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Vite Plugin Demand Import

带有副作用 的库提供 “按需加载” 功能。


pnpm add vite-plugin-demand-import -D
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import demandImport from 'vite-plugin-demand-import'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      lib: 'antd-mobile',
      resolver: {
        js({ name }) {
          return `antd-mobile/es/components/${name}`

/////////// 编译结果 ////////////
import { Button } from 'antd-mobile'


import Button from 'antd-mobile/es/components/button'






export type ResolverOptions = {
   * 被导入的模块标识,import { Button } from 'antd-mobile' 中 name 等于 'Button'
  name: string

   * 当前被解析文件的 id,一般是文件的绝对路径
  file: string

 * 返回 import xxx from 'yyy' 语句中的 yyy
export type Resolver = (options: ResolverOptions) => string

export type DemandImportOptions = {
   * 类库的名称,用来判断当前 import 语句是否需要处理
  lib: string

   * 库的命名风格
   * @default  "kebab-case"
   * @description "default" 将不做处理
  namingStyle?: 'kebab-case' | 'camelCase' | 'PascalCase' | 'default'

   * 路径解析器
  resolver: {
    js?: Resolver // 返回 js 文件的导入路径
    style?: Resolver // 返回样式文件的导入路径


在使用各种 “xxx-import” 插件之前我们需要先区分几个概念:

  1. tree shaking:中文 “摇树”,指对没有使用到的代码在 编译阶段 进行删减。
  2. 自动导入:根据配置的策略在 编译阶段 自动插入导入语句。
  3. 按需加载:指在 运行时 动态返回用户当前访问的资源。


  1. tree shaking:
// a.js
export const a1 = 1
export const a2 = 2

export const b1 = 1
export const b2 = 2

// index.js
import { a1 } from './a'
import { b1 } from './b'


////////// 使用 rollup 打包 ////////////

// dist/index.js
const a1 = 1

a.js & b.js 中没有用到的代码都被删减掉了。

  1. 自动导入:
import { Button } from 'antd'

///////// 使用 xxx-import 插件 /////////
import { Button } from 'antd'
// 自动插入了样式的导入语句
import 'antd/lib/style/button/index.less'
  1. 按需加载:
if (location.pathname.include('/login')) {
  import('./login.js').then((res) => {
    // do something

目前主要是路由中用的多,比如 vue-routerreact-router 中我们经常会配置:

export const routes = [
    name: 'login',
    path: '/login',
    component: () => import('./Login/index')

需要注意的是 日常表述中 “按需加载” 在不同的场景下跟 “tree shaking” 或者 “自动导入” 是等价的。比如:

  1. 我们使用 lodash 库时期望的是 “tree shaking” 行为,但是我们也可以说成 “按需加载” lodash。
  2. 我们在使用 UI 库时期望的是 “自动导入” 行为,但是我们也可以说成 “按需加载” 样式。

tree shaking


  1. esm 规范的 export & import 是静态绑定的,rollup 编译时可以分析出哪个模块是用到的哪个模块是没用到的,只要类库的 package.json 申明了 sideEffects: false 便可以自动 tree shaking。
  2. commonjs 规范的 require 是动态的,所以 tree shaking 是非常困难的。rollup 处理 commonjs 模块时依赖 @rollup/plugin-commonjs 插件进行 commonjs 到 esm 的转换。这个插件默认的行为是:如果模块使用 导出会 tree shaking,而 modules.exports 导出则不会。
  3. 手动指定包下面的具体模块,比如使用 import round from 'lodash/round' 代替 import { round } from 'lodash'

关于这块可以使用 lodashlodash-es 进行测试,前者不会 tree shaking 而后者会。



import a from 'a' // 静态导入

if (flag) {
  import 'a' // 动态导入,esm 不支持该行为
const a = require('a') // 静态导入

if (flag) {
  require('a') // 动态导入,commonjs 支持该行为

目前已有的 xxx-import 插件

antd 官方出品,感觉可以算这个领域最知名的类库吧,功能非常齐全。比如:

