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Maarten Paauw edited this page Jan 17, 2022 · 1 revision


Laravel component to create gorgeous Charts.css charts.

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This package will help you generate CSS only charts based on the Charts.css library.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require maartenpaauw/laravel-charts-css


Here's how you can create a chart:

php artisan make:chart MedalsChart

This will generate a chart component within the View/Components namespace.


namespace App\View\Components;

use Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Chart;
use Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Data\Axes\Axes;
use Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Data\Datasets\Dataset;
use Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Data\Datasets\Datasets;
use Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Data\Datasets\DatasetsContract;
use Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Data\Entries\Entry;
use Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Data\Entries\Value\Value;
use Maartenpaauw\Chartscss\Data\Label\Label;

class MedalsChart extends Chart
    protected function id(): string
        return 'medals-chart';

    protected function heading(): string
        return __('Medals Chart');

    protected function datasets(): DatasetsContract
        return new Datasets(
            new Axes('Country', ['Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze']),
            new Dataset([
                new Entry(new Value(46)),
                new Entry(new Value(37)),
                new Entry(new Value(38)),
            ], new Label('USA')),
            new Dataset([
                new Entry(new Value(27)),
                new Entry(new Value(23)),
                new Entry(new Value(17)),
            ], new Label('GBR')),
            new Dataset([
                new Entry(new Value(26)),
                new Entry(new Value(18)),
                new Entry(new Value(26)),
            ], new Label('CHN')),

To display your chart it is as easily as adding the following blade component:


Make sure you import the css library as well. There is a helper component available for it!

<x-charts-css-stylesheet cdn="unpkg" />
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