The moonboard is a climbing training tool. Each moonboard is a short identical climbing wall with the same holds, at the same orinentation in the same place. There is a database of approximately 12,000 climbs held on the moonboard website to be used with a mobile app. Each entry in the database describes which holds to use for the climb, gives it a difficult rating (grade) by given by the route setter and a crowd sourced grade given by the community, who have climbed the route.
Our aim is to predict the climbing grade only given the holds used for a climb. This is a hard task - one which experienced climbers would find hard to do without climbing the route. Even after climbing a route the route setter grade and the crowd source grade only agreed 95% of the time.
I train a convolution neural network to classify routes by their grades and achieve 71% accuracy on the test dataset (using a one out accuracy, the true grade can be +- 1 of our guess). We experiment with three different loss functions to try and take advantage of the ordering of our labels (the grades can be arranged on a number line). For our loss functions I use:
- CJS (cummlative Jensen-Shannon divergence),
- Squared earth mover's distance (or Wasserstein metric),
- Cross-entropy loss (standard loss function for any classification problem, which ignores the orderings of labels)
Our one out accuracy results are:
Loss function | Accuracy (one out) |
CJS | 69.4% |
squared earth mover's distance | 70.8% |
cross-entropy | 64.2% |
Convolutional neural network model: this model is based upon a 14 layer ResNetv2 but with a few key differences: I add dropout layers and add the scaling of the residuals as in Inception-ResNet (
- I scraped the data from the moonboard website in the scraper notebook.
- I clean the data and analyise it in the Data-cleaning-and-analysis notebook.
- I fit a CNN (convolution neural network) model based upon ResNetv2 in the CNN notebook.
Result: I achieved 71% accuracy on the test dataset.
A picture of a moonboard: