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File metadata and controls

3024 lines (2161 loc) · 82 KB

Table of Contents


Styles API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Get a style.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.styleId string
    • config.ownerId string?
    • config.metadata boolean If true, mapbox: specific metadata will be preserved (optional, default false)
    • config.draft boolean If true will retrieve the draft style, otherwise will retrieve the published style. (optional, default false)
    • config.fresh boolean If true, will bypass the cached version of the style. Fresh style requests have a lower rate limit than cached requests and may have a higher latency. fresh=true should never be used in production or high concurrency environments. (optional, default false)


  styleId: 'style-id'
  .then(response => {
    const style = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Create a style.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  style: {
    version: 8,
    name: "My Awesome Style",
    metadata: {},
    sources: {},
    layers: [],
    glyphs: "mapbox://fonts/{owner}/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf"
  .then(response => {
    const style = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Update a style.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.styleId string
    • Object Stylesheet JSON object.
    • config.lastKnownModification (string | number | Date)? Datetime of last known update. Passed as 'If-Unmodified-Since' HTTP header.
    • config.ownerId string?


  styleId: 'style-id',
  style: {
    version: 8,
    name: 'My Awesome Style',
    metadata: {},
    sources: {},
    layers: [],
    glyphs: 'mapbox://fonts/{owner}/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf'
  .then(response => {
    const style = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Delete a style.



  styleId: 'style-id'
  .then(response => {
    // delete successful

Returns MapiRequest


List styles in your account.


  • config Object?

    • config.start string? The style ID to start at, for paginated results.
    • config.ownerId string?
    • config.fresh boolean If true, will bypass the cached resource. Fresh requests have a lower rate limit than cached requests and may have a higher latency. fresh=true should never be used in high concurrency environments. (optional, default false)


  .then(response => {
    const styles = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Add an icon to a style, or update an existing one.



  styleId: 'foo',
  iconId: 'bar',
  // The string filename value works in Node.
  // In the browser, provide a Blob.
  file: 'path/to/file.svg'
  .then(response => {
    const newSprite = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Remove an icon from a style.


  • config Object

    • config.styleId string
    • config.iconId string
    • config.ownerId string?
    • config.draft boolean If true will remove the icon from the draft style, otherwise will remove the icon from the published style. (optional, default false)


  styleId: 'foo',
  iconId: 'bar'
  .then(response => {
    // delete successful

Returns MapiRequest


Get a style sprite's image or JSON document.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.styleId string
    • config.format ("json" | "png") (optional, default "json")
    • config.highRes boolean? If true, returns spritesheet with 2x resolution.
    • config.ownerId string?
    • config.draft boolean If true will retrieve the draft style sprite, otherwise will retrieve the published style sprite. (optional, default false)
    • config.fresh boolean If true, will bypass the cached resource. Fresh requests have a lower rate limit than cached requests and may have a higher latency. fresh=true should never be used in high concurrency environments. (optional, default false)


  format: 'json',
  styleId: 'foo',
  highRes: true
  .then(response => {
    const sprite = response.body;
  format: 'png',
  styleId: 'foo',
  highRes: true
  .then(response => {
    const sprite = response.body;
    fs.writeFileSync('sprite.png', sprite, 'binary');

Returns MapiRequest


Get a font glyph range.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.fonts (string | Array<string>) An array of font names.
    • config.start number Character code of the starting glyph.
    • config.end number Character code of the last glyph, typically equivalent toconfig.start + 255.
    • config.ownerId string?


  fonts: 'Arial Unicode',
  start: 0,
  end: 255
  .then(response => {
    const glyph = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Get embeddable HTML displaying a map.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.styleId string
    • config.scrollZoom boolean If false, zooming the map by scrolling will be disabled. (optional, default true)
    • config.title boolean If true, the map's title and owner is displayed in the upper right corner of the map. (optional, default false)
    • config.fallback boolean If true, serve a fallback raster map. (optional, default false)
    • config.mapboxGLVersion string? Specify a version of Mapbox GL JS to use to render the map.
    • config.mapboxGLGeocoderVersion string? Specify a version of the Mapbox GL geocoder plugin to use to render the map search box.
    • config.ownerId string?
    • config.draft boolean If true will retrieve the draft style, otherwise will retrieve the published style. (optional, default false)


Static Images API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Get a static map image.

If you just want the URL for the static map image, create a request and get it's URL with MapiRequest#url. This is what prior versions of the SDK returned.


