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639 lines (486 loc) · 25.9 KB

0.10.7 (2024-06-29)

  • Support transforming multi-spec to JSON Schema. PR #281
  • FIX :reason doesn't compose as expected #171
  • Update Dependencies
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.5.238"] is available but we use "0.3.218"

0.10.6 (2023-08-28)

  • Deprecate spec-tools.openapi/openapi-spec
  • Update Dependencies
-  :dependencies [[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.2.187"]]
+  :dependencies [[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.3.218"]]

0.10.5 (2021-01-22)

0.10.4 (2020-07-24)

0.10.3 (2020-05-16)

0.10.2 (2020-05-05)

0.10.1 (2020-01-15)

0.10.0 (2019-06-26)

  • Removed the jackson-databind dependency. #158
    • BREAKING (minor): When encoding dates to strings, the timezone is now encoded as Z instead of +0000. This makes the output RFC3339-compatible and keeps it ISO-8601-compatible.
;; the new behavior - version 0.10.0 and later
user=> (st/encode inst? (java.util.Date.) st/json-transformer)

;; the old behavior - version 0.9.3 and earlier
user=> (st/encode inst? (java.util.Date.) st/json-transformer)

0.9.3 (2019-06-07)

  • Updated dependency on jackson-databind to fix a vulnerability. #189

0.9.2 (2019-05-10)


  • Fix dynamic conforming with composite specs, fixes #184


  • Coercion doesn't reverse lazy sequences, fixes #176, by salokristian.
  • spec-tools.spell namespace for closing map specs functionally using spell-spec.
    • requires explicit dependencies to com.bhauman/spell-spec & expound
    • spec-tools.spell/closed to close a spec (non recursive)
    • spec-tools.spell/closed-key to functionally create a closed s/keys spec
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[spec-tools.spell :as spell])

(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::use-history boolean?)
(s/def ::config (spell/closed (s/keys :opt-un [::name ::use-history])))
(s/def ::options (spell/closed (s/keys :opt-un [::config])))

(def invalid {:config {:name "John" :use-hisory false :countr 1}})

(s/explain-data ::options invalid)
;#:clojure.spec.alpha{:problems ({:path [:config 0],
;                                 :pred #{:use-history},
;                                 :val :use-hisory,
;                                 :via [:user/options :user/config],
;                                 :in [:config :use-hisory 0],
;                                 :expound.spec.problem/type :spell-spec.alpha/misspelled-key,
;                                 :spell-spec.alpha/misspelled-key :use-hisory,
;                                 :spell-spec.alpha/likely-misspelling-of (:use-history)}
;                                {:path [:config 0],
;                                 :pred #{:name :use-history},
;                                 :val :countr,
;                                 :via [:user/options :user/config],
;                                 :in [:config :countr 0],
;                                 :expound.spec.problem/type :spell-spec.alpha/unknown-key,
;                                 :spell-spec.alpha/unknown-key :countr}),
;                     :spec :user/options,
;                     :value {:config {:name "John", :use-hisory false, :countr 1}}}

(println (spell/explain-str ::options invalid))
; -- Misspelled map key -------------
;     {:config {:name ..., :countr ..., :use-hisory ...}}
;                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^
; should probably be: :use-history
; -- Unknown map key ----------------
;     {:config {:name ..., :use-hisory ..., :countr ...}}
;                                           ^^^^^^^
; should be one of: :name, :use-history
; -------------------------
; Detected 2 errors

0.9.1 (2019-03-21)

  • spec-tools.core/merge is now visitable by Erik Assum.

