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Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI assembly

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI namespace

public type description
abstract class ExtensionBase Base class for all extensions. Do not inherit from this class directly, but use concrete extension points like ConsistencyCheckExtension.
interface IConfiguration Global Studio Pro configuration that can depend on environment or user-defined settings.
interface IHttpClient Provides a class for sending HTTP requests and receiving HTTP responses from a resource identified by a URI.
enum ServicesEnvironment Represents a versions of global services accessed by Studio Pro.
enum ThemeSupport Represents a user interface theme in Studio Pro.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.BackgroundJobs namespace

public type description
class BackgroundJob It represents a collection of BackgroundJobStep which will run in sequence.
class BackgroundJobStep A step of a background job.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.ConsistencyCheck namespace

public type description
abstract class ConsistencyCheckExtension<TCheckedStructure> Base class for an extension that introduces new consistency errors (warnings) for specific model elements.
class ConsistencyError Represents consistency check errors in Studio Pro and MxBuild.
enum Severity

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Drawing namespace

public type description
class StudioProImage Represents an image shown in the UI of Studio Pro.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model namespace

public type description
struct Dimensions This record represents the HxW dimensions of an object.
interface IAbstractUnit Representation of a single unit in metamodel. This is an abstract unit, so all instances of IAbstractUnit implement more concrete interface like IFolder.
interface IElement Representation of a single element in metamodel. This is an abstract element, so all instances of IElement also implement more concrete interface like IMicroflow.
interface IModel Representation of Mendix app loaded in Studio Pro in terms of Mendix Metamodel.
interface IQualifiedName<T> Represents a by-name reference to an object (element or unit) or type T in metamodel. The reference can be resolved to retrieve the object it is referencing.
interface IQualifiedName Represents a by-name reference to an object (element or unit) in metamodel. The type of the referenced object is not statically known.
interface IReferableStructure Represents any model object that is referable by-name, i.e. where the concrete type has a
interface IStructure Representation of a single unit or element in metamodel. All instances of IAbstractUnit and IElement implement this interface.
interface ITransaction Transaction grouping the changes in the app model.
struct Location This record represents a set of two-dimensional coordinates.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.CodeActions namespace

public type description
interface ICodeActionParameter

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Constants namespace

public type description
interface IConstant

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.DataTypes namespace

public type description
class BinaryType Represents the Binary data type.
class BooleanType Represents the Boolean data type.
abstract class DataType Represents Mendix data types used in the app model and related places, such as microflow variables.
class DateTimeType Represents the DateTime data type.
class DecimalType Represents the Decimal data type.
class EmptyType Represents the empty value.
abstract class EntityType Base class for data types representing one or more instances of a certain entity.
class EnumerationType Represents an enumeration data type.
class FloatType Represents the Float data type.
class IntegerType Represents the Integer data type.
class ListType Represents a data type for a list of objects of a certain entity.
class ObjectType Represents a data type for a single object of a certain entity.
class StringType Represents the String data type.
class UnknownType Represents an unknown data type.
class VoidType Represents the Void data type.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.DomainModels namespace

public type description
enum ActionMoment
enum AssociationDirection It determines which type of IAssociation should be returned when searching for them. If Parent, only associations where the IEntity requested is the parent will be returned. If Child, only associations where the IEntity requested is the child will be returned. Or any associations if Both is used.
enum AssociationOwner This property defines whether an association has one or two owners. If there is one owner, the owner is located at the start of the arrow.
[Flags] enum AssociationType This property defines whether an association is a reference (single) or a reference set (plural).
enum DeletingBehavior The behavior which occurs when deleting one side of an association.
record EntityAssociation It represents an IAssociation between two IEntity objects.
enum EventType
interface IAssociation
interface IAttribute
interface IAttributeType
interface IAutoNumberAttributeType
interface IBinaryAttributeType
interface IBooleanAttributeType
interface ICalculatedValue
interface IDateTimeAttributeType
interface IDecimalAttributeType
interface IDecimalAttributeTypeBase
interface IDomainModel
interface IEntity
interface IEnumerationAttributeType
interface IEventHandler
interface IGeneralization
interface IGeneralizationBase
interface IHashedStringAttributeType
interface IIntegerAttributeType
interface IIntegerAttributeTypeBase
interface ILongAttributeType
interface IMappedValue
interface INoGeneralization
interface INumericAttributeTypeBase
interface IStoredValue
interface IStringAttributeType
interface IValueType

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Enumerations namespace

public type description
interface IEnumeration
interface IEnumerationValue
interface IRemoteEnumerationValue

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Images namespace

public type description
interface IImage

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.JavaActions namespace

public type description
interface IJavaAction
interface IJavaActionParameter

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.MicroflowExpressions namespace

public type description
interface IMicroflowExpression Represents a microflow expression like "$employee/Name".

