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Instructions for installing Ubuntu 24.04 on Jarvis (the SOHO server)

Note: This is an install of 16.04, upgraded to 18.04, then 20.04, then 22.04. and now 24.04. It may not be completely accurate.

Base install and configs

  1. Install Ubuntu server as normal from an Ubuntu install CD.

    Partition as follows:

    Disks 1 and 2:

    • BIOS compat boot partition (grub_bios) - 100MB

    • /boot - 1GB (physical RAID)

    • rest (physical RAID)

      • Make this RAID LVM, partitioned as follows:

        / - 50GB
        /tmp - 50GB
        /var - 50GB
        swap - 4GB
        /home - rest

    Disks 3 and 4:

    • whole disk (physical RAID)

    • Make this RAID LVM, partitioned as follows:

      /mnt/home2 - 5TB
      /mnt/shared - 1TB

    When it asks for what to install, select "standard system utilities" and "OpenSSH server" and leave everything else blank.

    Networking is already set up with a reserved DHCP lease on the router. It is accessible as jarvis. No need for a static IP.

  2. After machine is up, edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources and make sure the following are enabled:

    Suites: noble noble-updates noble-backports
    Components: main restricted universe multiverse
    Suites: noble-security
    Components: main restricted universe multiverse

    (they were after install for me)

  3. Make sure all is up to date.

     sudo apt update
     sudo apt dist-upgrade
  4. Install more useful things

    sudo apt install tree unison atop nmap iotop emacs emacs-goodies-el elpa-go-mode elpa-rust-mode elpa-f elpa-let-alist elpa-markdown-mode elpa-yaml-mode elpa-flycheck lm-sensors ntp ssmtp gdisk git gitk iftop mailutils ppa-purge xsltproc smartmontools wakeonlan
  5. Add any necessary user accounts

  6. Make ssh work:

    1. For an old machine, use the old keys - you did save /etc, didn't you?

    2. For a new machine, use the new keys generated by the distro.

      • make sure to add to the firewall

        sudo ufw allow ssh
      • edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set:

        PermitRootLogin no
      • once you've set up public key auth, turn off password access - edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set

        PasswordAuthentication no
      • restart ssh to apply changes

        sudo service ssh restart
  7. Set up samba

    sudo apt install cifs-utils samba

    and either set up a config file or copy one from ~/system_stuff/samba (I have several machine specific ones in there)

    sudo ufw allow from to any port bootps
    sudo ufw allow from to any port netbios-ns
    sudo ufw allow from to any port netbios-dgm
    sudo ufw allow from to any port netbios-ssn
    sudo ufw allow from to any port microsoft-ds

    and set Samba to start on boot:

     sudo systemctl enable smbd
     sudo systemctl enable nmbd

    and restart them all now:

     sudo service smbd restart
     sudo service nmbd restart

    and, for this server, we do not need the AD DC server:

     sudo systemctl disable samba-ad-dc
     sudo service samba-ad-dc stop

    Make sure to add accounts with:

     smbpasswd -a

    for each user

  8. Enable firewall (after allowing some other things through)

     sudo ufw allow from to any port mdns

    Disable firewally logging (it can be quite verbose on a busy network), then turn on the firewall.

     sudo ufw logging off
     sudo ufw enable
  9. Add dashpodder to my crontab

     crontab -e

    Then add a line like this:

     @daily  /home/matt/workspace/code/dashpodder/ -v -c /home/matt/workspace/code/dashpodder/mp.conf
  10. Set up linode backups

    make target dir

    mkdir ~/attic/backup/linode

    on the remote server, you need to add the public key to authorized_keys, with the:

    command=rsync --server --sender -vlHogDtprRze.iLsf . /etc /home /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/postgresql /var/lib/sympa

    in front of it.

    add to cron

    @daily               /home/matt/bin/linode_backup
  11. Set up rsnapshot

    sudo apt install rsnapshot

    and then add the following to my crontab:

     0 */1  * * *  /usr/bin/rsnapshot -c /home/matt/.rsnapshot.conf hourly
     30 3   * * *  /usr/bin/rsnapshot -c /home/matt/.rsnapshot.conf daily
     0  3   * * 1  /usr/bin/rsnapshot -c /home/matt/.rsnapshot.conf weekly
     30 2   1 * *  /usr/bin/rsnapshot -c /home/matt/.rsnapshot.conf monthly

    and make sure the following is in the ~/.rsnapshot.conf:

    backup  /home/matt/attic/backup/linode/         localhost/
  12. Set up sensors for ASROCK E350

    add the following to /etc/modules:

  13. Set up ssmtp

     cd /etc/ssmtp
     mv ssmtp.conf ssmtp.conf.old
     cp ~/system_stuff/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf .
     chgrp mail ssmtp.conf
  14. Add /etc/fstab line for external backup drive (because there's no automounter)

     /dev/sde1          /mnt/external_backup  ext4   defaults,noauto  0       0

    Make sure to make the mountpoint:

     sudo mkdir /mnt/external_backup
  15. Add UPS monitoring


    The first bit, with GNOME, works for desktops, not server. Anyway, install things:

     sudo apt install nut

    Edit /etc/nut/ups.conf and add the following at the bottom:

         driver = usbhid-ups
         port = auto

    There's only one UPS hooked to this guy, so we don't need to worry about disambiguation.

