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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 12, 2024. It is now read-only.

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753 lines (491 loc) · 40.2 KB

File metadata and controls

753 lines (491 loc) · 40.2 KB



  • Bump version to fix improperly published code (root instead of /pkg) to npm


  • Added colSize prop to component to enable more flexible layouts with index card.
  • Bump mbx-assembly-docs version


  • Added icon for a new Dive Deeper section on the Help page.


  • Added new FAQ content type to helpers/help-card-data.js, separated help icons into helpers/icons and upgraded src/components/card.js to have hover styles and a RightArrow icon for the card


  • Publish peer dependency change indicated in 6.4.0 but erroneously not published.


  • Update the peer dependency entry for mbx-assembly-docs to prevent resolution errors in consuming repos.


  • Updates dependencies
  • Refactors build-docs-data to use new async methods of prettier which were introduced in a downstream dependency
  • Uses a beta release of copyeditor which uses .copyeditorrc instead of a local .dict file
  • Adds 'playground' as type for feedback component #620


  • Refactor feedback component #606
  • update search modal background to match mr-ui/modal #612
  • style index card title/tag for proper vertical spacing when wrapped #611
  • fix breadcrumb key #610
  • Pass in GettingStartedIcon instance to OverviewHeader test case #609
  • Dependency updates


  • add IndexCard, helpCardData, build a card mode for OverviewHeader #608


  • remove calls to mr-ui getWindow util #607


  • Update the VideoModal component to have a smaller width #605
  • Update RelatedPage component to display YouTube videos #604


  • Add tagBackground to each theme for use in Tag component (#602)
  • Decorate unordered lists with a gray bullet (#603)


  • Create Plugins component (#595)
  • improve sidebar and aside scroll UX (#598)
  • restore theme color classnames (#597)
  • CSS fixes (#596)


  • updates for the docs redesign project:
    • use new Cera font classes from mbx-assembly-docs
    • style updates to Search, Tag
    • PageLayout updates to accomodate new sticky header from docs-page-shell


  • styling fix to Note component to prevent text overflow


  • roll back elastic dependencies to v1.7.0 (#572)


  • various dependency updates


  • css and layout tweaks for the CTA buttons (#558)
  • update engines to node 18 and npm 9 (#557)


  • fix layout of CTA boxes on wide screens (#556)
  • bump mr-ui to 2.4.0, fix ariaLabel console warning (#555)


  • fix collisions between 'order' and 'level' frontmatter ordering


  • 'order' frontmatter enabled to order GL JS examples


  • Updated mr-ui from v1.0.0 to v2.1.4


  • Added Mapbox Developers Discord button to PageLayout and content on right aside as a call-to-action


  • Publishing error


  • Add external link feature to example cards


  • Move CI from TravisCI to CircleCI (as we can no longer install private npm packages on public repos with travisCI)
  • Improve Search by lowering the debounce timout, removing loading spinners, styling highlighted words in the search results, and some other styling tweaks


  • add a sign up banner call to action in the PageLayout component (no changes, but the wrong directory was mistakenly published as v5.1.5)


  • add a sign up banner call to action in the PageLayout component


  • change styling for feedback buttons from solid blue to gray with outline


  • fix bug in GroupGuideIndex that expected hardcode title 'Guides' for root doc


  • Update @mapbox/remark-config-docs. #531
  • Add optional height prop to DemoIframe. #532


  • Move @sentry/browser to dependencies.


  • Adjust spacing and size of subPages in GroupedGuides. #526
  • Require Node 14 and npm 7.


