- Any bug fixes, with referenced case using the following format
- Fixes #0 - Short Blurb
- Any now removed features
- In case of vulnerabilities