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Microflows namespace

public type description
class AggregateListFunction This allows to create a function for an IAggregateListAction. It can have different behaviors. It can use an IMicroflowExpression to generate its result, or it can use an IAttribute to do so. Or it can instead be an aggregate list that performs a ReduceListFunction on the list. All of these parameters are optional. For more information see the official Studio Pro documentation at To create this function for different scenarios, you can use the IMicroflowActivitiesService service. It provides a series of methods to easily create different activities.
class AssociationMemberChangeType Used to tell the IActionActivity that the change should apply to the an IAssociation.
class AttributeMemberChangeType Used to tell the IActionActivity that the change should apply to the an IAttribute.
record AttributeSorting When creating or filtering lists through an IActionActivity we can choose a few IAttribute to sort it by.
record DatabaseRetrieveRange
interface IActionActivity
interface IActivity
interface IAggregateListAction
interface IAggregateListFunction
interface IAssociationRetrieveSource
interface IBasicCodeActionParameterValue
interface IBinaryListOperation
interface IChangeListAction
interface IChangeMembersAction
interface IChangeObjectAction
interface ICodeActionParameterMapping
interface ICodeActionParameterValue
interface ICommitAction
interface IContains
interface ICreateListAction
interface ICreateObjectAction
interface IDatabaseRetrieveSource
interface IDeleteAction
interface IEntityTypeCodeActionParameterValue
interface IExpressionBasedCodeActionParameterValue
interface IFilter
interface IFind
interface IFindByExpression
interface IHead
interface IIntersect
interface IJavaActionCallAction
interface IJavaActionParameterMapping
interface IListEquals
interface IListOperation
interface IListOperationAction
interface IMemberChange
interface IMemberChangeType Some IActionActivity perform changes that can be applied to an IAssociation or an IAttribute. Use AssociationMemberChangeType for an IAssociation or use AttributeMemberChangeType for an attribute.
interface IMicroflow Representation of a single microflow in a metamodel.
interface IMicroflowAction
interface IMicroflowBase
interface IMicroflowCall
interface IMicroflowCallAction
interface IMicroflowCallParameterMapping
interface IMicroflowExpressionContext The expression context of a microflow action.
interface IMicroflowObject
interface IMicroflowParameterObject
interface IMicroflowParameterValue
interface IRemovesFromScope
interface IRetrieveAction
interface IRetrieveSource
interface IRollbackAction
interface IRule
interface IServerSideMicroflow
interface ISort
interface IStringTemplateParameterValue
interface ISubtract
interface ITail
interface IUnion
interface IVariable
record MicroflowReturnValue
class ReduceListFunction

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Microflows.Actions namespace

public type description
enum AggregateFunctionEnum
enum ChangeActionItemType
enum ChangeListActionOperation
enum CommitEnum

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Pages namespace

public type description
interface IPage Representation of a single page in the app model.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Projects namespace

public type description
interface IDocument Representation of a single document in metamodel. This is an abstract unit, so all instances of IDocument also implement more concrete interface like IMicroflow.
interface IFolder
interface IFolderBase
interface IModule Representation of a single module in metamodel.
interface IProject Representation of a whole app in metamodel.
interface IProjectDocument

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Settings namespace

public type description
interface IConfiguration
interface IConfigurationSettings
interface IConstantValue
interface ICustomSetting
interface IPrivateValue
interface IProjectSettings
interface IProjectSettingsPart
interface IRuntimeSettings
interface ISharedOrPrivateValue
interface ISharedValue

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.Texts namespace

public type description
interface IText Represents a translatable text in a Mendix app. Translatable texts are mainly used in user-facing places in the app, for example on Pages and in Microflows where the end-user of the app will see the text.
interface ITranslation Represents a single translation of a translatable text.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Model.UntypedModel namespace

public type description
interface IModelElement Untyped model element
interface IModelProperty Untyped model element's property
interface IModelRoot Untyped model's root
interface IModelStructure A base set of model structure's properties
interface IModelUnit A model unit
enum PropertyType Model property types

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.Services namespace

public type description
interface IBackgroundJobService Provides methods to run background jobs with separate steps.
interface IConfigurationService Provides access to the global Studio Pro configurations that can depend on environment or user-defined settings.
interface IDomainModelService It provides methods to retrieve associations between entities in the model.
interface IExtensionFeaturesService
interface IExtensionFileService Provides filesystem operations specific to an extension.
interface IHttpClientService Provides access to the HttpClientFactory from Studio Pro, which manages the usage of the HTTP Client Handler across the application. This prevents socket allocation exhaustion, which can cause undesirable application behavior.
interface ILogService Provides access to the logging system of Studio Pro to log messages from extensions. Each message is by default decorated with the caller method name and the caller file path. This can be overriden in the method calls.
interface IMicroflowActivitiesService Provides a series of operations for creating various types of IActionActivity for a IMicroflow.
interface IMicroflowExpressionService Provides a set of operations on a Microflow Expression.
interface IMicroflowService Provides a set of operations on a Microflow.
interface INameValidationService Provides validation functionality for names of model elements.
interface INavigationManagerService Provides access to the navigation profiles of a Mendix app
interface IPageGenerationService Provides access to the page generation features of the StudioPro
interface IUntypedModelAccessService This service provides you access to the untyped model's root, granting direct and fluent access to the model to the power-users.
record SecretManagerKey Represents a key for storing a secret.
record ValidationResult Validation result that is returned by the validation api.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI namespace