  • config Object

    • config.ownerId string The owner of the map style.
    • config.styleId string The map's style ID.
    • config.width number Width of the image in pixels, between 1 and 1280.
    • config.height number Height of the image in pixels, between 1 and 1280.
    • config.position ("auto" | Object) If "auto", the viewport will fit the bounds of the overlay(s). If an object, it could be either a bbox or a coordinate and a zoom as the required parameters.
      bbox (required): Is an array of coordinate pairs, with the first coordinate pair referring to the southwestern corner of the box (the minimum longitude and latitude) and the second referring to the northeastern corner of the box (the maximum longitude and latitude). Otherwise the maps' position is described by an object with the following properties: coordinates (required): coordinates for the center of image. zoom (required): Between 0 and 20. bearing (optional): Between 0 and 360. pitch (optional): Between 0 and 60.
    • config.padding string A string value that denotes the minimum padding per side of the image. This can only be used with auto or bbox. The value resembles the CSS specification for padding and accepts 1-4 integers without units
    • config.overlays Array<Overlay>? Overlays should be in z-index order: the first in the array will be on the bottom; the last will be on the top. Overlays are objects that match one of the following types: SimpleMarkerOverlay, CustomMarkerOverlay, PathOverlay, GeoJsonOverlay
    • config.highRes boolean (optional, default false)
    • config.before_layer string? The ID of the style layer that overlays should be inserted before.
    • config.addlayer Object? Adds a Mapbox style layer to the map's style at render time. Can be combined with before_layer.
    • config.setfilter Array? Applies a filter to an existing layer in a style using Mapbox's expression syntax. Must be used with layer_id.
    • config.layer_id string? Denotes the layer in the style that the filter specified in setfilter is applied to.
    • config.attribution boolean Whether there is attribution on the map image. (optional, default true)
    • config.logo boolean Whether there is a Mapbox logo on the map image. (optional, default true)


  ownerId: 'mapbox',
  styleId: 'streets-v11',
  width: 200,
  height: 300,
  position: {
    coordinates: [12, 13],
    zoom: 4
  .then(response => {
    const image = response.body;
  ownerId: 'mapbox',
  styleId: 'streets-v11',
  width: 200,
  height: 300,
  position: {
    // position as a bounding box
    bbox: [-77.04,38.8,-77.02,38.91],
 padding: '4'
  .then(response => {
    const image = response.body;
  ownerId: 'mapbox',
  styleId: 'streets-v11',
  width: 200,
  height: 300,
  position: {
    coordinates: [12, 13],
    zoom: 3
  overlays: [
    // Simple markers.
      marker: {
        coordinates: [12.2, 12.8]
      marker: {
        size: 'large',
        coordinates: [14, 13.2],
        label: 'm',
        color: '#000'
      marker: {
        coordinates: [15, 15.2],
        label: 'airport',
        color: '#ff0000'
    // Custom marker
      marker: {
        coordinates: [10, 11],
        url:  ''
  .then(response => {
    const image = response.body;
// To get the URL instead of the image, create a request
// and get its URL without sending it.
const request = staticClient
    ownerId: 'mapbox',
    styleId: 'streets-v11',
    width: 200,
    height: 300,
    position: {
      coordinates: [12, 13],
      zoom: 4
const staticImageUrl = request.url();
// Now you can open staticImageUrl in a browser.
// Filter all buildings that have a height value that is less than 300 meters
const request = staticClient
    ownerId: 'mapbox',
    styleId: 'streets-v11',
    width: 200,
    height: 300,
    position: {
      coordinates: [12, 13],
      zoom: 4
    setfilter: [">","height",300],
    layer_id: 'building',
const staticImageUrl = request.url();
// Now you can open staticImageUrl in a browser.
// Paint all the state and province level boundaries associated with the US worldview with a dashed line and insert it below the road-label layer
const request = staticClient
    ownerId: 'mapbox',
    styleId: 'streets-v11',
    width: 200,
    height: 300,
    position: {
      coordinates: [12, 13],
      zoom: 4
    addlayer: {"id":"better-boundary","type":"line","source":"composite","source-layer":"admin","filter":["all",["==",["get","admin_level"],1],["==",["get","maritime"],"false"],["match",["get","worldview"],["all","US"],true,false]],"layout":{"line-join":"bevel"},"paint":{"line-color":"%236898B3","line-width":1.5,"line-dasharray":[1.5,1]}},
   before_layer: 'road-label',
const staticImageUrl = request.url();
// Now you can open staticImageUrl in a browser.

Returns MapiRequest


Uploads API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


List the statuses of all recent uploads.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object?

    • config.reverse boolean? List uploads in chronological order, rather than reverse chronological order.


  .then(response => {
    const uploads = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Create S3 credentials.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const getCredentials = () => {
  return uploadsClient
    .then(response => response.body);
const putFileOnS3 = (credentials) => {
  const s3 = new AWS.S3({
    accessKeyId: credentials.accessKeyId,
    secretAccessKey: credentials.secretAccessKey,
    sessionToken: credentials.sessionToken,
    region: 'us-east-1'
  return s3.putObject({
    Bucket: credentials.bucket,
    Key: credentials.key,
    Body: fs.createReadStream('/path/to/file.mbtiles')


Returns MapiRequest


Create an upload.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.tileset string The tileset ID to create or replace, in the format username.nameoftileset. Limited to 32 characters (only - and _ special characters allowed; limit does not include username).
    • config.url string HTTPS URL of the S3 object provided by createUploadCredentials
    • string? The name of the tileset. Limited to 64 characters.


