This is a stream match function. It's like match
or matchAll
on a string, but uses a stream as the haystack. It can use an array buffer, a string, or a regex (with handling of binary data and an optional haystack size limit) as a needle.
Implementation notes:
First attempt (this turns out to have a faulty assumption):
- Read the stream in chunks
- Build a buffer of chunks big enough to hold the haystack
- Do the search on the buffer
- When something is found, for the next chunk, prepend the remainder of the buffer after the match
The maximum needle a buffer support might be (numberOfChunks - 1) * chunkSize + 1
For instance:
With a tiny chunk size of 5 for demonstration purposes (separated by 🐛):
search expression: "scriptj"
It's spread across 3 chunks, and less than the size of 2 chunks.
However, there is the faulty assumption that chunk sizes are the same. This is not the case:
A single stream can contain chunks of different sizes and types.
// TODO: change to function*
export function streamMatch(needle, haystack) {
import { streamMatch } from '/stream-match.js'
export class ExampleView extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})
this.shadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [this.constructor.styles]
const globalSheets = [...document.adoptedStyleSheets ?? []]
if (!globalSheets.includes(this.constructor.globalStyles)) {
document.adoptedStyleSheets = [...globalSheets, this.constructor.globalStyles]
const output = document.createElement('data-table') = [
['call', 'input', 'output'],
static get styles() {
if (!this._styles) {
this._styles = new CSSStyleSheet()
:host {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
padding: 10px;
align-items: center;
return this._styles
static get globalStyles() {
if (!this._globalStyles) {
this._globalStyles = new CSSStyleSheet()
body {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr;
return this._globalStyles
import {DataTable} from '/table/data-table.js'
import {ExampleView} from '/ExampleView.js'
customElements.define('data-table', DataTable)
customElements.define('example-view', ExampleView)
async function setup() {
const exampleView = document.createElement('example-view')
await setup()
"importFiles": [
["", "data-table.js"]