"CheapAss 1" Atmega 1284p controlled LabPSU with basic functionality like CV and CC mode
Welcome to my "CheapAss 1" Lab PSU project, which is based on a TIP3055 power transistor and an Atmega 1284p microcontroller.
0 - 24V output voltage in 100 mV steps (CV mode)
0 - 1A output current in 1 mA steps (CC mode)
Around 1% accuracy
Dual 12 Bit DAC (MCP4922)
Precision 4.096V voltage reference for the DAC and Atmega-integrated ADC (MCP1541)
High-side current measurement using the MAX4080F IC
LM324 Quad opamp and LM358 Dual opamp
Low Ripple, Low Noise
One Board solution (transformer onboard)
Front panel for display, buttons, LED and piezo buzzer mounting