// Response from a call to createUploadCredentials
const credentials = {
  accessKeyId: '{accessKeyId}',
  bucket: '{bucket}',
  key: '{key}',
  secretAccessKey: '{secretAccessKey}',
  sessionToken: '{sessionToken}',
  url: '{s3 url}'
  tileset: `${myUsername}.${myTileset}`,
  url: credentials.url,
  name: 'my uploads name',
  .then(response => {
    const upload = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Get an upload's status.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  uploadId: '{upload_id}'
  .then(response => {
    const status = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Delete an upload.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  uploadId: '{upload_id}'
.then(response => {
  // Upload successfully deleted.

Returns MapiRequest


Datasets API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


List datasets in your account.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object?

    • config.sortby string Sort by either modified or created (default) dates. (optional, default created)


  .then(response => {
    const datasets = response.body;
  .eachPage((error, response, next) => {
    // Handle error or response and call next.

Returns MapiRequest


Create a new, empty dataset.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  name: 'example',
  description: 'An example dataset'
  .then(response => {
    const datasetMetadata = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Get metadata about a dataset.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  datasetId: 'dataset-id'
  .then(response => {
    const datasetMetadata = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Update user-defined properties of a dataset's metadata.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  datasetId: 'dataset-id',
  name: 'foo'
  .then(response => {
    const datasetMetadata = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Delete a dataset, including all features it contains.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  datasetId: 'dataset-id'
  .then(response => {
    // Dataset is successfully deleted.

Returns MapiRequest


List features in a dataset.

This endpoint supports pagination. Use MapiRequest#eachPage or manually specify the limit and start options.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.datasetId string
    • config.limit number? Only list this number of features.
    • config.start string? The ID of the feature from which the listing should start.


  datasetId: 'dataset-id'
  .then(response => {
    const features = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Add a feature to a dataset or update an existing one.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.datasetId string
    • config.featureId string
    • config.feature Object Valid GeoJSON that is not a FeatureCollection. If the feature has a top-level id property, it must match the featureId you specify.


  datasetId: 'dataset-id',
  featureId: 'null-island',
  feature: {
    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": { "name": "Null Island" },
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [0, 0]
  .then(response => {
    const feature = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Get a feature in a dataset.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  datasetId: 'dataset-id',
  featureId: 'feature-id'
  .then(response => {
    const feature = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Delete a feature in a dataset.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  datasetId: 'dataset-id',
  featureId: 'feature-id'
  .then(response => {
    // Feature is successfully deleted.

Returns MapiRequest


Tilequery API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


List features within a radius of a point on a map (or several maps).


  • config Object

    • config.mapIds Array<string> The maps being queried. If you need to composite multiple layers, provide multiple map IDs.
    • config.coordinates Coordinates The longitude and latitude to be queried.
    • config.radius number The approximate distance in meters to query for features. (optional, default 0)
    • config.limit number The number of features to return, between 1 and 50. (optional, default 5)
    • config.dedupe boolean Whether or not to deduplicate results. (optional, default true)
    • config.geometry ("polygon" | "linestring" | "point")? Queries for a specific geometry type.
    • config.layers Array<string>? IDs of vector layers to query.


  mapIds: ['mapbox.mapbox-streets-v8'],
  coordinates: [-122.42901, 37.80633],
  radius: 10
  .then(response => {
    const features = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Tilesets API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


List a user's tilesets.


  • config Object?

    • config.ownerId string?
    • config.type ("raster" | "vector")? Filter results by tileset type, either raster or vector.
    • config.limit number The maximum number of tilesets to return, from 1 to 500. (optional, default 100)
    • config.sortBy ("created" | "modified")? Sort the listings by their created or modified timestamps.
    • config.start string? The tileset after which to start the listing.
    • config.visibility ("public" | "private")? Filter results by visibility, either public or private


  .then(response => {
    const tilesets = response.body;
  .eachPage((error, response, next) => {
    // Handle error or response and call next.

Returns MapiRequest


Delete a tileset


  • config Object

    • config.tilesetId string ID of the tileset to be deleted in the form username.tileset_id.


    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_id'
  .then(response => {
    const deleted = response.statusCode === 204;

Returns MapiRequest


Retrieve metadata about a tileset.


  • config Object?

    • config.tilesetId string? Unique identifier for the tileset in the format

Returns MapiRequest


Create a tileset source



     id: 'tileset_source_id',
     // The string filename value works in Node.
     // In the browser, provide a Blob.
     file: 'path/to/file.geojson.ld'
  .then(response => {
    const tilesetSource = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Retrieve a tileset source information



     id: 'tileset_source_id'
  .then(response => {
    const tilesetSource = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


List tileset sources


  • config Object?

    • config.ownerId string?
    • config.limit number The maximum number of tilesets to return, from 1 to 500. (optional, default 100)
    • config.start string? The tileset after which to start the listing.


