Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | [optional] | |
version | int | [optional] | |
changes | \Tripletex\Model\Change[] | [optional] | |
url | string | [optional] | |
reminder_date | string | Creation date of the invoice reminder. | |
charge | float | The fee part of the reminder, in the company's currency. | [optional] |
charge_currency | float | The fee part of the reminder, in the invoice currency. | [optional] |
total_charge | float | The total fee part of all reminders, in the company's currency. | [optional] |
total_charge_currency | float | The total fee part of all reminders, in the invoice currency. | [optional] |
total_amount_currency | float | The total amount to pay in reminder's currency. | [optional] |
interests | float | The interests part of the reminder. | [optional] |
interest_rate | float | The reminder interest rate. | [optional] |
term_of_payment | string | The reminder term of payment date. | |
currency | \Tripletex\Model\Currency | The reminder currency. | [optional] |
type | string | ||
comment | string | [optional] | |
kid | string | KID - Kundeidentifikasjonsnummer. | [optional] |
bank_account_number | string | [optional] | |
bank_account_iban | string | [optional] | |
bank_account_swift | string | [optional] | |
bank | string | [optional] |