Second place solution to classify crop types in agricultural fields across Northern India using multispectral observations from Sentinel-2 satellite. Ensembled weighted tree-based models "LGBM, CATBOOST, XGBOOST" with stratified k-fold cross validation, taking advantage of spatial variability around each field within different distances.
MLHub model id: model_ecaas_agrifieldnet_silver_v1
. Browse on Radiant MLHub.
Alasawedah, M. (2022) “A Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning-Based Crop Classification Model for Satellite Imagery”, Version 1.0, Radiant MLHub.
Mohammad Alasawedah - Earth Observation and Climate Data Science
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"id": 1,
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"ID": 0
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Start | End |
2022-01-01 | 2022-05-31 |
- Supervised
- Classification
- Linux
- cpu
Review the GitHub repository README to get started running this model for new inferencing.
Prepare the data for tree models by computing the average values of the pixels within each field, then feature engineering by computing spatial variabilty, more vegetation, and flowering phenology indices.
Zonal statistics (mean , min, max, std) within different radiuses (0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.50, 3.50, 5.00) Km around each field
Wighted average tree-based models: lightgbm. catboost, xgboost classifers.
Predictions.csv: Final predictions text file, with 13 crops classes as following
Wheat, Mustard, Lentil, No Crop, Sugarcane, Garlic, Potato, Green pea, Bersem, Coriander, Gram, Maize, Rice
veg_indices.csv: Extracted vegitation indices for each field.
Field_stats_indices.csv: Extracted statisitcs for each field.