  .then(response => {
    const tilesetSources = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Delete a tileset source


  • config Object

    • string ID of the tileset source to be deleted.
    • config.ownerId string?


    id: 'tileset_source_id'
  .then(response => {
    const deleted = response.statusCode === 201;

Returns MapiRequest


Create a tileset


  • config Object

    • config.tilesetId string ID of the tileset to be created in the form username.tileset_name.
    • config.recipe Object The tileset recipe to use in JSON format.
    • string Name of the tileset.
    • config.private boolean A private tileset must be used with an access token from your account. (optional, default true)
    • config.description string? Description of the tileset.


    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_id',
    recipe: {
      version: 1,
      layers: {
        my_new_layer: {
          source: "mapbox://tileset-source/{username}/{id}",
          minzoom: 0,
          maxzoom: 8
    name: 'My Tileset'
  .then(response => {
    const message = response.body.message;

Returns MapiRequest


Publish a tileset


  • config Object

    • config.tilesetId string ID of the tileset to publish in the form username.tileset_name.


    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_id'
  .then(response => {
    const tilesetPublishJob = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Update a tileset



    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_name',
    name: 'Tileset Name',
    private: true,
    attribution: [
       text: 'Source Name',
       link: ''
  .then(response => {
    const updated = response.statusCode === 204;

Returns MapiRequest


Retrieve the status of a tileset


  • config Object

    • config.tilesetId string ID of the tileset in the form username.tileset_name.


    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_name'
  .then(response => {
    const tilesetStatus = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Retrieve information about a single tileset job


  • config Object

    • config.tilesetId string ID of the tileset in the form username.tileset_name.
    • config.jobId string The publish job's ID.


    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_name'
    jobId: 'job_id'
  .then(response => {
    const tilesetJob = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


List information about all jobs for a tileset


  • config Object

    • config.tilesetId string ID of the tileset in the form username.tileset_name.
    • config.stage ("processing" | "queued" | "success" | "failed")?
    • config.limit number The maximum number of tilesets to return, from 1 to 500. (optional, default 100)
    • config.start string? The tileset after which to start the listing.


    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_name'
  .then(response => {
    const jobs = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


View Tilesets API global queue


  .then(response => {
    const queue = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Validate a recipe



    recipe: {
      version: 1,
      layers: {
        my_new_layer: {
          source: "mapbox://tileset-source/{username}/{id}",
          minzoom: 0,
          maxzoom: 8
  .then(response => {
    const validation = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Retrieve a recipe


  • config Object

    • config.tilesetId string ID of the tileset in the form username.tileset_name.


    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_name'
  .then(response => {
    const recipe = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Update a tileset recipe



    tilesetId: 'username.tileset_name',
    recipe: {
      version: 1,
      layers: {
        my_new_layer: {
          source: "mapbox://tileset-source/{username}/{id}",
          minzoom: 0,
          maxzoom: 8
  .then(response => {
    const updated = response.statusCode === 204;

Returns MapiRequest


Geocoding API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Search for a place.

See the public documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.query string A place name.
    • config.mode ("mapbox.places" | "mapbox.places-permanent") Either mapbox.places for ephemeral geocoding, or mapbox.places-permanent for storing results and batch geocoding. (optional, default "mapbox.places")
    • config.countries Array<string>? Limits results to the specified countries. Each item in the array should be an ISO 3166 alpha 2 country code.
    • config.proximity (Coordinates | "ip")? Bias local results based on a provided coordinate location or a user's IP address.
    • config.types Array<("country" | "region" | "postcode" | "district" | "place" | "locality" | "neighborhood" | "address" | "poi" | "poi.landmark")>? Filter results by feature types.
    • config.autocomplete boolean Return autocomplete results or not. (optional, default true)
    • config.bbox BoundingBox? Limit results to a bounding box.
    • config.limit number Limit the number of results returned. (optional, default 5)
    • config.language Array<string>? Specify the language to use for response text and, for forward geocoding, query result weighting. Options are IETF language tags comprised of a mandatory ISO 639-1 language code and optionally one or more IETF subtags for country or script.
    • config.routing boolean Specify whether to request additional metadata about the recommended navigation destination. Only applicable for address features. (optional, default false)
    • config.fuzzyMatch boolean Specify whether the Geocoding API should attempt approximate, as well as exact, matching. (optional, default true)
    • config.worldview String Filter results to geographic features whose characteristics are defined differently by audiences belonging to various regional, cultural, or political groups. (optional, default "us")
    • config.session_token String? A unique session identifier generated by the client.


  query: 'Paris, France',
  limit: 2
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;
// geocoding with proximity
  query: 'Paris, France',
  proximity: [-95.4431142, 33.6875431]
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;

// geocoding with countries
  query: 'Paris, France',
  countries: ['fr']
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;

// geocoding with bounding box
  query: 'Paris, France',
  bbox: [2.14, 48.72, 2.55, 48.96]
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Search for places near coordinates.