This release updates to Assembly v1. #481

  • 🚨 Replace customStyles prop in Tag with customBorder, customColor, and customBackground. The new props accept class names.
  • 🚨 CardContainer no longer accepts a number for cardColSize, choose: '1/4' for 4 cards or '1/3' for 3 cards per row. The default is '1/2' for 2 cards per row.
  • Update to [email protected].
  • Handle NavigiationAccordion when there is no activeItem. #495
  • Move "I like..." category to bottom in Feedback component. #518
  • Decrease Sentry tracesSampleRate to 0.05. #517
  • Updates GuideGroupIndex in PageLayout to use CardContainer to display full width cards. #519


  • Fix casing for DownloadButton with GeoJSON filetype. #484


  • Fix issue in NavigationAccordion to handle pages that do not have a parent. #479


  • Fix release



  • Update Feedback to only send an event to Sentry if feedback exists. #475


  • Fix error handling in Feedback component to only send error to Sentry if forwardEvent returns one. #473


  • 🚨 Redesign Feedback component to introduce categories. #462
  • Update prismjs, rehype-prism. #466
  • Fix Video to use a promise when handling play(). #459
  • Update search-ui dependencies. #467
  • Update devDependencies. #468
  • Add babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types to babel.config.js and use ES6 modules. #456
  • Add Sentry tracing to the AnalyticsShell with added sentryPerformance prop. #469
  • Make sortVersions a common JS module. #470


  • Fix sortVersions for prerelease versions greater than 10. #464


  • In Search component, fix logic to prevent queries with results from being sent to Sentry.


  • Enforce use of React PureComponents to improve performance. #414
  • Improve color contrast on code and anchor elements. #434
  • Enable eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y. #435
  • Enable react/jsx-no-bind. #442
  • Replace id with aria-label in VimeoPlayImage to prevent duplicated ids when more than one instance is on the same page. #438
  • Make filename optional for CodeSnippetTitle.
  • Use passive event listeners on Search, NumberedCodeSnippet, and OnThisPage to improve performance. #437
  • Make Video disable autoplay by default. #276
  • Load the Search component with a facade to improve performance. #430
  • 🚨 The NumberedCodeSnippet prop onCopy is deprecated and will automatically send a track event to Segment. #442
  • 🚨 The CodeSnippet prop highlighter no longer accepts an arrow function. #442
    • Before: highlighter={() => highlightJson}
    • After: highlighter={highlightJson}
  • Update devDependencies.
  • Configure Search to use the Swiftype API's spelling option to retry in cases where a typo is suspected.
  • Send issue to Sentry when a search query does not return a result in the Search component. #452
  • Create prepareSitemap Batfish helper to improve sitemap. #427. See prepareSitemap for instructions on how to add the dataSelector to your Batfish configuration. You will also want to add the following to the top of any redirect files so that they will be excluded from the sitemap:
hideFromSearchEngines: true


  • The edit.css prop is optional when displaying Edit in CodeSnippet. #421


  • When maxHeight is set, move Edit buttons in CodeSnippet above the code. #420


  • Add pricing theme to Note. #416


  • Update prismjs, rehype-prism. #411
  • 🚨 Deprecates HelpPage, NavigationDropdown, SectionedNavigation, TopbarSticker, and Topbar components. #407
  • Make css optional in Edit and CodeSnippet components. #293
  • Make filename required for CodeSnippetTitle. #413


  • Fix docs-prose.css to not apply blue color to code elements that are descendants of elements with anchor class (headings). #409


This release drops support for Internet Explorer and makes small performance and accessibility improvements. #393

  • 🚨 Remove support for IE 11.
  • 🚨 Rename GLWrapper as MapWrapper.
    • You must define the height of the map. This will set the height of the loader to prevent a content layout shift after the map loads.
  • DemoIframe has a required title prop to provide a description of the iframe's content.
  • 🚨The vimeoThumbnail prop in RelatedPage no longer accepts a string. It must be an AppropriateImage instance. Example: vimeoThumbnail='./img/map-image.jpg' becomes vimeoThumbnail={<AppropriateImage alt='' imageId='map-image' />}
  • Add position prop to Feedback component to identify place on page.
  • Improve color contrast on syntax highlighting.


