All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- diff since 0.3.1
- ...
- ...
- ...
- Moved
similarity related functionality frommatchms
- improve conda package matchms/matchms#225
- Build scripts for Windows and Unix(MacOS and Linux) systems
- verify conda package after uploading to anaconda repository by installing it
- conda package also includes
- conda package fixes #223
- move conda receipe to conda folder
- fix conda package installation issue
- add extra import tests for conda package
- add instructions to build conda package locally
- automatically find matchms package in
- update developer instructions
- increase verbosity while packaging
- skip builds for Python 2.X
- more flexible package versions
- add deployment requirements to meta.yml
- verify conda package matchms/matchms#225
- use conda/environment.yml when building the package
- split anaconda workflow matchms/matchms#225
- conda build: tests conda packages on every push and pull request
- conda publish: publish and test conda package on release
- update the developer instructions
- move conda receipe to conda folder
0.3.0 - 2020-05-13
- Spectrum, Scores class, save_to_mgf, load_from_mgf, normalize_intensities, calculate_scores #66 #67 #103 #108 #113 #115 #151 #152 #121 #154 #134 #159 #161 #198
- Spikes class #150 #167
- Anaconda package #70 #68 #181
- Sonarcloud #80 #79 #149 #169
- Normalization filter #83
- SpeciesString filter #181
- Select by relative intensity filter #98
- Select-by capability based on mz and intensity #87
- Default filters #97
- integration test #89 #147 #156 #194
- cosine greedy similarity function #112
- parent mass filter #116 #122 #158
- require_minimum_number_of_peaks filter #131 #155
- reduce_to_number_of_peaks filter #209
- inchi filters #145 #127 #181
- losses #160
- vesion string checks #185
- Spec2Vec #183 #165
- functions to verify inchies #181 #180
- documentation using radthedocs #196 #197
- build status badges #174
- vectorize spec2vec #206
- Seperate filters #97
- Translate filter steps to new structure (interpret charge and ionmode) #73
- filters returning a new spectrum #100
- Flowchart diagram #135
- numpy usage #191
- consistency of the import statements #189
0.2.0 - 2020-04-03
- Anaconda actions
0.1.0 - 2020-03-19
- This is the initial version of Spec2Vec from