- #29: BUG: ini_val & init_usr - No such file or directory
- Fix output of upgrade command
- Allow to set WSLCTL environment variable to set Wslctl Data Path
- Add upgrade command
- #27: [FONC] Change password policy
- #25: Restore: error Could not set /lib/init/wsl-distro-name.sh
- #26: Create: alpine user creation error when no password specified
- #19: Display error wslctl ls when no distribution (no changes)
- #10: [BUILD] missing ADD shell command
- #9: [BUILD] Copy should set recusive
- #25 : restore error on setting wsl-distro-name
- Allow to set user password on creation (vs hard coded default) - option
- Remove build option (unused) from help
- Alpine: init_user bug, sudo group not created
- Alpine: init_user pref : install only if requiered shadow/sudo
- Alpine: remove message 'WARNING: Ignoring https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.16/main: No such file or directory'
- [ISSUE#24] Rename existing instance
- Change hostname on rename
- Add internal exec as root (after instance creation)
- [ISSUE#22] Optimize subprocess wsl result (new instance not found)
- Adjust wsl instance name not valid ([a-z0-9-]*)
- [ISSUE#23] Display help when no command set
- [BUG] wsl host name truncated on unspecified instance name creation
- [optim] Optimize subprocess wsl result
- [BUG] add 'No instance set' when nothing in wsl lists
- [OPTIM] Mark system requierements (check once)
- [ISSUE#18] Default user creation error on Alpine
- [BUG] start action on alpine not working
- [EvVOL] Manage wsl output list as object (no more strings)
- [ISSUE#19] Display error wslctl ls when no distributions
- [EVOL] Auto-detect connect shell (i.e. allowing alpine)
- [EVOL] Provide wsl-setup.ps1 script to install/update wsl kernel
- [EVOL] Add wslctl requirements check before all
- [EVOL] Fedup with PS module cache: refactor to build a single file script for runtime
- [EVOL] move resource files to ~/files and get a FileUtils method to find them
- [EVOL] remove Invoque-Build usage and generate a make.ps1 builder
- [REVERT] src/bootstrap.ps1 to src/wslctl.ps1
- [EVOL] Changes Github CI
- [BUG] init_val is CRLF after build production: assert wsl file is LF only
- [BUG] !/usr/bin/env sh not interpreted on ubuntu => !/bin/sh
- [EVOL] /usr/local/bin/ini_val to manage /etc/wsl.conf properties
- [EVOL] Set the wsl hostname with the wsl instance name on creation
- [ISSUE#15] Default User creation error on ubuntu 22.04
- [ISSUE#17] Custom custom module refresh on each execution (dynamic manage module names cache)
- [EVOL] Add editor config
- [ISSUE#8] logout on wsl required Ctrl+C to exit - not reproduced
- [ISSUE#8] logout on wsl required Ctrl+C to exit
- [ISSUE#14] check cached archive uptodate by computing with registry referenced hash (eg latest tag)
- [BUG] typo Dowload -> Download
- [EVOL] allow to have remote archive file defined in registries
- [BUG] display error with instance list when only one (string array)
- [EVOL] ability to create from archive file (for wslctl)
- [ISSUE#12] setting default distribution
- [EVOL] download does not return boolean
- [EVOL] add creation date and image to wsl list
- [EVOL] create switch distrib and name from cli
- [EVOL] remove message"Could be started with command xxx" because external distributions support
- [BUG] error when directory not exists for wsl-distro-name.sh
- [EVOL] registry manage multi repositories
- [EVOL] dispatch configuration to services
- [EVOL] appconfig inherit from jsonHashtableFile
- [BUILD] Copy should set recusive #9
- [EVOL] add file size to backup create report
- [BUG] registry update broke registry file #6
- [BUG] Dockerfile parser misinterpret arg command #7