  • Update GlWrapper component to check for Internet Explorer and provide reason for when the issue is not Internet Explorer or WebGL support. #387


  • Remove mbxMetadata when the component unmounts in AnalyticsShell. #383.


  • Fix pageSorter function in filter Batfish helper to sort "まず始めに" (Getting started) to top of the list.


  • Update the filter Batfish helper to sort "まず始めに" (Getting started) to start of the topic list. #381.


  • Add Breadcrumb component. This component is included as a feature in PageLayout. #331.
  • Add OnThisPage component. This component displays headings on the page and performs scroll spy to indicate where you are on the page.
    • 🚨This update removes the need for the @mapbox/dr-ui/plugins/create-sections plugin and it is now deprecated. You can safely remove it from your batfish.config.js.
    • 🚨All h2 and h3 elements that will appear as links in the OnThisPage component must have the class anchor. The add-links-to-headings plugin will automatically add this class to markdown headings, but if you add HTML headings to the page, then you must add the anchor class to each h2 and h3 element to make sure the scroll spy can detect these headings.
  • 🚨Update PageLayout component.
    • Add aside feature which includes the OnThisPage and Feedback components. On larger devices, the aside is stuck to the right-side of the screen. On smaller devices, OnThisPage moves inline below the page's title and Feedback will appear at the bottom of the page. The aside feature does not stick on IE 11 and remains static, but still performs the core functionality of providing anchor links.
    • OnThisPage will appear on all pages with layout: page by default, but nowhere else. If a boolean onThisPage frontmatter property is supplied, this can be overridden for any page.
    • Remove TopbarSticker from PageLayout. The main navigation now uses the NavigationAccordion on the sidebar to display main pages and subpages.
    • 🚨Redesigned NavigationAccordion to work as site navigation menu. The component will no longer track headings. We deprecated several props and introduced new ones, please consult the NavigationAccordion documentation.
    • Add option to add OverviewHeader component to the page by passing the component's properties in the frontMatter. When overviewHeader is defined in the frontMatter, then the title (h1) will not show on the page.
    • Add filter functionality to exampleIndex layout. All page cards will be displayed in order of the order frontMatter property and then alphabetically by title. Filters will automatically appear for topics, levels, languages, and video if the pages have at least more than one unique option for each filter category. Filter selections are pushed to the query param and are set by a rendered query string.
  • Update Feedback component.
    • Remove background color and use AsideHeading component to style the component's heading.
  • Update docs-prose.css.
    • You can now use .unprose class on #docs-content h2 elements to remove the styling.
    • Add sticky-mxl and scroll-auto-mxl classes to enable a sticky position and scrolling on displays >= 1200 pixels.
  • 🚨 Rename ExamplePage component to HelpPage to better reflect that the component will display tutorial and troubleshooting page cards for Help pages. Adds data prop that accepts JSON to display cards.
  • 🚨 Update Batfish helpers:
    • 🚨 Remove topics Batfish helper and replace with filters.
    • 🚨 Remove formatTopics Batfish helper. Use the HelpPage component.
    • 🚨 Remove accordion object from navigation and moved the dataset into navTabs as pages array.
    • 🚨 Add addPages parameter to buildNavigation helper function to support appending arbitrary items to site navigation.
    • 🚨 Switches to named parameters for buildNavigation.
  • Add small prop and variant to Tag.
  • Remove truncation on ProductMenu and moves tag above the title.
  • Replace bottom Feedback component on examples pages with an Aside.
  • Allow passing children to the ExamplesIndex component.
  • Add theming options to OverviewHeader: theme to accept CSS classes to customize the container, lightText to enable white text, description to add a text description. The features prop is now optional.
  • 🚨Deprecate GlossaryCard, GlossaryPage, and GlossarySection components.
  • Improve color contrast on LevelIndicator.