0.9.0 (2019-02-26)

  • st/coerce doesn't reverse list order, fixes compojure-api#406
  • Less verbose st/Spec form, all :spec-tools.parse keys are stripped, fixes #159
  • BREAKING: nil specs are allowed, resolved as any?
  • More robust walker, named specs can be used with s/or, s/and, s/coll-of, s/map-of, s/tuple and s/nilable, fixes #165.
  • Both st/json-transformer and st/string-transformer also transform values from keywords:
(require '[spec-tools.core :as st])

(st/coerce (s/map-of int? int?) {:1 1, :2 2} st/json-transformer)
; {1 1, 2 2}
  • BREAKING: st/select-spec now uses st/coerce instead of st/decode. Stripping out extra keys from specs:
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[spec-tools.core :as st])

(s/def ::height integer?)
(s/def ::weight integer?)
(s/def ::person (s/keys :req-un [::height ::weight]))
(s/def ::persons (s/coll-of ::person :into []))
(s/def ::data (s/keys :req-un [::persons]))

  {:TOO "MUCH"
   :persons [{:INFOR "MATION"
              :height 200
              :weight 80}]})
; => {:persons [{:weight 80, :height 200}]}

0.8.3 (2019-01-17)

  • Identify Leaf Specs
    • Leaf Spec Records have {:leaf? true} data
    • Non-leaf Spec can encode to ::s/invalid, fixing both #146 & #147
    • thanks to Alex Coyle!
  • Remove an implicit dependency on test.check. #150
  • Make fail-on-extra-keys-transformer work again. #151

0.8.2 (2018-11-10)

0.8.1 (2018-11-09)

  • updated deps:
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "1.10.439"] is available but we use "1.10.339"

0.8.0 (2018-10-21)

  • Fix fishy gen* call in your Spec protocol.
  • Support Spec Records with Swagger on cljs by Miloslav Nenadál
  • Swagger parameters read Spec :description, fixes #135
  • JSON Schema objects get :title property from qualified Spec registry name
  • All top-level data-specs & nested map data-spec have name derived from :name, fixes #124
  • New st/coerce function to coerce a value using form parsing and spec transformers. Can only walk over simple specs, and doesn't require any wrapping of specs. Inspired by spec-coerce.
(deftest coercion-test
  (testing "predicates"
    (is (= 1 (st/coerce int? "1" st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= "1" (st/coerce int? "1" st/json-transformer)))
    (is (= :user/kikka (st/coerce keyword? "user/kikka" st/string-transformer))))
  (testing "s/and"
    (is (= 1 (st/coerce (s/and int? keyword?) "1" st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= :1 (st/coerce (s/and keyword? int?) "1" st/string-transformer))))
  (testing "s/or"
    (is (= 1 (st/coerce (s/or :int int? :keyword keyword?) "1" st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= :1 (st/coerce (s/or :keyword keyword? :int int?) "1" st/string-transformer))))
  (testing "s/coll-of"
    (is (= #{1 2 3} (st/coerce (s/coll-of int? :into #{}) ["1" 2 "3"] st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= #{"1" 2 "3"} (st/coerce (s/coll-of int? :into #{}) ["1" 2 "3"] st/json-transformer)))
    (is (= [:1 2 :3] (st/coerce (s/coll-of keyword?) ["1" 2 "3"] st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= ::invalid (st/coerce (s/coll-of keyword?) ::invalid st/string-transformer))))
  (testing "s/keys"
    (is (= {:c1 1, ::c2 :kikka} (st/coerce (s/keys :req-un [::c1]) {:c1 "1", ::c2 "kikka"} st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= {:c1 1, ::c2 :kikka} (st/coerce (s/keys :req-un [(and ::c1 ::c2)]) {:c1 "1", ::c2 "kikka"} st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= {:c1 "1", ::c2 :kikka} (st/coerce (s/keys :req-un [::c1]) {:c1 "1", ::c2 "kikka"} st/json-transformer)))
    (is (= ::invalid (st/coerce (s/keys :req-un [::c1]) ::invalid st/json-transformer))))
  (testing "s/map-of"
    (is (= {1 :abba, 2 :jabba} (st/coerce (s/map-of int? keyword?) {"1" "abba", "2" "jabba"} st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= {"1" :abba, "2" :jabba} (st/coerce (s/map-of int? keyword?) {"1" "abba", "2" "jabba"} st/json-transformer)))
    (is (= ::invalid (st/coerce (s/map-of int? keyword?) ::invalid st/json-transformer))))
  (testing "s/nillable"
    (is (= 1 (st/coerce (s/nilable int?) "1" st/string-transformer)))
    (is (= nil (st/coerce (s/nilable int?) nil st/string-transformer))))
  (testing "s/every"
    (is (= [1] (st/coerce (s/every int?) ["1"] st/string-transformer))))
  (testing "composed"
    (let [spec (s/nilable
                     (s/or :keys (s/keys :req-un [::c1])
                           :ks (s/coll-of (s/and int?) :into #{})))))
          value {"keys" {:c1 "1" ::c2 "kikka"}
                 "keys2" {:c1 true}
                 "ints" [1 "1" "invalid" "3"]}]
      (is (= {:keys {:c1 1 ::c2 :kikka}
              :keys2 {:c1 true}
              :ints #{1 "invalid" 3}}
             (st/coerce spec value st/string-transformer)))
      (is (= {:keys {:c1 "1" ::c2 :kikka}
              :keys2 {:c1 true}
              :ints #{1 "1" "invalid" "3"}}
             (st/coerce spec value st/json-transformer))))))
  • st/decode first tries to use st/coerce, falling back to conforming-based approach
  • BREAKING: enhanced parsing results from spec-tools.parse/parse-spec:
    • all parse result keys have been qualified:
      • :keys => ::parse/keys
      • :keys/req => ::parse/keys-req
      • :keys/opt => ::parse/keys-opt
    • new parser keys ::parse/items, ::parse/item, ::parse/key and ::parse/value
    • s/and and s/or are parsed into composite types:
(testing "s/or"
  (is (= {::parse/items [{:spec int?, :type :long} {:spec keyword?, :type :keyword}]
          :type [:or [:long :keyword]]}
         (parse/parse-spec (s/or :int int? :keyword keyword?)))))
(testing "s/and"
  (is (= {::parse/items [{:spec int?, :type :long} {:spec keyword?, :type :keyword}]
          :type [:and [:long :keyword]]}
         (parse/parse-spec (s/and int? keyword?)))))

