my digital Zen Garden.
The structure of the website is as follows.
A space where I can try things outside of my professional loop. This is my experimental and metaphorical take on a classical “About Me” page.
My basic self, my identity, my fundamental principles. Things that will basically never change or would take a long time and a lot of (self) evaluation to be changed. It is the DNA of my takes, of my ideas.
The wind is what currently moves me and influences my decisions. As you can imagine, winds can change their directions, split apart, come together and be whatever they want to be right now.
Seeds are ideas that I have and that I want to try. Over time these seeds will prosper to beautiful flowers.
When seedlings turn into plants, beautiful magic happens. These are projects I feel comfortable with showing off. Some are fully grown, some are still in development.
Well, just articles I felt like I want/need to share with the world. Don't tak me serious, or so, it's your decision.
My favorite child. My source of inspiration.
Basically music that inspires me. Including playlists I've made.
All the stuff I have and want to inform you about.
Code license: MIT Content license: CC BY-NC 4.0