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-title: How to Launch Your EVM App Chain?
-lang: en-US
-description: How to Launch Your EVM App Chain
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-import { Callout } from "nextra-theme-docs";
-import { Cards, Card } from "nextra/components";
-import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
-import {
- faLinux,
- faApple,
- faWindows,
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-import { Tabs, Tab } from "nextra/components";
-# How to Launch Your EVM App Chain
-This guide will walk you through the process of launching an EVM App Chain using the [Kakarot](https://github.com/kkrt-labs/kakarot) deployer.
-## Quick Start Tutorial
-As an introduction to the following section, we have created a video tutorial to give you more context on how to customize your Madara App Chain.
--- Video goes here --
- We recommend continuing with the [Next Section](#step-by-step-tutorial), which
- will help you better understand the different components of Madara
- as an EVM Starknet client.
-## Step-by-Step Tutorial
- Note that this tutorial uses Madara as a devnet to retrieve
-### Configure Your Madara Client
-Now that you have your client installed and running smoothly in sequencer mode, you may want to configure it further to match your desired setup or network. There are two types of configuration for your node:
-- **Node Configuration**: the configuration of your node itself as a sequencer engine.
-- **Chain Configuration**: the configuration of the chain you are currently running your node on.
-In this tutorial, we'll focus on a simple configuration of your App Chain by manipulating only the Chain Configuration (for advanced Node configuration, please visit the [Configuration](fundamentals/configuration) section of the Node Operator guide).
-Here, we will imagine that our node wants to launch a Starknet clone App Chain with the following configuration:
-chain_name: "Starklone"
-chain_id: "SN_KLONE"
-native_fee_token_address: "0x012345a0fc34fa1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d"
-parent_fee_token_address: "0x012346570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7"
-latest_protocol_version: "0.13.2"
-block_time: "30s"
-pending_block_update_time: "2s"
-execution_batch_size: 16
- builtin_count:
- add_mod: 18446744073709551615
- bitwise: 18446744073709551615
- ecdsa: 18446744073709551615
- ec_op: 18446744073709551615
- keccak: 18446744073709551615
- mul_mod: 18446744073709551615
- pedersen: 18446744073709551615
- poseidon: 18446744073709551615
- range_check: 18446744073709551615
- range_check96: 18446744073709551615
- gas: 5000000
- n_steps: 40000000
- message_segment_length: 18446744073709551615
- n_events: 18446744073709551615
- state_diff_size: 131072
-sequencer_address: "0x01234a1bd84444c89232ec27754698e5d2e7e1a7f1539f12027f28b23ec9f3d8"
-eth_core_contract_address: "0xc662c410C0ECf747543f5bA90660f6ABeBD9C8c4"
-eth_gps_statement_verifier: "0x47312450B3Ac8b5b8e247a6bB6d523e7605bDb60"
-You simply need to save this configuration as a `.yml` file somewhere on your machine and call it via:
-- **`--chain-config-path `**: Specifies the chain configuration file path.
-In our case, the command would be:
-cargo run --release -- \
---name Madara \
---sequencer \
---base-path /var/lib/madara \
---l1-endpoint ${ETHEREUM_API_URL} \
---chain-config-path "/path/to/your/config.yml"
-Another way to run this configuration would be to override the elements that differ from the original Starknet mainnet configuration using:
-- **`--preset `**: Uses a preset as the chain configuration.
- - Possible values: `mainnet`, `sepolia`, `integration`, `devnet`
-- **`--chain-config-override `**: Overrides specific chain configuration parameters.
-This would give the following command:
-cargo run --release -- \
---name Madara \
---sequencer \
---preset mainnet \
---base-path /var/lib/madara \
---l1-endpoint ${ETHEREUM_API_URL} \
---rpc-port 9945 \
---rpc-cors '*' \
---rpc-external \
---chain-config-override chain_name="Starklone" chain_id="SN_KLONE" native_fee_token_address="0x012345a0fc34fa1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d" parent_fee_token_address="0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7" sequencer_address="0x01234a1bd84444c89232ec27754698e5d2e7e1a7f1539f12027f28b23ec9f3d8"
-You now know how to customize your App Chain! To learn more about customizing your client, visit the [Node Configuration](/fundamentals/configuration) and [Chain Configuration](/chain-configuration/parameters) sections.