  • Add new props to Search to allow further customization by other subdomains. #329
    • Add resultsOnly and overrideSearchTerm that will display only the Swiftype results for the given search term.
    • Add themeCompact to condense result padding when enabled.
    • Add emptyResultMessage to change the message when Swiftype returns no results for a query.
    • Add segmentTrackEvent to change the name of the Segment event that is capture during a search.


  • Set new referrer tag in Feedback.
  • Bump Sentry version to 5.24.2.


  • Add hideSearch prop to PageLayout to remove the Search component in PageLayoutTopbar.


  • Add hideTopBar prop to PageLayout to completely remove PageLayoutTopbar.


  • Fix truncation on ProductMenu.


  • Fix xhr headers in ForwardEvent function.


  • Set minHeight on PageLayoutTopbar to prevent layout shift as the Search component loads.


  • Fix margin on Search in PageLayout.


  • Fix element spacing within PageLayoutTopbar.
  • Add formatTopics Batfish helper function. #328


  • Fix the connector prop in PageLayout.


  • Fix the type prop in PageLayout's Feedback component.


Introducing layouts in PageLayout. See the PageLayout guide for more information on building with this component.

  • Add AnalyticsShell component. #307
  • Add Batfish helpers: navigation and topics. #310
  • Add Batfish helper: split-pages. #317
  • Update PageLayout to accept layouts. #309
    • The added layouts: page, accordion, example, full, exampleIndex.
    • 🚨 The following props are deprecated and are no longer configurable: sidebarTitle, sidebarContent, sidebarContentStickyTop, sidebarContentStickyTopNarrow, sidebarStackedOnNarrowScreens, sideBarColSize, interactiveClass.
    • sidebarTheme is now defined from the frontMatter object.
    • Component now includes TopbarSticker/Topbar, Search, and Feedback components.
  • 🚨 The user props is deprecated in Feedback. The component will now fetch this data and you can safely remove the user prop from this component. #324
  • Update dependencies. #326
  • Add cardColSize prop to CardContainer to adjust size of cards.


  • Add ErrorBoundary component. #272
  • Pin the version numbers for all search-ui dependencies. #321


  • Add aria-label to BackToTopButton. #290
  • Update @sentry/browser and add it as a peer dependency along with react, react-dom, @mapbox/mr-ui, and @mapbox/mbx-assembly. #292


  • Remove limiter from Topbar. #282


  • Allow Kotlin-only activities in ContextlessAndroidActivityToggle. #278


  • Fix padding, background, and color contrast in NumberedCodeSnippet component. #269
  • Fix a bug in NumberedCodeSnippet where if the last line was included in copyRanges that code chunk would not be highlighted. #268
  • Add Topbar component. #274
  • Update mr-ui and other dependencies for security fixes. #266
  • Prevent ProductMenu from truncating tag. #277


  • Add feature to scroll to active item in SectionedNavigation onload. #249
  • Add feature to scroll to active item in NavigationAccordion onload. #247
  • Improve text alignment of sidebar including NavigationAccordion, SectionedNavigation, and PageLayout sidebarTitle. #254
    • 🚨Check the sidebarTitle value of PageLayout, you should not need additional margin or padding classes. The sidebar text should line up with the PageLayout title text.
  • Add icon option for third level items in NavigationAccordion. #252
  • Add Sentry to Feedback to catch failed forward-event events. #256
  • Set character limit on Feeback text feedback to 1000 characters and set Sentry's maxValueLength to the same to prevent truncated feedback. #244
  • Send basic user metadata to Sentry through the Feedback component. #255
    • 🚨 The userName prop has been replaced by user object.


  • Updates to RelatedPage component:
    • 🚨 Replace description with children and make it required. #239
    • Fix overflow issue in IE11. #238
    • Create Vimeo modal option (vimeoId and vimeoThumbnail) . #236
    • Add playground theme. #234
  • Updates to Note component. #240
    • 🚨 Remove image option, every Note will use the theme's defined image.
    • Improve color contrast on elements inside the component.