See the public documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.query Coordinates Coordinates at which features will be searched.
    • config.mode ("mapbox.places" | "mapbox.places-permanent") Either mapbox.places for ephemeral geocoding, or mapbox.places-permanent for storing results and batch geocoding. (optional, default "mapbox.places")
    • config.countries Array<string>? Limits results to the specified countries. Each item in the array should be an ISO 3166 alpha 2 country code.
    • config.types Array<("country" | "region" | "postcode" | "district" | "place" | "locality" | "neighborhood" | "address" | "poi" | "poi.landmark")>? Filter results by feature types.
    • config.bbox BoundingBox? Limit results to a bounding box.
    • config.limit number Limit the number of results returned. If using this option, you must provide a single item for types. (optional, default 1)
    • config.language Array<string>? Specify the language to use for response text and, for forward geocoding, query result weighting. Options are IETF language tags comprised of a mandatory ISO 639-1 language code and optionally one or more IETF subtags for country or script.
    • config.reverseMode ("distance" | "score") Set the factors that are used to sort nearby results. (optional, default 'distance')
    • config.routing boolean Specify whether to request additional metadata about the recommended navigation destination. Only applicable for address features. (optional, default false)
    • config.worldview String Filter results to geographic features whose characteristics are defined differently by audiences belonging to various regional, cultural, or political groups. (optional, default "us")
    • config.session_token String? A unique session identifier generated by the client.


  query: [-95.4431142, 33.6875431]
  .then(response => {
    // GeoJSON document with geocoding matches
    const match = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Directions API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Get directions.

Please read the full HTTP service documentation to understand all of the available options.


  • config Object

    • config.profile ("driving-traffic" | "driving" | "walking" | "cycling") (optional, default "driving")
    • config.waypoints Array<DirectionsWaypoint> An ordered array of DirectionsWaypoint objects, between 2 and 25 (inclusive).
    • config.alternatives boolean Whether to try to return alternative routes. (optional, default false)
    • config.annotations Array<("duration" | "distance" | "speed" | "congestion")>? Specify additional metadata that should be returned.
    • config.bannerInstructions boolean Should be used in conjunction with steps. (optional, default false)
    • config.continueStraight boolean? Sets the allowed direction of travel when departing intermediate waypoints.
    • config.exclude string? Exclude certain road types from routing. See HTTP service documentation for options.
    • config.geometries ("geojson" | "polyline" | "polyline6") Format of the returned geometry. (optional, default "polyline")
    • config.language string Language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions. See options listed in the HTTP service documentation. (optional, default "en")
    • config.overview ("simplified" | "full" | "false") Type of returned overview geometry. (optional, default "simplified")
    • config.roundaboutExits boolean Emit instructions at roundabout exits. (optional, default false)
    • config.steps boolean Whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions. (optional, default false)
    • config.voiceInstructions boolean Whether or not to return SSML marked-up text for voice guidance along the route. (optional, default false)
    • config.voiceUnits ("imperial" | "metric") Which type of units to return in the text for voice instructions. (optional, default "imperial")
    • config.engine ("electric_no_recharge" | "electric") Set to electric to enable electric vehicle routing. (optional, default "electric_no_recharge")
    • config.ev_initial_charge number? Optional parameter to specify initial charge of vehicle in Wh (watt-hours) at the beginning of the route.
    • config.ev_max_charge number? Required parameter that defines the maximum possible charge of vehicle in Wh (watt-hours).
    • config.ev_connector_types ("ccs_combo_type1" | "ccs_combo_type1" | "tesla")? Required parameter that defines the compatible connector-types for the vehicle.
    • config.energy_consumption_curve String? Required parameter that specifies in pairs the energy consumption in watt-hours per kilometer at a certain speed in kph.
    • config.ev_charging_curve String? Required parameter that specifies the maximum battery charging rate (W) at a given charge level (Wh) in a list of pairs.
    • config.ev_unconditioned_charging_curve String? Optional parameter that specifies the maximum battery charging rate (W) at a given charge level (Wh) in a list of pairs when the battery is in an unconditioned state (eg: cold).
    • config.ev_pre_conditioning_time number? Optional parameter that defines the time in minutes it would take for the vehicle's battery to condition.
    • config.ev_max_ac_charging_power number? Optional parameter to specify maximum AC charging power(W) that can be delivered by the onboard vehicle charger.
    • config.ev_min_charge_at_destination number? Optional parameter to define the minimum battery charge required at the final route destination (Wh).
    • config.ev_min_charge_at_charging_station number? Optional parameter to define the minimum charge when arriving at the charging station (Wh).
    • config.auxiliary_consumption number? Optional parameter to define the measure of the continuous power draw of the auxiliary systems in watts (E.G heating or AC).
    • config.maxHeight number Optional parameter to define the max vehicle height in meters. (optional, default 1.6)
    • config.maxWidth number Optional parameter to define the max vehicle width in meters. (optional, default 1.9)
    • config.maxWeight number Optional parameter to define the max vehicle weight in metric tons. (optional, default 2.5)
    • config.notifications String Returns notification metadata associated with the route leg of the route object. (optional, default "all")
    • config.departAt String? Optional parameter to define the departure time, formatted as a timestamp in ISO-8601 format in the local time at the route origin.
    • config.arriveBy String? Optional parameter to define the desired arrival time, formatted as a timestamp in ISO-8601 format in the local time at the route destination.


  profile: 'driving-traffic',
  waypoints: [
      coordinates: [13.4301, 52.5109],
      approach: 'unrestricted'
      coordinates: [13.4265, 52.508]
      coordinates: [13.4194, 52.5072],
      bearing: [100, 60]
  .then(response => {
    const directions = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Map Matching API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Snap recorded location traces to roads and paths.


