Compile this source
Usage: sudo ./openmilight [hdfslun:p:q:r:c:b:k:v:w:]
-h Show this help
-d Show debug output
-f Fade mode
-s Strobe mode
-l Listening (receiving) mode
-u UDP mode
-n NN<dec> Resends of the same message
-p PP<hex> Prefix value (Disco Mode)
-1 RRRR<hex> Code of remote for bridge 1 (Port 8891)
-2 RRRR<hex> Code of remote for bridge 2 (Port 8892)
-3 RRRR<hex> Code of remote for bridge 3 (Port 8893)
-4 RRRR<hex> Code of remote for bridge 4 (Port 8894)
-c CC<hex> Color byte
-b BB<hex> Brightness byte
-k KK<hex> Key byte
-v SS<hex> Sequence byte
-w SSPPRRRRCCBBKKNN<hex> Complete message to send
For milight bridge emulation (replace ABCD with actual remote hex code, if simulating a real bridge/remote you can get the hex code by running openmilight -l (listen) and viewing the returned hex codes:
./openmilight -m -1 ABCD -2 ABCD -3 ABCD -4 ABCD
Author: Roy Bakker (2015)
Modifications for multiple milight bridges: Matthew Wire (2016)
Inspired by sources from: -