  • Fix icons in Note by setting size as a number to correct their size in Firefox. #233


  • Remove code formatter (Indent.js) from Edit component. #228


  • Replace Prettier (in browser) for Indent.js to fix IE 11 compatibility issue. #226


  • Darken text color for Note and Tag themes. #223


  • Add IE11 compatibility for the Search component. #203
  • Add beta and download themes to Note. #202
  • 🚨Remove imageComponent option from Note. The theme will select the accompanying image or you can pass image={false} to prevent the theme's image from appearing in Note. #202
  • Add RelatedPage component. #213
  • Add GlossaryImage component. #213
  • Add ExampleImage component. #213
  • 🚨 Refactor how tags are defined and applied to other components (#216).
    • Add generic Tag component with several theme options.
    • Remove BetaFlag. Use <Tag theme="beta" /> instead.
    • Update existing components ( OverviewHeader, NavigationAccordion ProductMenu). Pass a string to the tag prop to use a predefined theme. To use a custom theme, pass custom to the theme prop and add a customTagProps prop. customTagProps is required when using the custom theme.
  • Add an optional tag prop for second and third level headings in NavigationAccordion. #212
  • Update NumberedCodeSnippet to include the option to hide lines not included in copyRanges. Lines are hidden by default. #206
  • 🚨 Update Feedback component's Sentry integration. #209
    • Conditionally set section and preferredLanguage.
    • Set the environment.
    • 🚨 Allow feedbackSentryDsn to accept boolean (false) to disable sending text feedback to Sentry. If you're using the Feedback component, but not using Sentry to triage feedback, set this value to false.
  • Create Themes component to hold shared styles for Tag and Note. #217
  • Create highlight/theme-css which exports prism.css as string and allows us to easily import prism.css into mr-ui CodeSnippet and other components. #218
  • Create Edit component to add "Edit in JSFiddle" and "Edit in CodePen" buttons to code blocks. #197
  • Create CodeSnippet component as a wrapper to mr-ui's CodeSnippet with options to use Edit or CodeSnippetTitle components. #197
  • Update dependencies: @elastic/[email protected], @elastic/[email protected], @elastic/[email protected], @mabpox/[email protected], @sentry/[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. #220
  • Remove cursor: pointer rule from H2 and H3 elements. #222


  • Add Sentry to Feedback component for text feedback issue management. #198
  • Add support for groovy syntax highlighting. #201


  • Allow caller to provide a custom connector to the Search component. #200


  • Add a CSS highlighter option to the Highlight component. #191
  • Add GlossaryCard, GlossarySection, and GlossaryPage components. #192
  • Creates new theme for Search button. #189
  • Add Phone component. #195
  • Add cleanAndroidActivity and cleanIosViewController helper functions. #194


  • Fix build error in Video component. #186
  • Fix window evaluation in Feedback component. #187


  • Add environment and location to the request in Feedback. #184


  • Add Video component. #176
  • Add Browser component. #177
  • Add CodeSnippetTitle component. #179
  • Modify the CodeToggle component to allow for the toggle labels to be different from the values and remove restrictions on specific strings for the language prop. #179
  • Add ContextlessAndroidActivityToggle component that styles the ToggleableCodeSnippet component specifically for toggling between Activity code written in Java and Kotlin. It should be used with context defined in the repo where it is being used. #179
  • Add ContextlessIosViewControllerToggle component that styles the ToggleableCodeSnippet component specifically for toggling between ViewController code written in Swift and Objective-C. It should be used with context defined in the repo where it is being used. #179
  • Add NumberedCodeSnippet component for displaying line numbers and styling designated copyRanges inside snippets. #179
  • Add AndroidLayoutCodeBlock component. #179
  • Modify prism.css to add styling for numbered lines in the NumberedCodeSnippet component. #179
  • Add highlight/kotlin.js to add syntax highlighting for Kotlin code snippets. #179
  • Add preferredLanguage as prop for Feedback and include browser name, version, and operating system with the event. #183