  • config Object

    • config.points Array<MapMatchingPoint> An ordered array of MapMatchingPoints, between 2 and 100 (inclusive).
    • config.profile ("driving-traffic" | "driving" | "walking" | "cycling") A directions profile ID. (optional, default driving)
    • config.annotations Array<("duration" | "distance" | "speed")>? Specify additional metadata that should be returned.
    • config.geometries ("geojson" | "polyline" | "polyline6") Format of the returned geometry. (optional, default "polyline")
    • config.language string Language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions. See supported languages. (optional, default "en")
    • config.overview ("simplified" | "full" | "false") Type of returned overview geometry. (optional, default "simplified")
    • config.steps boolean Whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions. (optional, default false)
    • config.tidy boolean Whether or not to transparently remove clusters and re-sample traces for improved map matching results. (optional, default false)


  points: [
      coordinates: [-117.17283, 32.712041],
      approach: 'curb'
      coordinates: [-117.17291, 32.712256],
      isWaypoint: false
      coordinates: [-117.17292, 32.712444]
      coordinates: [-117.172922, 32.71257],
      waypointName: 'point-a',
      approach: 'unrestricted'
      coordinates: [-117.172985, 32.7126]
      coordinates: [-117.173143, 32.712597]
      coordinates: [-117.173345, 32.712546]
  tidy: false,
  .then(response => {
    const matching = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Map Matching API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Get a duration and/or distance matrix showing travel times and distances between coordinates.


  • config Object

    • config.points Array<MatrixPoint> An ordered array of MatrixPoints, between 2 and 100 (inclusive).
    • config.profile ("driving-traffic" | "driving" | "walking" | "cycling") A Mapbox Directions routing profile ID. (optional, default driving)
    • config.sources ("all" | Array<number>)? Use coordinates with given index as sources.
    • config.destinations ("all" | Array<number>)? Use coordinates with given index as destinations.
    • config.annotations Array<("distance" | "duration")>? Used to specify resulting matrices.


  points: [
      coordinates: [2.2, 1.1]
      coordinates: [2.2, 1.1],
      approach: 'curb'
      coordinates: [3.2, 1.1]
      coordinates: [4.2, 1.1]
  profile: 'walking'
  .then(response => {
      const matrix = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Optimization API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Get a duration-optimized route.

Please read the full HTTP service documentation to understand all of the available options.


  • config Object

    • config.profile ("driving" | "driving-traffic" | "walking" | "cycling") (optional, default "driving")
    • config.waypoints Array<OptimizationWaypoint> An ordered array of OptimizationWaypoint objects, with at least 2
    • config.annotations Array<("duration" | "distance" | "speed")>? Specify additional metadata that should be returned.
    • config.destination ("any" | "last") Returned route ends at any or last coordinate. (optional, default "any")
    • config.distributions Array<Distribution>? An ordered array of Distribution objects, each of which includes a pickup and dropoff property. pickup and dropoff properties correspond to an index in the OptimizationWaypoint array.
    • config.geometries ("geojson" | "polyline" | "polyline6") Format of the returned geometries. (optional, default "polyline")
    • config.language string Language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions. See options listed in the HTTP service documentation. (optional, default "en")
    • config.overview ("simplified" | "full" | "false") Type of returned overview geometry. (optional, default "simplified")
    • config.roundtrip boolean Specifies whether the trip should complete by returning to the first location. (optional, default true)
    • config.source ("any" | "first") To begin the route, start either from the first coordinate or let the Optimization API choose. (optional, default "any")
    • config.steps boolean Whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions. (optional, default false)

Returns MapiRequest


Tokens API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


List your access tokens.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  .then(response => {
    const tokens = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Create a new access token.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object?

    • config.note string?
    • config.scopes Array<string>?
    • config.resources Array<string>?
    • config.allowedUrls Array<string>?
    • config.allowedApplications Array<{platform: string, bundleId: string}>? This option restricts tokens with an Application Bundle ID. The feature is in beta and is only available to our selected customers. For more information, please contact sales.


  note: 'datasets-token',
  scopes: ['datasets:write', 'datasets:read']
  .then(response => {
    const token = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Create a new temporary access token.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  scopes: ['datasets:write', 'datasets:read']
  .then(response => {
    const token = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Update an access token.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.tokenId string
    • config.note string?
    • config.scopes Array<string>?
    • config.resources Array<string>?
    • config.allowedUrls (Array<string> | null)?
    • config.allowedApplications (Array<{platform: string, bundleId: string}> | null)? This option restricts tokens with an Application Bundle ID. The feature is in beta and is only available to our selected customers. For more information, please contact sales.


  tokenId: 'cijucimbe000brbkt48d0dhcx',
  note: 'datasets-token',
  scopes: ['datasets:write', 'datasets:read']
  .then(response => {
    const token = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Get data about the client's access token.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  .then(response => {
    const token = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Delete an access token.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.



  tokenId: 'cijucimbe000brbkt48d0dhcx'
  .then(response => {
    // Token successfully deleted.

