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z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning and Management

This project provides sample playbooks which demonstrate how to provision and manage z/OS middlewares/softwares, such as CICS, Db2, MQ, z/OS Connect, and WebSphere Liberty, on the target z/OS systems using templates published in the z/OSMF software services catalog. These playbooks leverage roles provided by IBM z/OSMF collection included in the Red Hat Ansible Certified Content for IBM Z to provision and manage z/OS middleware/software.

It is a good practice to review the playbook sample contents before executing them. It will help you understand the requirements in terms of space, location, names, authority, and the artifacts that will be created and cleaned up. Although samples are written to operate without the need for the user’s configuration, flexibility is written into the samples because it is not easy to determine if a sample has access to the host’s resources. Review the playbook notes sections for additional details and configuration.

Playbook Summary

  • cpm_provision_software_service.yml - Provision a z/OS middleware/software such as ICS, Db2, MQ, z/OS Connect, and WebSphere Liberty on the target z/OS systems using z/OS middleware/software template published inthe z/OSMF software services catalog and role zmf_cpm_provision_software_service provided with IBM z/OSMF collection.

    This playbook creates a local record file of instance information, which is returned in JSON format and is used as the input to other playbooks cpm_manage_software_instance.yml and cpm_remove_software_instance.yml.

  • cpm_manage_software_instance.yml - Perform various actions to manage a provisioned software service instance on the target z/OS systems using role zmf_cpm_manage_software_instance. The actions that can be performed on the provisioned instance are described in the local record file that is associated with the provisioned instance. Specifically, the name variable in actions array under registry-info identifies the various actions that can be performed on the instance.

  • cpm_remove_software_instance.yml - Remove a deprovisioned software service instance on the target z/OS systems using role zmf_cpm_remove_software_instance.

Ansible Collection Requirement

IBM z/OSMF collection 1.0.0 or later

Getting Started

Ansible Config

The Ansible configuration file ansible.cfg can override almost all ansible-playbook configurations. The configuration file includes a sample ansible.cfg that can supplement ansible-playbook with a little modification.

You can modify collections_paths to refer to your own installation path for Ansible collections. You can also specify connect_timeout to specify the persistent connection timeout value in seconds, and command_timeout to specify the amount of time to wait for a command or RPC call before timing out.

For example:

collections_paths = ~/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections

connect_timeout = 300
command_timeout = 300

For more information about available configurations for ansible.cfg, read the Ansible documentation on Ansible configuration settings.


Ansible works with multiple managed nodes (hosts) at the same time, using a list or group of lists known as an inventory. Once the inventory is defined, you can use patterns to select the hosts or groups that you want Ansible to run on.

The sample includes inventory.yml that can be used to manage your target z/OS systems with a little modification. This inventory file should be included when running the sample playbooks.

      zmf_host: zosmf_host_name1
      zmf_port: zosmf_port_number1
      zmf_host: zosmf_host_name2
      zmf_port: zosmf_port_number2
  • zos_systems: Group name of the target z/OS systems.

  • cpm_host1: Nickname for each target z/OS system on which the software instance is to be performed. You can modify it to refer to your own z/OS system. When the nickname is modified, make sure the host specific variables file is defined as described in Variables.

  • zmf_host: The value of this property identifies the hostname of the z/OS system on which z/OSMF server is running on. For example: zmf_host: "".

  • zmf_port: The value of this property identifies the port number of z/OSMF server.


Although you can store variables in the inventory file, storing them in separate configurations such as host_vars or group_vars files help you organize your variable values. host_vars file name must match the host name used in the inventory file and sample playbooks.

The sample includes a host_vars file cpm_host1.yml that can be easily customized.

instance_record_dir: "/tmp"
api_polling_retry_count: 50
api_polling_interval_seconds: 10
# zmf_user: zosmf_user_name
# zmf_password: zosmf_password
  • instance_record_dir: The value of this property identifies the directory path that the provisioning role uses to capture various information (in JSON format) about the provisioned instance.

  • api_polling_retry_count: The value of this property identifies the total retry attempts allowed before the task exits with failure, waiting on the instance action to complete.

  • api_polling_interval_seconds: The value of this property identifies the interval time (in seconds) for each polling request.

  • zmf_user: The value of this property identifies the username to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

  • zmf_password: The value of this property identifies the password to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.


  • zmf_user and zmf_password will be prompted to input when running the sample playbooks.

Run the Playbook

Access the sample Ansible playbook and ensure that you are within the playbook directory where the sample files are included.

Use the Ansible command ansible-playbook to run the sample playbook. The command syntax is ansible-playbook -i <inventory> <playbook>.

For example:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml cpm_provision_software_service.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml cpm_manage_software_instance.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml cpm_remove_software_instance.yml


Optionally, you can configure the console logging verbosity during playbook execution. This is helpful in situations where communication is failing and you want to obtain more details. To adjust the logging verbosity, append more letter v's. For example, -v, -vv, -vvv, or -vvvv. Each letter v increases logging verbosity similar to traditional logging levels INFO, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG.


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Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0


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