  • 🚨Breaking changes:

    • Move all syntax highlighter functions from helpers directory to highlight component and simplifies each highlighter file name. #180

    • Modify the ToggleableCodeBlock component to include the code toggle when more than one option exists. Changes to props include:

      • Removes the codeSnippet
      • Replaces codeSnippet.language with selectedLanguage
      • Replaces codeSnippet.rawCode with code
      • Replaces codeSnippet.highlightedCode with highlightedCode
      • Removes codeSnippet.preferredLanguage
      • Adds a required id
      • Adds an optional copyRanges
      • Adds an optional options
      • Adds an optional changeLanguage
      • Adds an optional filename
      • Adds an optional link
      • Adds an optional limitHeight (defaults to true)

      See #179


  • Add core-js as a dependency.


  • Add syntax highlighting helper functions for HTML, Java, JSON, JSX, Objective-C, Swift, and XML. #172
  • Add a new Note style with a green background that will be used to show off new or updated products or features. #162
  • Fix window.scroll() on BackToTopButton. #167
  • Enable babel polyfill on Search component. #165
  • Add babel config to helpers and plugins, add eslint plugins to catch new JavaScript features. #164
  • Add GLWrapper and DemoIframe components. #166
  • Refactor image components to fix IE11 bug and set default size. #171


  • Fix Note in IE11 by replacing Object.assign with a function. #159


  • Fix logic for window and document in Search. #160


  • Fix errors generated by Search by preventing the component from loading on IE11. #158


  • Add create-redirect.js helper function. #144
  • Update to v1.0.0 of search-ui for Search. #156


  • Fix missing proptype for Search. #151


  • Update security vulnerabilities in dependencies. #152


  • Add Feedback component. #135


  • Add data attribute to prevent Swiftype from indexing sidebar content on PageLayout. #146
  • Add compare-versions as a dependency to support helpers/version-sort.js. #142
  • Fix version-sort helper function so it does not push pre-releases of the latest stable version. #148


  • Fix bug where Search filter was not displaying with the first query.


  • Fix build that was improperly pushed to npm in 0.16.0.


  • Update search-ui, add loader, increase debounce length, and reset search when modal is closed for Search component. #145


  • Fix build to remove optionalDependencies and jest from package.json. #143


  • Fix toggle in Search to be a button and track toggle event.


  • Fix z-index issue with Search modal and TopbarSticker. #139
  • Add ability to filter Search results by current site or all docs. #138
  • Add Segment events for tracking queries and clicks in the Search component. #140


  • Refactors the Search component to use a modal on larger screens. #133.
  • Increase z-index for sticky sidebar in PageLayout and TopbarSticker. #134



  • Debounce Search results. #129


  • Move titleGenerator to Search component directory.


  • Add ability to revisit a search query when the input has focus for the Search component. #127
  • Add style JSON for minimal styles used to illustrate the contents of Mapbox-maintained tilesets. #125
  • Add titleGenerator helper function to format title meta tags and search result titles. #128


  • Wrap LevelIndicator in txt-s txt-bold classes in Card. #/


  • Add Search component. #121
  • 🚨 Remove txt-bold and txt-s from LevelIndicator component to make it more flexible. #121


  • Add Swiftype attribute to ignore content blocks in CardContainer, SectionedNavigation, and TopbarSticker. (#119)(#119)
  • Fix bug in Firefox where arrow was not vertically centered in BackToTopButton. (#122)(#122)
  • Fix prerelease order in sortVersion helper function. (#124)(#124)


  • Add BetaFlag component, beta prop to OverviewHeader, beta prop to ProductMenu; update mr-ui to v0.7.0. (#123)(#123)


  • [Patch] Use babel.config.js and update build-package.js to output components to directories during npm run build.(#118)(#118)


  • Add versionSort helper function to sort version numbers for API reference dropdowns. (#117)(#117)