Returns MapiRequest


List your available scopes. Each item is a metadata object about the scope, not just the string scope.

See the corresponding HTTP service documentation.


  .then(response => {
    const scopes = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest

Data structures

Data structures used in service method configuration.


Type: Object


  • coordinates Coordinates
  • approach ("unrestricted" | "curb")? Used to indicate how requested routes consider from which side of the road to approach the waypoint.
  • bearing [number, number]? Used to filter the road segment the waypoint will be placed on by direction and dictates the angle of approach. This option should always be used in conjunction with a radius. The first value is an angle clockwise from true north between 0 and 360, and the second is the range of degrees the angle can deviate by.
  • radius (number | "unlimited")? Maximum distance in meters that the coordinate is allowed to move when snapped to a nearby road segment.
  • waypointName string? Custom name for the waypoint used for the arrival instruction in banners and voice instructions.


Type: Object


  • coordinates Coordinates
  • approach ("unrestricted" | "curb")? Used to indicate how requested routes consider from which side of the road to approach a waypoint.
  • radius number? A number in meters indicating the assumed precision of the used tracking device.
  • isWaypoint boolean? Whether this coordinate is waypoint or not. The first and last coordinates will always be waypoints.
  • waypointName string? Custom name for the waypoint used for the arrival instruction in banners and voice instructions. Will be ignored unless isWaypoint is true.
  • timestamp (string | number | Date)? Datetime corresponding to the coordinate.


Type: Object


  • coordinates Coordinates [longitude, latitude]
  • approach ("unrestricted" | "curb")? Used to indicate how requested routes consider from which side of the road to approach the point.


Type: Object


  • coordinates Coordinates
  • approach ("unrestricted" | "curb")? Used to indicate how requested routes consider from which side of the road to approach the waypoint.
  • bearing [number, number]? Used to filter the road segment the waypoint will be placed on by direction and dictates the angle of approach. This option should always be used in conjunction with a radius. The first value is an angle clockwise from true north between 0 and 360, and the second is the range of degrees the angle can deviate by.
  • radius (number | "unlimited")? Maximum distance in meters that the coordinate is allowed to move when snapped to a nearby road segment.


A simple marker overlay.

Type: Object


  • marker Object

    • marker.coordinates [number, number] [longitude, latitude]
    • marker.size ("large" | "small")?
    • marker.label string? Marker symbol. Options are an alphanumeric label a through z, 0 through 99, or a valid Maki icon. If a letter is requested, it will be rendered in uppercase only.
    • marker.color string? A 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal color code.


A marker overlay with a custom image.

Type: Object



A stylable line.

Type: Object


  • path Object

    • path.coordinates Array<Coordinates> An array of coordinates describing the path.
    • path.strokeWidth number?
    • path.strokeColor string?
    • path.strokeOpacity number? Must be paired with strokeColor.
    • path.fillColor string? Must be paired with strokeColor.
    • path.fillOpacity number? Must be paired with fillColor.


GeoJSON to overlay the map.

Type: Object


  • geoJson Object Valid GeoJSON.


In Node, files must be ReadableStreams or paths pointing for the file in the filesystem.

In the browser, files must be Blobs or ArrayBuffers.

Type: (Blob | ArrayBuffer | string | ReadableStream)


[longitude, latitude]

Type: Array<number>


[minLongitude, minLatitude, maxLongitude, maxLatitude]

Type: Array<number>


Isochrone API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Given a location and a routing profile, retrieve up to four isochrone contours


  • config Object

    • config.profile ("driving" | "driving-traffic" | "walking" | "cycling") A Mapbox Directions routing profile ID. (optional, default "driving")
    • config.coordinates Coordinates A {longitude,latitude} coordinate pair around which to center the isochrone lines.
    • config.minutes Array<number>? The times in minutes to use for each isochrone contour. You can specify up to four contours. Times must be in increasing order. The maximum time that can be specified is 60 minutes. Setting minutes and meters in the same time is an error.
    • config.meters Array<number>? The distances in meters to use for each isochrone contour. You can specify up to four contours. Distances must be in increasing order. The maximum distance that can be specified is 100000 meters. Setting minutes and meters in the same time is an error.
    • config.colors Array<string>? The colors to use for each isochrone contour, specified as hex values without a leading # (for example, ff0000 for red). If this parameter is used, there must be the same number of colors as there are entries in contours_minutes or contours_meters. If no colors are specified, the Isochrone API will assign a default rainbow color scheme to the output.
    • config.polygons boolean? Specify whether to return the contours as GeoJSON polygons (true) or linestrings (false, default). When polygons=true, any contour that forms a ring is returned as a polygon.
    • config.denoise number? A floating point value from 0.0 to 1.0 that can be used to remove smaller contours. The default is 1.0. A value of 1.0 will only return the largest contour for a given time value. A value of 0.5 drops any contours that are less than half the area of the largest contour in the set of contours for that same time value.
    • config.generalize number? A positive floating point value in meters used as the tolerance for Douglas-Peucker generalization. There is no upper bound. If no value is specified in the request, the Isochrone API will choose the most optimized generalization to use for the request. Note that the generalization of contours can lead to self-intersections, as well as intersections of adjacent contours.

