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Open source statuspage platform


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StatusThing is an open source status page application

It originally started life as a quick thought exercise on a basic status page service for internal status pages.


This application is in active development. Documentation below this section may be out of state but I'll try and not let that happen.

This section will go away when that situation changes at a minimum requiring:

  • a non-in-memory store implementation
  • simple ability to create your own binary linking to your own store implementation
  • documentation updates
  • ability to support bug requests

At that point, I will feel comfortable with folks using it and able to support it properly


go run cmd/statusthing/main.go

Data will be stored in an sqlite db in the current directory called statusthing.db

Admin ui

There's a HIGHLY volatile admin ui available right now on http://localhost:9000

The default credentials are admin/password and can't be changed yet.


The binary supports a flag - --devmode that does a few different things:

  • enables grpc reflection endpoints
  • reloads all templates and assets from disk on each request

The later is absolutely required for developing any UI changes but is definitely bad idea in non-development (also it won't work unless you bundle the repo with the binary)


All core concepts are represented as protobuf types in the file proto/statusthing/v1/types.proto. If you've never worked with protobuf before, that's fine as you never need to deal with anything protobuf-specific to use the service.

The following classifications will map to a protobuf type under the covers.


Items are "things" that have a Status. Some systems call these "services" or "components". These are the things you want to communicate information about to others.

Items have, at a minimum, a name and a Status. They can optionally have:

  • a description
  • Notes


A status is a user-driven concept of the state of something. It will have at a minimum a name and a "kind".

Currently there are the following kinds of statuses:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Warning
  • Unavailable
  • Available
  • Investigating
  • Observing


Note are updates about an Item. These mostly align with the concept of a status update.


The API can be interacted with in multiple ways:

  • a gRPC client
  • HTTP Post + JSON

Both types of interaction happen over the same url.


gRPC services are defined in proto/statusthing/v1/services.proto.

Currently I only generate go gRPC clients


The HTTP API is provided automatically by buf-connect. It maps as follows:

  • HTTP Path: /statusthing.v1.<ServiceName>/<RpcName>
  • HTTP Verb: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json

Every request requires a body and at a minimum it must be an empty JSON object {} and API response will always return at a minimum an empty JSON object {}

Mapping of protobuf messages follows a predictable pattern and any empty fields are not returned in the JSON object

Example 1: Item

The protobuf message for Item looks like so:

// Item represents a status page entry
message Item {
    // the unique identifier
    string id = 1;
    // the name
    string name = 2;
    // the description
    string description = 3;
    // the status
    Status status = 4;
    // any associated notes
    repeated Note notes = 5;

    Timestamps timestamps = 15;

and will be represented as

    "notes":[{"id":"my-note-id","text":"this thing is broken"}],
    "timestamps:"{"created":"<some timestamp>", "updated":"<some timestamp>"}

Example 2: FindItemsRequest

The protobuf message for FindItemsRequest looks like so

message FindItemsRequest {
    // return results having a status with any of the provided ids
    repeated string status_ids = 1;
    // return results having any of the provided [StatusKind] 
    repeated statusthing.v1.StatusKind kinds = 2;
    // by default notes are note returned. extended will include notes
    bool extended = 14;

This will translate to the follow request body (JSON):


Alternately, enums (the kinds field above) can also be provided as the integer value for a StatusKind:


The choice is personal preference.


Open source statuspage platform







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