  • Add an optional prop in NavigationAccordion to add tags to first level items. (#115)(#115)


  • Add ability to filter the description if it's available in SectionedNavigation. (#111)(#111)
  • Add mb24 to OverviewHeader. #112
  • Fix .prose pre rules in docs-prose.css to make specific to code blocks with .language- prefixed classes. #113


  • Add prism.css to create shared syntax styles #108
  • Add new styles for fullwidth Card and CardContainer. #104
  • Add CSS to set max-height and style scrollbars for prose code examples. #103
  • Add warning, error, and default themes to Note and removes ability to pass padding, background, fontSize, lineHeight, and color to Note. #102
  • Add WarningImage for primary use with Note. #102
  • 🚨 Replace width and height props with size on BookImage, BookletImage, ContactImage, TroubleshootImage. #102


  • Update to mr-ui 0.5.0. (#95)
  • Add contactLink prop to OverviewHeader to create Contact us button. (#105)


  • Add optional unStickWidth prop to TopbarSticker. (#100)


  • Add optional prop (sideBarColSize) to change the column size of the sidebar in PageLayout. (#96)
  • Add additional selectors for #docs-content .prose. (#91)
  • Add make-table-scroll plugin. (#90)
  • Remove px12 on content element in PageLayout. (#98)
  • Add optional interactiveClass prop to watch for changes on click in PageLayout to adjust the sidebar height. (#97)


  • Fix bottomBoundaryValue on PageLayout's sticky sidebar to account for slimmer docs-page-shell footer. (#88)


  • Removes ProductMenuDropdown and ProductMenuItems and refactors ProductMenu as a link. (#73)


  • Add scrollspy feature to NavigationAccordion and add plugin to create sections in markdown files based on h2 and h3 headings. (#66)


  • Fix a bug where NavigationDropdown did not appear on mobile. (#79)
  • Fix a bug where BackToTopButton did not, in fact, go back to top on mobile. (#80)
  • Add borderRadius class and give text color high contrast on Note. (#78)


  • Remove pt60 class from ExamplesPage component. (#70)
  • Update styles for Card and CardContainer components for consistent padding and spacing. (#71)
  • Fix z-index on TopbarSticker to prevent overlap with Mapbox logo on maps. (#67)
  • Add hideSubItems option to SectionedNavigation and active class to current page. (#69)


  • Add missing index.js file for the LevelIndicator component.
  • Add Mapbox Style Specification to ProductMenuItems. (#62)
  • Fix a bug where the sidebar in PageLayout was sticking when navigating directly to a hash at the bottom of the page. (#63)
  • Fix a bug where the arrow icon in BackToTopButton was not centered. (#63)
  • Add the option to include a filter bar to SectionedNavigation via the includeFilterBar prop. (#60)
  • Add a third level of headings (thirdLevelItems) to NavigationAccordion. (#58)


  • Add Atlas to ProductMenuItems. (#48)
  • Show scroll bar automatically in PageLayout when the sidebar contents overflow vertically. (#54)
  • In PageLayout, remove activeClass from the Sticky component to prevent temporary faint gray background when sidebarTheme is set to something other than the default. (#54)
  • Add new LevelIndicator component. (#55)
  • Add optional level and language props to Card. (#55)
  • Add China Plugin for iOS to ProductMenuItems. (#56)


  • Change the sidebarTitle prop type in the PageLayout component from string to string or node. (#43)
  • Add lightText prop for styling the ProductMenu popover trigger on dark backgrounds. (#52)
  • Update Mapbox Studio link in product menu items data file from /help/studio-manual/ to /studio-manual/. (#50)
  • Add the option to make an item active in SectionedNavigtion. Note: This should be used to indicate which example you're currently viewing when displaying SectionedNavigation on individual examples pages. (#45)
  • Prevent an empty array from being passed to secondLevelItems in NavigationAccordion. (#44)
  • Add image components for commonly used SVG illustrations. (#49)