Returns MapiRequest


Geocoding API service.

Learn more about this service and its responses in the HTTP service documentation.


Search for a place.

See the public documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.query string A place name.
    • config.mode ("standard" | "structured") Either standard for common forward geocoding, or structured for increasing the accuracy of results. To use Structured Input, the query parameter must be dropped in favor of a separate parameter for individual feature components. (optional, default "standard")
    • config.countries (Array<string> | string)? Limits results to the specified countries. Each item in the array should be an ISO 3166 alpha 2 country code. [OR] if used with input mode="structured" denotes single country in free form.
    • config.proximity (Coordinates | "ip")? Bias local results based on a provided coordinate location or a user's IP address.
    • config.types Array<("street" | "country" | "region" | "postcode" | "district" | "place" | "locality" | "neighborhood" | "address" | "secondary_address")>? Filter results by feature types.
    • config.bbox BoundingBox? Limit results to a bounding box.
    • config.limit number Limit the number of results returned. (optional, default 5)
    • config.format ("geojson" | "v5") Specify the desired response format of results (geojson, default) or for backwards compatibility (v5). (optional, default 'geojson')
    • config.language String? Specify the language to use for response text and, for forward geocoding, query result weighting. Options are IETF language tags comprised of a mandatory ISO 639-1 language code and optionally one or more IETF subtags for country or script.
    • config.address_line1 String? A string including address_number and street. These values can alternatively be provided as separate parameters. (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • config.address_number String? The number associated with the house (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • config.street String? The name of the street in the address (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • config.block String? In some countries like Japan, the block is a component in the address (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • String? Typically these are cities, villages, municipalities, etc. (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • config.region String? Top-level sub-national administrative features, such as states in the United States or provinces in Canada or China. (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • config.neighborhood String? Colloquial sub-city features often referred to in local parlance (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • config.postcode String? Postal codes used in country-specific national addressing systems. (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • config.locality String? Official sub-city features (Stuctured Input specific field)
    • config.autocomplete boolean Return autocomplete results or not. (optional, default true)
    • config.permanent boolean Specify whether you intend to store the results of the query (true) or not (false, default). Temporary results are not allowed to be cached, while Permanent results are allowed to be cached and stored indefinitely. (optional, default false)
    • config.worldview String Filter results to geographic features whose characteristics are defined differently by audiences belonging to various regional, cultural, or political groups. (optional, default "us")
    • config.session_token String? A unique session identifier generated by the client.


  query: 'Paris, France',
  limit: 2
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;
// geocoding in structured input mode
  mode: 'structured',
  address_number: '12',
  street: 'Main str.'
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;
// geocoding with proximity
  query: 'Paris, France',
  proximity: [-95.4431142, 33.6875431]
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;

// geocoding with countries
  query: 'Paris, France',
  countries: ['fr']
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;

// geocoding with bounding box
  query: 'Paris, France',
  bbox: [2.14, 48.72, 2.55, 48.96]
  .then(response => {
    const match = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Search for places near coordinates.

See the public documentation.


  • config Object

    • config.longitude number longitude coordinate at which features will be searched.
    • config.latitude number latitude coordinate at which features will be searched.
    • config.countries Array<string>? Limits results to the specified countries. Each item in the array should be an ISO 3166 alpha 2 country code.
    • config.types Array<("street" | "country" | "region" | "postcode" | "district" | "place" | "locality" | "neighborhood" | "address")>? Filter results by feature types.
    • config.bbox BoundingBox? Limit results to a bounding box.
    • config.limit number Limit the number of results returned. If using this option, you must provide a single item for types. (optional, default 1)
    • config.language string? Specify the language to use for response text and, for forward geocoding, query result weighting. Options are IETF language tags comprised of a mandatory ISO 639-1 language code and optionally one or more IETF subtags for country or script.
    • config.permanent boolean Specify whether you intend to store the results of the query (true) or not (false, default). Temporary results are not allowed to be cached, while Permanent results are allowed to be cached and stored indefinitely. (optional, default false)
    • config.worldview String Filter results to geographic features whose characteristics are defined differently by audiences belonging to various regional, cultural, or political groups. (optional, default "us")
    • config.session_token String? A unique session identifier generated by the client.


  longitude: -73.990593,
  latitude: 40.740121
  .then(response => {
    // GeoJSON document with geocoding matches
    const match = response.body;

Returns MapiRequest


Type: Object


  • pickup number Array index of the item containing coordinates for the pick-up location in the OptimizationWaypoint array.
  • dropoff number Array index of the item containing coordinates for the drop-off location in the OptimizationWaypoint array.