A step-by-step guide for GO Ontology Editors can be found at http://go-ontology.readthedocs.io/.
This Jenkins job will create releases https://build.berkeleybop.org/job/release-go-ontology-snapshot
(see the parent README for more details)
The release process can be simulated as follows:
cd src/ontology
If this looks good type:
make release
This generates derived files such as go.owl and go.obo and places them in the target dir (../../target/). The versionIRI will be added.
At this point Jenkins will release the target files to S3, they will be available via the usual PURLs
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go.owl <-- current ontology PURL
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/releases/YYYY-MM-DD.owl <-- change to the release you just made
For questions on this contact Chris Mungall or email obo-admin AT obofoundry.org
See parent README
The Makefile contains instructions to automatically build (or simulate the build) of the release.
To run tests:
make test
(this is what is executed by travis)
To prepare files for a release:
make prepare_release
To regenerate stale imports:
make all_imports