For an overview of what each task does, please check the APB overview file.
Due to our usage of an older version of the ASB, it is recommended using the apb
CLI like the following:
alias apb='docker run --rm --privileged -v $PWD:/mnt -v $HOME/.kube:/.kube -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -u $UID'
Instead of the abp
alias, you might want to use a modified alias, such as apb-fh
, to not conflict w/ other versions that might be installed already on your machine.
To test changes made locally, after making the changes, run:
make apb_build DOCKERORG="<defaulting to aerogearcatalog>" DOCKERHOST="<defaulting to>"`
If changes were made to the apb.yml
file, then you will need to execute apb bootstrap
(if this fails, then you can also run the ~/repos/catasb/local/<os>/
), though this takes a little while. Changes to the APB ansible files do not require the above step.
In the Openshift control panel, find and select the Keycloak (APB)
and fill in the required fields.
To publish the changes, you can run:
make DOCKERORG="<defaulting to aerogearcatalog>" DOCKERHOST="<defaulting to>"
Make sure you have the permission to push images to the docker org.