Translates JSON into a Go type definition. Check it out!
This is a sister tool to curl-to-Go, which converts curl commands to Go code.
Things to note:
- The script sometimes has to make some assumptions, so give the output a once-over.
- In an array of objects, it is assumed that the first object is representative of the rest of them.
- The output is indented, but not formatted. Use
go fmt
Contributions are welcome! Open a pull request to fix a bug, or open an issue to discuss a new feature or change.
Read JSON file:
node json-to-go.js sample.json
Read JSON file from stdin:
node json-to-go.js < sample.json cat sample.json | node json-to-go.js
For more options, check the help page
node json-to-go.js --help
JSON-to-Go is brought to you by Matt Holt (mholt6).
The Go Gopher is originally by Renee French. This artwork is an adaptation.