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executable file
232 lines (153 loc) · 7.42 KB


File metadata and controls

executable file
232 lines (153 loc) · 7.42 KB

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


SANDY works with files in ENDF-6 format. If you are not familiar with the format, have a look at the ENDF-6 documentation.


SANDY is developed in python3.6 and does not support python2. In order to run SANDY, make sure that you have a version of python >= 3.6 installed. In file requirements.txt you can find the python dependencies required to ensure the correct functioning of SANDY.

To read and write ENDF-6 formatted files, SANDY uses some fortran routines. Make sure that you have a valid fortran compiler installed.

SANDY has been developed and tested on a Ubuntu machine.


To download SANDY, move to the folder where you want the source code and type

git clone

To install SANDY, run the following commands

cd sandy
python install

Running the tests

Once the installation is completed, run pytest to automatically start SANDY's tests


More pytest command line options can be added to customize the tests set.

More than 50 tests have been put in place in SANDY, and cover the whole range of data types that the code can process. Their purpose is to check the correct functioning of each basic SANDY unit, as well as to ensure that the implemented physics is correct.

For a list of the existing SANDY test, type

pytest  --collect-only

Each name has a self-explanatory name for the function it performs.


For an overview of SANDY's usage type

sandy  --help

The code will print out the following message:

usage: python -m sandy.sampling [-h] [--cov COV] [--samples SAMPLES]
                                [--outdir DIR] [--processes PROCESSES]
                                [--max-polynomial MAX_POLYNOMIAL] [--eig N]
                                [--mat {1,..,9999} [{1,..,9999} ...]]
                                [--mf {31,33,34,35} [{31,33,34,35} ...]]
                                [--mt {1,..,999} [{1,..,999} ...]]
                                [--outname OUTNAME] [--debug]

Run sampling

positional arguments:
  file                  ENDF-6 or PENDF format file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cov COV, -C COV     file containing covariances
  --samples SAMPLES, -S SAMPLES
                        number of samples
                        (default = 200)
  --outdir DIR, -D DIR  target directory where outputs are stored
                        (default = current working directory)
                        if it does not exist it will be created
                        number of worker processes
                        (default = 1)
                        Maximum order of Legendre polynomial coefficients
                        considered for sampling
                        (default = all)
  --eig N               print the first N eigenvalues of the evaluated
                        covariance matrices
                        (default = do not print)
  --mat {1,..,9999} [{1,..,9999} ...]
                        draw samples only from the selected MAT sections
                        (default = keep all)
  --mf {31,33,34,35} [{31,33,34,35} ...]
                        draw samples only from the selected MF sections
                        (default = keep all)
  --mt {1,..,999} [{1,..,999} ...]
                        draw samples only from the selected MT sections
                        (default = keep all)
  --outname OUTNAME, -O OUTNAME
                        basename for the output files
                        (default is the the basename of <file>.)
  --debug               turn on debug mode


Data and covariances are in the same file

Produce 1000 perturbed copies of a ENDF-6 file <tape> that contains both evaluated data and covariances.

sandy  <tape>  --samples 1000

Below are reported the ENDF-6 data sections that will be perturbed and the respective covariance sections.

Data type Data section Covariance section
fission multiplicities MF1 MF31
cross sections MF3 MF33
angular ditributions MF4 MF34
energy distributions MF5 MF35


cross sections will be perturbed only if they are linearized and given in PENDF (pointwise-ENDF) format. To convert a ENDF-6 file into PENDF format, you can use nuclear data processing codes such as NJOY or PREPRO.

Perturb only one or few data types

Add keyword option --mf to perturb only few data types. For example, to produce 1000 perturbed copies of a file <tape> where only angular and energy distributions are perturbed, type

sandy  <tape>  --samples 1000  --mf 34 35

Data and covariances are in different files

Produce 1000 perturbed copies of a file <tape> that contains evaluated data using covariances from file <covtape>.

sandy  <tape>  --cov <covtape>  --samples 1000


this command is often used for perturbing cross sections, where the linearized data are in a PENDF file <tape> that might not contain covariances and the covariance data are in the original ENDF-6 file <covtape>.

Covariance data in ERRORR format

ERRORR is a NJOY module that processes the covariance information present in a ENDF-6 file into a given multigroup structure. The resulting tabulated covariance is tabulated into an output file with a specific ERRORR format. Not only does ERRORR process cross section covariances in MF33, but it can also handle the resonance-resonance covariances in ENDF-6 covariance section MF32.

To produce 1000 perturbed copies of a PENDF file <pendf_tape> including the MF32 covariances for resonance parameters, type

sandy  <pendf_tape>  --cov <errorr_tape>  --samples 1000

where <errorr_tape> is a ERRORR output file.