There's a bunch of good content in the kennedy courses, I think it could be arranged as a list of content to cover.
14 weeks, 2 classes / week. 28 lessons max. Call it 24. Current list is ~44 so that would be 2 big lessons per class.
2.2 Alignment. when in doubt, line it up. | Things look better aligned. It's just human nature. Corollary: Mis-align for a good reason. Sizing. Hierarchy. visual difference communicate other kinds of differences. | Use it in this manner.
- Systems over Instances | Stop designing for one specific use and think about a system with variations. How does that view look when there are three items? three hundred items? zero items? How can that list view be applied to all cases of listed items?
Spacing - more white space than you think you need. spacing is a grouping tool. remember your gestalt principles. 2.6 Grids 2.7 Consistency
2.5 Lighting & Shadows. Light comes from the top. shadows communicate a z-axis. bigger shadow, bigger z depth
III. COLOR - 3.1 HSB, RGBA, HEX. Screen color vs print color. Forget your pantone 3.3 Gray: The Most Important Color
3.4 Adjustment: The Most Important Color Skill 3.9 Gradients 4.2 Choosing Fonts (web, natives, availability, etc) 4.3 Styling Text. - bigger than you think? Labels can be small, caps, bold, letterspace V. USER INTERFACE COMPONENTS
- Form Controls
- Lists & Tables
- Charts & Data Visualizations
- Navigation and Menus
- Text Input Controls
- Selection Controls
- Errors
- Search & Filter
- Lists & Tables
- VI. DIGITAL PLATFORMS & PARADIGMS - for beginning of hot seat
- 6.1 Responsive UI Design
- 6.2 Designing Multi-State Screens 6.3 Accessibility 6.4 Overlaying Text on Images 6.5 Truncating Text 6.6 Mobile: iOS 6.7 Mobile: Android/Material Design VII. COMMUNICATING DESIGN 7.1 Click-Through Prototyping 2.4 Jakob’s Law 2.5 Obvious Always Wins 2.6 The 3 Laws of Locality 2.7 Mind your Nouns 2.8 What Would a Polite Person Do? IV. USER RESEARCH & TESTING | 4.1 The Fundamental Dichotomy of Talking to Users 4.2 User Research: Interviewing 4.3 Digital Prototyping 4.4 Usability Testing 7.5 Developer Handoff