    Also, if you just installed nut, but the UPS is already plugged in, you'll need to unplug and replug it to fire the hotplug events.

    Start it:

    sudo upsdrvctl start

    Add the following to /etc/nut/upsd.conf

    ACL all
    ACL localhost
    ACCEPT localhost
    REJECT all

    This will reject all nonlocal traffic

    Add the following to /etc/nut/upsd.users

        password = PASSWORD_HERE
        allowfrom = localhost
        upsmon master
        password = ADMIN_PASSWORD_HERE
        allowfrom = localhost
        actions = SET
        instcmds = ALL

    Obviously, make PASSWORD_HERE and ADMIN_PASSWORD_HERE some random passwords

    Add the following to /etc/nut/upsmon.conf, at the bottom of the MONITOR section:

    MONITOR ups@localhost 1 local_mon PASSWORD_HERE master

    Edit /etc/nut/nut.conf and set


    Enable and start it:

    sudo systemctl enable nut-server
    sudo systemctl restart nut-server
    sudo systemctl enable nut-client
    sudo systemctl restart nut-client

    You can print statistics via:

    upsc ups
  16. Add monitoring (sortof):

    make sure landscape is installed (to get landscape-sysinfo):

    sudo apt install landscape-common

    Then add the following to my crontab:

    @daily               /usr/bin/ntpq -p; echo; df -lh; echo; cat /proc/mdstat; landscape-sysinfo
  17. Add monitoring for thermostat to my crontab:

     @hourly              /home/matt/bin/thermostat_check

    So, it will now email me if the thermostat goes dead.

  18. Make common shared bind mounts:

    sudo mkdir /home/matt/shared
    sudo mkdir /home/liz/shared

    Add remount lines:

    /mnt/shared        /home/matt/shared/      none   bind             0       0
    /mnt/shared        /home/liz/shared/       none   bind             0       0

    Then remount:

    sudo mount -a

    And we want guests to actually be able to write to it, so we need to fix those perms:

    sudo chmod o+w /mnt/shared

    But we don't want random users deleting things, so set the sticky bit for a modicum of security:

    sudo chmod +t /mnt/shared

    And we want the users group to be able to manipulate things:

     sudo chmod g+s /mnt/shared
  19. Set up time machine

    1. Install things:

      sudo apt install netatalk avahi-daemon
    2. Edit the config file:

      sudo -e /etc/netatalk/afp.conf
    3. Add a section for time machine:

      [Liz's Time Machine]
          path = /home/liz/time-machine
          time machine = yes
    4. Make the directory

      sudo mkdir -p /home/liz/time-machine
      sudo chown -R liz:liz /home/liz/time-machine
    5. Restart it

      sudo service netatalk restart
    6. Make sure all the ports are allowed through the firewall

      sudo ufw allow from to any port afpovertcp
      sudo ufw allow from to any port mdns
      sudo ufw allow from to any port svrloc
      sudo ufw allow from to any port 201 comment at-rtmp
      sudo ufw allow from to any port 202 comment at-nbp
      sudo ufw allow from to any port 204 comment at-echo
      sudo ufw allow from to any port 206 comment at-zis
      sudo ufw allow from to any port 1900 comment ssdp
  20. Configure MiniDLNA (UPnP/DLNA server)

    1. Edit /etc/minidlna.conf

      • comment out all the media_dir lines

      • add this one:

      • And set the friendly_name and other such things.

    2. We need to increase the number of inodes that can be watched:

      sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=100000
    3. And we need it to persist, so create /etc/sysctl.d/90-inotify.conf with the contents of:

      # Increase inotify max watchs per user for local minidlna
      fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 100000
    4. Allow it through the firewall:

      sudo ufw allow from to any port 8200
    5. And, finally, restart it

      sudo service minidlna restart


  1. Backup scripts

    To run a backup, insert the external drive in to the cradle and run:

    sudo ~/bin/server_backup
  2. To set up a new drive for the above:

    1. Partition

      sudo gdisk /dev/sde

      (gdisk because MBR tops out at 2TB)

      create one big partition for the whole drive. No need to split it.

    2. make the filesystem

      sudo mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -L external_backup /dev/sde1

      -m 0 = no reserved blocks; it's a backup drive.

      -L external_backup = volume label. This is to make it consistent with the mount point.