public type description
interface IContextMenuStructure
abstract class UIExtensionBase Base class for all extensions providing custom UI. Do not inherit from this class directly, but use concrete extension points like MenuExtension.
abstract class ViewModelBase Base class for any View Model - class which state is tracked and shown in the UI. Should not be used directly.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.Dialogs namespace

public type description
abstract class ModalDialogViewModelBase Representation of a modal popup dialog in Studio Pro. It is topmost and blocking. The only current allowed usage of this class is to implement the WebViewModalDialogViewModel class, used to show a modal dialog containing a IWebView from ShowDialog.
abstract class WebViewModalDialogViewModel Representation of a modal popup dialog in Studio Pro. It is topmost and blocking. This modal popup dialog contains a IWebView. It derives from ModalDialogViewModelBase, the type of the parameter in ShowDialog.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.DockablePane namespace

public type description
enum DockablePaneBadgePriority
abstract class DockablePaneExtension Base class for an extension that introduces new dockable pane.
enum DockablePanePosition
abstract class DockablePaneViewModelBase
abstract class WebViewDockablePaneViewModel Representation of a dockable pane in Studio Pro. This dockable pane is meant to contain a IWebView.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.Events namespace

public type description
class ActiveDocumentChanged An event that occurs when the active document in the app has changed.
class ExtensionLoaded An event that occurs when an extension is loading.
class ExtensionUnloading An event that occurs when an extension will be unloaded.
interface IEvent Interface for events that occur in Studio Pro.
interface IEventSubscription Interface for event subscriptions.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.Menu namespace

public type description
abstract class ContextMenuExtension<TElement> Base class for an extension that introduces new context menu items for model elements. Currently only elements of type IEntity and of type IDocument are supported.
abstract class MenuExtension Base class for an extension that introduces new menu items into the menu bar. The menus will be placed under a Top-level menu 'Extensions' and a submenu named under the name of the extension.
[Flags] enum MenuSeparator
class MenuViewModel

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.Microflows namespace

public type description
class EditMicroflowExpressionResult Represents the result of showing a microflow expression editor form.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.Services namespace

public type description
class DocumentSelectorDialogOptions<TDocument> Options class for describing the behavior of a document selector dialog in Studio Pro.
class EntitySelectorDialogOptions Options class for describing the behavior of an entity selector dialog in Studio Pro.
interface IAppService Provides a set of Studio Pro level operations related to Mendix App.
interface IDialogService Provides methods to open and close modal dialogs.
interface IDockingWindowService Provides access to the docking window of Studio Pro allowing for interactions with tabs, panes and editors.
interface IEntityService Provides a set of operations on an entity.
interface IFindResultsPaneService Provides operations to control the Find Results pane in Studio Pro.
interface ILocalRunConfigurationsService Provides access to the active configuration.
interface IMessageBoxService Provides a set of methods to show Error, Info or Warning message boxes.
interface IMicroflowExpressionEditorService Provides operations to create or edit a IMicroflowExpression.
interface INotificationPopupService The Studio Pro Notification Service helps you show natively styled theme-aware notifications
interface ISelectorDialogService Provides a set of operations for showing the object (that is unit or element) selection interface to Studio Pro user.
interface IVersionControlService
abstract class SelectorDialogOptions<TStructure,TContainerStructure> Options class for describing the behavior of a selector dialog in Studio Pro.
class SelectorResult<TStructure> Represents the result of showing a selector dialog.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.Tab namespace

public type description
abstract class TabViewModelBase
abstract class WebViewTabViewModel Representation of a tab in the working area of Studio Pro. This tab is meant to contain a IWebView.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.WebServer namespace

public type description
delegate HandleWebRequestAsync Represents a method for handling a web request.
interface IWebServer Represents the internal web server of Studio Pro.
abstract class WebServerExtension Base class for an extension that adds request handlers to the internal web server of Studio Pro.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.UI.WebView namespace

public type description
interface IWebView A web view allows developers to display web content from within their extension.
class MessageReceivedEventArgs Event args for the MessageReceived event.

Mendix.StudioPro.ExtensionsAPI.VersionControl namespace

public type description
interface IBranch Provides access to the details of a branch
interface ICommit Provides access to the details of a commit