- Coding standards follows convention
- Files and directories organisations follows convention
- Dependencies are managed via Git submodules
- No third party code included in sources
- Build procedure is described in markdown file within sources
- Build prerequisites/dependencies are listed
- CMake is used to build C/C++ code
- Maven is used to build Java code
- A .build job exists in Jenkins CI triggered automatically after every change in the code
As too many rules cannot be remembered and cannot be learnt before writing code, some tools may be used to provide Automatic Review.
- clang_format
- astyle
- KWStyle
- vera++
- bcpp
- checksrc.pl (from libcurl)
- cppcheck
- cpplint.py (Google)
- PVS-Studio (See also bugs found in LibreOffice)
- sonarqube (See also list of C++ rules)
- Clang Static Analyzer (See also Clang plugins/checkers used by LibreOffice)
- clang_check
- clang_tidy
- Flint : clint from Facebook for C++11
- Oclint
- cppdepend
- frama_c + plugins: (slicing and spare code)
- SLOCCount analyzes sources
- Compilation warnings are collected
- Static code analysis is executed (CppCheck... for C++ ; FindBugs for Java)
- Open Tasks in the code are gathered and use these tags: FIXME, TODO, TOREVIEW
- A package is generated during the build job
- Package is pushed to the artifact repository
- Package provides debug, release and coverage binaries
- Package naming follows the convention
- Unit Tests exist and are based on GoogleTest
- Code for unit tests is located outside of “business” code (do not mix code for production and code for test)
- Compilation and execution of unit tests are documented in markdown file within sources
- Unit tests are provided in three build types: Release, Debug and Coverage
- Unit Tests are always executed locally ; they do not rely on db/files/middleware
- Unit tests are systematically executed in the build job
- Unit tests execution generates Junit XML file(s)
- Each unit test is run without and with valgrind
- Valgrind generates XML output file
- Unit tests results (and Code coverage and valgrind results) are gathered by Jenkins
- Deployment, “Start/Stop” and configuration procedures are described in markdown file within sources
- A .deploy job exists in Jenkins CI
- Jinja configuration template is provided within the Package
- Package is deployed automatically after each build in “CI” environment
- “Start/stop” scripts are delivered with the binaries
- Ansible is used for deployments
- Ops tests (for ops procedures) exist and can be executed automatically
- Ops tests generate TAP or Junit XML files
- Tests execution procedure is described in markdown file within sources
- A .test job exists in Jenkins CI
- Functional tests can be executed after deployment
- Tests execution generates Junit XML files
- XML file(s) are collected by Jenkins as artefacts
- Build metrics, all tests executions and code coverage are consolidated (per release) in Sonarqube. Allowing teams to visualize and control technical debt