Máster en CiberSeguridad 2016-2017. Universidad de Granada.
Manuel J. Parra Royón ([email protected]) & José. M. Benítez Sánchez ([email protected])
Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems
Distributed Computational Intelligence and Time Series Lab
University of Granada
- Starting with OpenNebula
OpenNebula commands:
onemarket onevm oneacct onedatastore
onegroup onetemplate onevnet oneacl
onedb onehost oneuser onezone
onecluster oneimage onevcenter
It allows to list the images of Operating systems, data, etc. that we can import to add to our cloud available from a MarketPlace
List of OSs available to run:
onemarket list
It allows to list the images that are in the system ready to be used for a display of virtual machines
List of imported images available to work:
oneimage list
Allows you to manage the virtual networks that have been created.
List of virtual networks created:
onevnet show <ID>
It allows to manage templates of generation of virtual machines, so that we can create templates that have certain attributes of memory, capacity, etc. etc.
List of available templates
onetemplate list
onetemplate show <ID>
It is normal to appear empty since we have not yet made any template. We will create it later.
It allows to manage the virtual machines launched, to know the state, to modify the state, to know the IP / Network, resources, etc., etc.
List of virtual machines available:
onevm list
It is normal to appear empty since we have not yet launched any virtual machine. We will create it later.
Allows you to manage the hosts and resources of the cloud created with OpenNebula
List of hosts of the system and its state:
onehost list
It appears empty since HOSTS are managed from a privileged user profile.
Access to the docker ugr server:
ssh manuparra@docker....
This is the first step before working with OpenNebula:
oneuser login <youruserlogin> --ssh --force
for example:
oneuser login manuparra --ssh --force
If this command works fine, you are allow to use and connect with OpenNebula.
oneimage list
It will show:
8 oneadmin users CentOS-6.5-one- default 10G OS No used 1
9 oneadmin users CentOS-7 default 10G OS No rdy 0
10 oneadmin users Ubuntu-14.04 default 10G OS No rdy 0
11 oneadmin users Hadoop 1.2 Mast default 1.3G OS No rdy 0
12 oneadmin users Hadoop 1.2 Slav default 1.3G OS No rdy 0
Images are referenced by "ID" or "NAME". You can use those IDENTIFIERS to reference list elements.
If we want to use CENTOS7, we need the ID => 9 o NAME => "CentOS-7".
Now we have to verify that we have created our Virtual Network to be able to launch the machines within a correct IP address space:
onevnet list
and look forward for your Virtual Network
0 oneadmin oneadmin private - br0 0
1 patriciajimeno users private1 - br0 0
2 alejandroalonso users alejandroalonso_vne - br0 0
3 arantzazulopez users arantzazulopez_vnet - br0 0
Remember your Virtual Network ID or Virtual Network NAME.
We use onetemplate
with this syntax:
onetemplate create --name <nametemplate> --cpu <numcpu> --vcpu <numvcpu> --memory <mem> --arch x86_64 --disk <imageid> --nic <idvnet> --vnc --ssh --net_context
for example:
onetemplate create --name "Plantilla_CentOS" --cpu 1 --vcpu 1 --memory 512 --arch x86_64 --disk 9 --nic "manuelparra_vnet" --vnc --ssh --net_context
Those are the parameters explained:
- --name : Indica el nombre plantilla a crear. Debe ser un texto identificativo de la MV a crear.
- --cpu : El número de CPUS que vamos a utilizar. Debe ser un número entero. - --vcpu : El número de CPUs Virtuales que se utilizarán. Debe ser un número entero.
- --memory : La memoria RAM en MB que se usará para la Maquina Virtual.
- --arch: La arquitectura que se va a usar. Debe estar en concordancia con la imagen que se utilizará; puede ser x86_64, x86, …
- --disk: El ID del disco o imagen que vamos a usar. El identificador de la lista se puede ver ver en oneimage list y puede ser un ID o bien el NOMBRE del disco.
- --nic : El nombre de la RedVirtual que usaremos. El identificador se puede consultar utilizando el mandato onevnet list, desde donde se consulta el ID o NOMBRE de la RED a usar.
- --ssh: acceso via ssh.
- --net_context: Usaremos el contextos para la imagen.
To verify if the template was created:
onetemplate list
If we want to delete the template, first get the selected ID or NAME and then:
onetemplate delete <ID>
First, list your Virtual Machines list:
onevm list
and check again the list of my templates:
onetemplate list
And now, we create a new instance of a Virtual Machine:
onetemplate instantiate <IDtemplate>
for example:
onetemplate instantiate 63
It will returns an ID of the created Virtual Machine.
Because the start of the virtual machine takes time, we will see the state at each moment, so check list of your Virtual Machines:
onevm list
It will show:
5 manuelpa users Plantilla_CentO runn 0 512M noded07 0d 01h13
In the STAT column we have the current state. RUNNING = RUN And information about Memory, HOST, etc.
Check the ID of your Virtual Machine:
onevm list
and get your Virtual Machine ID:
onevm show <ID>
onevm show 60
It will returns all information about your Virtual Machine.
The part that interests us of the details is to know that IP has been assigned to this machine created:
So, our Virtual Machine IP to connect with SSH is:
We try to connect to the Virtual Machine:
Verify if you are connected to Internet:
ping -c2 google.com
Go to: http://docker.ugr.es:9869/ and follow the next steps:
- Connect to docker server ugr:
ssh manuparra@.....
- Execute:
cat .one/one_auth
it will show your SunStone credentials in this format:<user>:<password>
, for example:manuparra:7374j31g74hd7234
- Copy the corresponding part of password and paste http://docker.ugr.es:9869/ login and password.