0.7.2 (2018-09-26)

  • Update deps:
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.2.176"] is available but we use "0.1.143"
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.339"] is available but we use "1.10.329"
[com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind "2.9.7"] is available but we use "2.9.6"

0.7.1 (2018-06-25)

  • Not setting a Swagger response model doesn't emit empty schema {}.
  • Spec keys with swagger namespace are merged into Swagger schemas, overriding values from json-schema namespaced keys:
(require '[spec-tools.core :as st])
(require '[spec-tools.swagger.core :as swagger])

    {:spec string?
     :json-schema/default ""
     :json-schema/example "json-schema-example"
     :swagger/example "swagger-example"}))
; {:type "string"
;  :default ""
;  :example "swagger-example"}
  • updated deps:
[com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind "2.9.6"] is available but we use "2.9.5"

0.7.0 (2018-05-14)

  • Fix rational? mapping for JSON Schema, fixes #113
  • Remove ::swagger/extension expansion in Swagger2 generation.
  • Date-conforming is now ISO8601-compliant on Clojure too, thanks to Fabrizio Ferrai.
  • new st/IntoSpec protocol to convert non-recursively vanilla clojure.spec Specs into st/Spec:s. Used in st/encode, st/decode, st/explain, st/explain-data, st/conform and st/conform!.
  • BREAKING: Bye bye conforming, welcome transformers!
    • Guide:
    • removed: st/type-conforming, st/json-conforming, st/string-conforming
    • new st/Transformer protocol to drive spec-driven value transformations
    • spec values can be both encoded (st/encode) & decoded (st/decode) using a transformer, fixes #96.
    • renamed ns spec-tools.conform into spec-tools.transform, covering both encoding & decoding of values
    • st/type-transformer, supporting both :type and Spec level transformations
    • Spec-driven transformations via keys in encode and decode namespaces.
    • st/encode, st/decode, st/explain, st/explain-data, st/conform and st/conform! take the transformer instance an optional third argument
      • st/json-transformer, st/string-transformer, strip-extra-keys-transformer and fail-on-extra-keys-transformer are shipped out-of-the-box.