  1. tree shaking: 因为当时还是 webpack 的天下,大多数的包也都是 commonjs 规范的,所以当时一般都是使用第三种方式来实现该特性。对应的配置为:
// .babelrc
  "plugins": [["import", {
      "libraryName": "antd"

// 效果
import { Button } from 'antd';


var _button = require('antd/lib/button');
  1. 自动导入:使用 UI 库的时候一般可以选择 “全局导入” 和 “按需导入” 引入样式文件,当选择后者的时候就可以让插件帮我们自动插入导入语句:
// .babelrc
  "plugins": [["import", {
      "libraryName": "antd",
      style: true

// 效果
import { Button } from 'antd';


var _button = require('antd/lib/button');
require('antd/lib/button/style'); // 自动插入了导入语句


不过随着 esm 的普及以及在常规项目中 “全局导入” 比 “按需加载” 并不会大多少体积,所以作者推荐? 用 “全局导入” 代替 “按需加载”,这个插件也就不再需要了。

相关结论是 babel-plugin-import 某个 issue 中作者说的,一时找不到链接了 ~~~

库如其名,这个是 vite 框架的插件。

因为 vite 是基于 rollup 构建的,js 代码一般都可以自动 tree shaking,所以只需要处理样式文件的 “自动导入” 就好了:

import { ElButton } from 'element-plus';


// dev
import { Button } from 'element-plus';
import 'element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/el-button.css`;

// prod
import Button from 'element-plus/lib/el-button';
import 'element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/el-button.css';


  1. 开发环境中 vite 的 optimize 不会因为新的组件导入而刷新。
  2. 可能是怕有些类库没有配置 sideEffects 导致 tree shaking 不生效?



其实问题还是出在 UI 库构建时对样式的处理差异上,比如 antd 的组件代码跟样式是分离的:

    |—— style/index.js
    └—— index.js

这时候使用 vite-plugin-style-import 自动导入样式就好了。

但是 antd-mobile 构建出来的是:

    |—— button.css
    |—— button.js
    └—— index.js
// index.js
import './button.css'
import { Button } from './button'
export default Button

官方为了“方便”用户使用而自动在组件入口引入了样式文件,对应的 sideEffects 配置:

  "sideEffects": [

当我们在 vite 中使用时:

import { Button } from 'antd-mobile'

第一步,rollup 会去 node_module/antd-mobile/package.json 中查看 module 或者 main 字段定义的入口文件。

第二步,找到 node_module/antd-mobile/es/index.js 文件:

