Should be implemented as a module in the same way as Yeeki.
There are three roles in the system:
- Employer - the one who's posting a job offer.
- Employee - the one who's seeking for the job.
- Admin - the one who's able to manage everything.
The following fields are available:
- Name (required).
- Email (required).
- Website.
- Company name.
- Skype.
- Jabber.
- ICQ.
The following fields are to be filled:
- Title.
- Type (fulltime, contract, freelance).
- Text (markdown freeform text).
- Tags (for example, PHP, Yii, API).
- Salary / price range.
- Expiration date (can't be more than 2 months).
At the time offer is about to expire employer should receive an email and be able to prolong it for 2 months max.
That's especially useful when employee is found and employer doesn't want to receive more offers. When closing a job there should be a page asking for a reason. Reasons are:
- Employee found.
- Project cancelled.
Search is very important for such a project. Implementation should be made as an adapter, i.e. default is just SQL DBMS but should be easily replaceable with Sphinx or SOLR.
- i18n. At least for application messages. Default should be English.
- Support of non-MySQL backends.
- Implementation of SOLR / Sphinx adapters.
- Implementation of auth adapters.