(defprotocol Transformer
  (-name [this])
  (-encoder [this spec value])
  (-decoder [this spec value]))

Spec-driven transformations

  • use :encode/* and :decode/* keys from Spec instances to declare how the values should be transformed
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[spec-tools.core :as st])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])

(s/def ::spec
    {:spec #(and (simple-keyword? %) (-> % name str/lower-case keyword (= %)))
     :description "a lowercase keyword, encoded in uppercase in string-mode"
     :decode/string #(-> %2 name str/lower-case keyword)
     :encode/string #(-> %2 name str/upper-case)}))

(st/decode ::spec :kikka)
; :kikka

(as-> "KiKka" $
      (st/decode ::spec $))
; :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid

(as-> "KiKka" $
      (st/decode ::spec $ st/string-transformer))
; :kikka

(as-> "KiKka" $
      (st/decode ::spec $ st/string-transformer)
      (st/encode ::spec $ st/string-transformer))

no, as there can be multiple valid representations for a encoded value. But it's quaranteed that a decoded values X is always encoded into Y, which can be decoded back into X, y -> X -> Y -> X

(as-> "KikKa" $
      (doto $ prn)
      (st/encode ::spec $ st/string-transformer)
      (doto $ prn)
      (st/decode ::spec $ st/string-transformer)
      (doto $ prn)
      (st/encode ::spec $ st/string-transformer)
      (prn $))
; "KikKa"
; :kikka

Type-driven transformations

  • use :type information from Specs (mostly resolved automatically)
(as-> "2014-02-18T18:25:37Z" $
      (st/decode inst? $))
; :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid

;; decode using string-transformer
(as-> "2014-02-18T18:25:37Z" $
      (st/decode inst? $ st/string-transformer))
; #inst"2014-02-18T18:25:37.000-00:00"

;; encode using string-transformer
(as-> "2014-02-18T18:25:37Z" $
      (st/decode inst? $ st/string-transformer)
      (st/encode inst? $ st/string-transformer))
; "2014-02-18T18:25:37.000+0000"

:type gives you encoders & decoders (and docs) for free, like Data.Unjson:

(s/def ::kw
    {:spec #(keyword %) ;; anonymous function
     :type :keyword}))  ;; encode & decode like a keyword

(st/decode ::kw "kikka" st/string-transformer)
;; :kikka

(st/decode ::kw "kikka" st/json-transformer)
;; :kikka

0.6.1 (2018-02-19)

  • 0.6.0 deployed correctly

0.6.0 (2018-02-19)

  • BREAKING: the transforming functions in spec-tools.conform just transform, dont' validate. Fixes #92. Thanks to Benjamin Albrecht
  • Fixed s/gen triggers IllegalArgumentException for nested aliased specs #94 by @johanwiren.
  • New, thanks to Dmitri Sotnikov:
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[ :as ds])

    [(ds/or {:map {:alias string?}
             :string string?})])
  [{:alias "Rudi"}, "Rudolf"])
; [[:map {:alias "rudi"}] [:string "Rudolf"]]
  • BREAKING: map-of data-spec keys are also data-specs. So this works now:
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[ :as ds])

  (ds/spec ::ints {[int?] [int?]})
  {[1 2 3] [4 5 6]})
; true
  • ds/spec supports 1-arity version, allowing extra options :keys-spec & :keys-default.
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[ :as ds])

    {:name ::optiona-user
     :spec {(ds/req :id) int?
            :age pos-int?
            :name string?}
     :keys-default ds/opt})
  {:id 123})
; true
  • ds/spec option :name is only required if non-qualified map keys are present.
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[ :as ds])

    {:spec [{::alias string?}]})
  [{::alias "kikka"}
   {::alias "kukka"}])
; true
  • spec-tools.core/merge that selects only the specced keys from each conformed result, then merges those results onto the original input. This avoids overwriting conformed values with unconformed values while preserving all unspecced keys of the input. Fixes #90. By Arttu Kaipiainen.