import './global';
export { setDefaultConfig } from './components/config-provider';
export { default as ActionSheet } from './components/action-sheet';
export { default as AutoCenter } from './components/auto-center';
export { default as Avatar } from './components/avatar';
export { default as Badge } from './components/badge';
export { default as Button } from './components/button';
export { default as Calendar } from './components/calendar';
export { default as CapsuleTabs } from './components/capsule-tabs';
export { default as Card } from './components/card';
export { default as CascadePicker } from './components/cascade-picker';
export { default as CascadePickerView } from './components/cascade-picker-view';
export { default as Cascader } from './components/cascader';
export { default as CascaderView } from './components/cascader-view';
export { default as CheckList } from './components/check-list';
export { default as Checkbox } from './components/checkbox';
export { default as Collapse } from './components/collapse';
export { default as ConfigProvider } from './components/config-provider';
export { default as DatePicker } from './components/date-picker';
export { default as DatePickerView } from './components/date-picker-view';
export { default as Dialog } from './components/dialog';
export { default as Divider } from './components/divider';
export { default as DotLoading } from './components/dot-loading';
export { default as Dropdown } from './components/dropdown';
export { default as Ellipsis } from './components/ellipsis';
export { default as Empty } from './components/empty';
export { default as ErrorBlock } from './components/error-block';
export { default as FloatingBubble } from './components/floating-bubble';
export { default as FloatingPanel } from './components/floating-panel';
export { default as Form } from './components/form';
export { default as Grid } from './components/grid';
export { default as Image } from './components/image';
export { default as ImageUploader } from './components/image-uploader';
export { default as ImageViewer } from './components/image-viewer';
export { default as IndexBar } from './components/index-bar';
export { default as InfiniteScroll } from './components/infinite-scroll';
export { default as Input } from './components/input';
export { default as JumboTabs } from './components/jumbo-tabs';
export { default as List } from './components/list';
export { default as Loading } from './components/loading';
export { default as Mask } from './components/mask';
export { default as Modal } from './components/modal';
export { default as NavBar } from './components/nav-bar';
export { default as NoticeBar } from './components/notice-bar';
export { default as NumberKeyboard } from './components/number-keyboard';
export { default as PageIndicator } from './components/page-indicator';
export { default as PasscodeInput } from './components/passcode-input';
export { default as Picker } from './components/picker';
export { default as PickerView } from './components/picker-view';
export { default as Popover } from './components/popover';
export { default as Popup } from './components/popup';
export { default as ProgressBar } from './components/progress-bar';
export { default as ProgressCircle } from './components/progress-circle';
export { default as PullToRefresh } from './components/pull-to-refresh';
export { default as Radio } from './components/radio';
export { default as Rate } from './components/rate';
export { default as Result } from './components/result';
export { default as SafeArea } from './components/safe-area';
export { default as ScrollMask } from './components/scroll-mask';
export { default as SearchBar } from './components/search-bar';
export { default as Selector } from './components/selector';
export { default as SideBar } from './components/side-bar';
export { default as Skeleton } from './components/skeleton';
export { default as Slider } from './components/slider';
export { default as Space } from './components/space';
export { default as SpinLoading } from './components/spin-loading';
export { default as Stepper } from './components//stepper';
export { default as Steps } from './components/steps';
export { default as SwipeAction } from './components/swipe-action';
export { default as Swiper } from './components/swiper';
export { default as Switch } from './components/switch';
export { default as TabBar } from './components/tab-bar';
export { default as Tabs } from './components/tabs';
export { default as Tag } from './components/tag';
export { default as TextArea } from './components/text-area';
export { default as Toast } from './components/toast';
export { default as TreeSelect } from './components/tree-select';
export { default as VirtualInput } from './components/virtual-input';
export { default as WaterMark } from './components/water-mark';

第三步,处理 index.js 文件中的导入。因为 button 被用到了肯定会加载,而其他组件因为没有用到会被 tree shaking 掉。但是这里存在一个问题:每个组件都引入了样式文件,而 css 类型是被定义成 “有副作用” 的(这个没错)。这就导致组件的 js 文件虽然不会导入,但这个组件所引用的样式会被导入,最后就是整个库的 css 全部被导入了。

众所皆知,vite 的性能由传统的 bundle 处理能力转向了浏览器处理请求的效率:

  1. 提高浏览器的并发量:开启 vite 的 https 服务。
  2. 浏览器缓存:因为 vite 内置的 https 是自签名证书通不过浏览器检测,本地缓存是不会生效的。这个时候可以使用我的 vite-plugin-mkcert 插件为 https 提供本地证书支持。
  3. 减少请求量。


  1. 向官方反馈把组件中的样式引入去掉,这不现实(我个人感觉这是个“反优化”)。
  2. 不要从包的入口去引用组件,改成指定模块的导入:
import { Button } from 'antd-mobile'


import Button from 'antd-mobile/es/components/button'

emm,兜兜转转终于还是回到了原点,就问苍天饶过谁 😘

所以这个问题是可以用 babel-plugin-import 来解决的,而 vite 中也有 vite-plugin-importer 对应封装的插件。

但是我觉得在 rollup 中使用 babel 很不 “vite”,哈哈哈 ~~~