A taskbar clock for secondary taskbars on Windows 11. When microsoft's engineers were creating Windows 11, they forgot to add a clock on the secondary screen taskbar. So I did that. ElevenClock is a simple app which provides the same functionality as in windows 10 secondary taskbar clock.
For more info, make sure to check out those articles:
- Published on MS Answers forum and written by @Sumitdhiman: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/...
- Published on ElevenForum: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/show-clock-on-all-taskbars-on...
- Published on PythonAwesome: https://pythonawesome.com/elevenclock-a-secondary-clock-for...
For issues with the clock appearing at the middle of the screen, read Issue #40 (comment)
- It supports all system locales and time formats (they are pulled from the OS)*
- It shows in all displays except in the primary one (Because you have the default system clock)
- It supports dark and light theme
- It has a hide button to prevent annoying on full-screen
- It imitates Windows 11's taskbar clock animation on hover
- It supports taskbars on the top of the screen
- It supports seconds enabling via locale or regedit (windows 11's default clock can't do that)
- ElevenClock downloads and installs updates automatically, so you don't have to
- Clicking the clock shows/hides the notifications and calendar panel
- Correct alignment and size on HiDPi displays (100%, 200%, 300%) AND on fractional HiDPI displays(125%, 150%, 175%, 250%, etc.)*
- Correct alignment and size on Different-scaled monitors (Display1: 100%, Display2: 150%, Display3: 225%, etc.)*
- The clock updates the time each second, so you won't see different times across all your taskbars
- The clock also adjusts itself automatically when (dis)connecting monitors
- Automatically starts at login
MajorGeeks: https://m.majorgeeks.com/files/details/elevenclock.html
OlderGeeks: https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/file.php?id=3802
SoftPedia: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Clocks-Time-Management/ElevenClock.shtml
Github Releases: https://github.com/martinet101/ElevenClock/releases/latest
SomePythonThings: https://www.somepythonthings.tk/programs/elevenclock/
- Download the lastest version from SomePythonThings or from Github Releases
- Open the installer and bypass Windows Defender SmartScreen: Click on more info and then on run:
2.1. Click on "More info":
2.2. Click on "Run anyway": - Install the program as normal:
- The clock should start automatically when the installation is finished.
*TIP: Clicking four times on the clock will show this webpage
Elevenclock on 100% DPI: Elevenclock on 125% DPI: Elevenclock on 150% DPI: Elevenclock on 175% DPI: