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makerlabs edited this page Aug 11, 2011 · 8 revisions


  • Copy the PagerBundle to /src/MakerLabs/PagerBundle
  • Register the bundle in your AppKernel
  • Run "./app/console assets:install web" command
  • Your done.



use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use MakerLabs\PagerBundle\Pager;
use MakerLabs\PagerBundle\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;

class ExampleController extends Controller
    * @Route("/example/{page}", defaults={"page"=1}, name="example_route")
    * @Template()
   public function exmapleAction($page)
      $array = range(1, 100);

      $adapter = new ArrayAdapter($array);

      $pager = new Pager($adapter, array('page' => $page, 'limit' => 25));

      return array('pager' => $pager);

Twig template

{% if pager.isPaginable %}
   {{ paginate(pager, 'example_route') }}
{% endif %}
{% for item in pager.getResults %}
   <p>{{ item }}</p>
{% endfor %}

PHP template

<?php if ($pager.isPaginable()): ?>
   <?php echo $view['pager']->paginate($pager, 'example_route') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php foreach ($pager.getResults() as $item): ?>
   <p><?php echo $item ?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Default CSS styles

There are two default css styles located in web/bundles/makerlabspager/css/ (clean.css and round.css). You must include them manually in the layout template.



use MakerLabs\PagerBundle\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;

$adapter = new ArrayAdapter($your_array);


use MakerLabs\PagerBundle\Adapter\DoctrineOrmAdapter;

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$qb = $em->getRepository('ExampleEntity')->createQueryBuilder('f');
$adapter = new DoctrineOrmAdapter($qb);


Passing additional parameters to the pager links

You can pass as many additional parameters as you will fit. For example lets modify our route example_route and pass an additional {type} parameter:

@Route("/example/{page}/{type}", defaults={"page"=1}, name="example_route")

Twig template:

{{ paginate(pager, 'example_route', {'type': 'long'}) }}

PHP template:

<?php echo $view['pager']->paginate($pager, 'example_route', array('type': 'long')) ?>

Changing the default 'page' parameter name

For example lets modify our route example_route and change the default {page} parameter to {offset}:

@Route("/example/{offset}", defaults={"offset"=1}, name="example_route")

Twig template:

{{ paginate(pager, 'example_route', {'_page': 'offset'}) }}

PHP template:

<?php echo $view['pager']->paginate($pager, 'example_route', array('_page': 'offset')) ?>

Modifying the default rendering template

There are 2 default rendering templates located in PagerBundle/Resources/views/Pager:

  • Twig: paginate.html.twig
  • PHP: paginage.html.php

If you want to customize their HTML simply copy one of them to /app/Resources/MakerLabsPagerBundle/views/Pager

Alternatively you can pass the name of your template (in bundle:section:template.format.engine format) to the paginate helper:

  • Twig template:

     {{ paginate(pager, 'example_route', {}, 'ExampleBundle:Example:name.html.twig') }}
  • PHP template:

     <?php echo $view['pager']->paginate($pager, 'example_route', array(), 'ExampleBundle:Example:name.html.php') ?>
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