- Fixed bug in the CSV generated by the standalone tool.
- Fixed log message
- More unit tests
- Internal mechanism to select the order of which metrics should be executed (so that metrics can leverage previously calculated metrics)
- Renaming maxNextBlocks to maxNestedBlocksQty, which follows the style of the other metrics' names.
- Pitest dependency removed.
- Update dependencies to their latest versions.
- Method for individual file analysis and a convenience method for analysing the whole directory.
- Improvements on log statement detection
- Fix 'null' that was returned by LCC and TCC metrics in a specific case.
- Fix bug related to directories that had ".git" in the name
- New metrics: LCC and TCC
- Tests migrated to JUnit 5
- Initializer methods are now called as "(initializer X)", where X is the number of the initializer. See issue #53.
- The number of lines of code is now more precise and standard to all the elements. Now, LOC is actually SLOC (i.e., it does not empty lines or comments).
- Passing the number of files in a JDT partition via (optional) parameter. We, however, suggest you to only change this number if you have a good reason, as the default value is calculated based on the amount of free memory available.
- Variables and field metrics can now be disabled via a parameter. This produces way less output.
- New metric: Number of log statements in a method.
- Better documentation on "Number of Methods" metrics: Constructor methods are counted here.
- Enhancements on the implementations of "max nested block depth" and "word count".
- Bub fix: Number of inner classes and max nested block depth were returning -1 in specific cases.
- Bug fix: resolving an inexisting generic class when calculating CBO
- Add Pitest as test dependency of the project.
- Refactorings: metrics now implement CKASTVisitor instead of JDT's ASTVisitor directly, variable and field metrics are now indicated by means of an interface and not an annotation.
- SubClass was renamed to innerClass. Subclass was definitely the wrong name.
- Fix a bug in the CSV generator: it was printing the line number of the method twice.
- Lots of new tests.
- Compiling CK with JDK 8 compatibility (instead of Java 11)
FIX: Lambda expressions declared in field initialization used to crash CK. In this version, lambda expressions are considered part of the class and the method it is embedded; in other words, lambda expressions, differently from anonymous classes, are not considered "classes".
FIX/FEATURE: The CBO metric now tries to capture as much as coupling possible even when the binding fails. Moreover, it also fixes a small NPE that was occurring when one of the resolveBinding failed.
FEATURE: The 'number of comparisons' operator now also counts !=. Before that, it would only count ==.
FIX: If a method binding fails, CK was throwing an exception in its endVisit.
FEATURE: CK can make use of jar files in the project folder to better resolve bindings.
FEATURE: CK now first tries to use the resolved binding; if the binding fails, it then uses the information available at the class only (in 0.4.x versions before this one, if binding failed, CK would not process that class/method).
FEATURE: When collecting java files, CK always ignores .git directories.
- FEATURE/FIX: Add support for static initializers as methods. In 0.4.0, an exception was happening whenever a class had an initializer. The method appears as "(initializer)"
- FEATURE: Better support for classes. sub-classes, and anonymous classes.
- FEATURE: Support for Java 11
- FEATURE: Metrics at method and variable levels.
(I was not doing a changelog before that)