  • updated deps:

[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"] is available but we use "1.9.0-beta4"

0.5.1 (2017-10-31)

  • remove bigdec? in favor of decimal? (1.9.0-beta4 changes)
  • updated deps:
[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-beta4"] is available but we use "1.9.0-beta4"
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.1.143"] is available but we use "0.1.134"

0.5.0 (2017-10-19)

  • don't publish empty :required fields for JSON Schemas, by acron0

  • added parsers for s/merge & st/spec.

  • Don't fail on recursive spec visits, fixes #75

  • BREAKING: spec-tools.visitor/visit-spec should recurse with spec-tools.visitor/visit instead of spec-tools.visitor/visit-spec

  • updated deps:

[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-beta2"] is available but we use "1.9.0-alpha19"
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.946"] is available but we use "1.9.908"

0.4.0 (2017-10-11)

  • or and and keys are parsed correctly for JSON Schema & Swagger, Fixes #79

  • BREAKING: spec-tools.type is now spec-tools.parse with public api of:

    • parse-spec: given a spec name, form or instance, maybe returns a spec info map with resolved :type and optionally other info, e.g. :keys, :keys/req and :keys/opt for s/keys specs.
    • parse-form: multimethod to parse info out of a form
  • Spec Records of s/and are fully resolved now, fixes metosin/compojure-api#336

  • updated deps:

[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.1.134"] is available but we use "0.1.123"

0.3.3 (2017-09-01)

  • spec-tools.core/create-spec fails with qualified keyword if they don't link to a spec, thanks to Camilo Roca

  • updated deps:

[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha19"] is available but we use "1.9.0-alpha17"
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.908"] is available but we use "1.9.660"

0.3.2 (2017-07-29)

  • map spec-tools.spec predicate symbols into clojure.core counterparts for JSON Schema / Swagger mappings.

0.3.1 (2017-07-27)

  • resolve :type from first predicate of s/and, thanks to Andy Chambers
  • better error messages when trying to create non-homogeneous data-specs for Vectors & Sets

0.3.0 (2017-06-30)

  • Swagger2 integration (moved from spec-swagger)

  • BREAKING: More configurable Spec Visitor

    • `spec-tools.visitor/visit takes optionally 4th argument, an options-map, passed into all sub-visits & accepts
    • changed the extension multimethod from visit to visit-spec (to better support static analysis for arity errors)
    • the accept function is now 4-arity (was 3-arity), taking the options-map as 4th argument
    • the spec-tools.json-schema/transform also has optional 4-arity with the options-map as 4th argument
  • visitor (and by so, json-schema generation) supports also direct predicate specs, via form inference:

(require '[spec-tools.json-schema :as json-schema])

(json-schema/transform int?)
; {:type "integer", :format "int64"}
  • added spec-tools.core/spec-name, to resolve spec name, like clojure.spec.alpha/spec-name but non-private & understands Spec Records.

  • added spec-tools.core/spec-description, to resolve spec description, understands Spec Records.

  • JSON Schema generation set :title for Object Schemas based on st/spec-name.

  • s/cat & s/alt don't set :minItems and :maxItems as they are Regexs.

  • moved many helper functions to spec-tools.impl

0.2.2 (2017-06-12)

  • Spec Record describe* uses the map syntax, e.g. (st/spec clojure.core/string? {} => (st/spec {:spec clojure.core/string?})

  • Spec Records inherit ::s/name from underlaying specs, fixes #56


0.2.1 (2017-06-09)

  • fixed explain* for Spec Records

  • updated deps:

[org.clojure/clojure "0.1.123"] is available but we use "0.1.108"
[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha17"] is available but we use "1.9.0-alpha16"
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.562"] is available but we use "1.9.542"


0.2.0 (2017-05-16)

  • BREAKING: update spec to alpha16:

    • clojure.spec => clojure.spec.alpha, cljs.spec => cljs.spec.alpha etc.
  • updated deps:

[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.1.108"]
[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha16"] is available but we use "1.9.0-alpha15"
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.542"] is available but we use "1.9.518"


0.1.1 (2017-05-10)


0.1.0 (2017-05-04)

  • Initial release.