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TypeScript 4.4 libdom changes #1029

orta opened this issue Jun 27, 2021 · 75 comments

TypeScript 4.4 libdom changes #1029

orta opened this issue Jun 27, 2021 · 75 comments


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orta commented Jun 27, 2021


With TypeScript 4.4, we coordinated some pretty fundamental infrastructure work to prepare for the version of dom.d.ts with the future of the generator repo. This work resulted in two note-worthy items:

  • The dom.d.ts files typically accessed inside TypeScript are now also deployed to @types/web starting with version 0.0.1 which corresponds to the version of libdom.d.ts in TypeScript 4.3. This means an update to TypeScript 4.4 does not mean you have to update all of your web .d.ts files.

    The name change is to more accurately reflect the scope of the APIs, for a long time the file has provided much more APIs than just the DOM and @types/web reflects that. If you're interested in switching to use @types/web, there are instructions in the npm README.

  • The 4.4 dom.d.ts file which is included with TypeScript includes quite a lot of changes, with a lot of APIs which have been marked as deleted by the web standards committees. You can see the full list in this issue

    We've been testing these changes with DefinitelyTyped, and have been individually rolling back changes which we think are a bit too breaking, this is more of an art than a science however. If you think we should rollback a particular change we're open to discussing change in this issue or the dom-lib-generator channel in the TypeScript Community Discord

We plan to have thorough support for replacing lib.dom.d.ts with @types/web in 4.5 with microsoft/TypeScript#44795

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orta commented Jun 27, 2021

High Level Changes from 4.3 to 4.4


New interfaces

  • BlobEvent
  • CSSAnimation
  • CSSCounterStyleRule
  • CSSTransition
  • ClipboardItem
  • FileSystem
  • FileSystemDirectoryEntry
  • FileSystemDirectoryReader
  • FileSystemEntry
  • FileSystemFileEntry
  • FontFace
  • FontFaceSet
  • FontFaceSetLoadEvent
  • FormDataEvent
  • IdleDeadline
  • MathMLElement
  • MediaCapabilities
  • MediaMetadata
  • MediaRecorder
  • MediaRecorderErrorEvent
  • MediaSession
  • NetworkInformation
  • PerformanceEventTiming
  • PerformancePaintTiming
  • PictureInPictureWindow
  • RemotePlayback
  • SVGMPathElement
  • SVGSetElement
  • SubmitEvent

Removed interfaces

  • ApplicationCache
  • BhxBrowser
  • CaretPosition
  • ClientRect
  • ClientRectList
  • CryptoKeyPair
  • DOMError
  • DOMSettableTokenList
  • DataCue
  • DeferredPermissionRequest
  • DeviceAcceleration
  • DeviceRotationRate
  • ExtensionScriptApis
  • FocusNavigationEvent
  • GamepadPose
  • HTMLAppletElement
  • HTMLDialogElement
  • HTMLTableDataCellElement
  • HTMLTableHeaderCellElement
  • InputDeviceInfo
  • ListeningStateChangedEvent
  • MSAssertion
  • MSBlobBuilder
  • MSFIDOCredentialAssertion
  • MSFIDOSignature
  • MSFIDOSignatureAssertion
  • MSGesture
  • MSGraphicsTrust
  • MSInputMethodContext
  • MSMediaKeyError
  • MSMediaKeySession
  • MSMediaKeys
  • MSStream
  • MediaStreamError
  • MediaStreamErrorEvent
  • MediaStreamEvent
  • MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode
  • NavigationPreloadManager
  • NodeFilter
  • OffscreenCanvas
  • OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
  • OverflowEvent
  • PerfWidgetExternal
  • PermissionRequest
  • PermissionRequestedEvent
  • RTCDtlsTransportStateChangedEvent
  • RTCDtmfSender
  • RTCError
  • RTCErrorEvent
  • RTCIceCandidatePairChangedEvent
  • RTCIceGatherer
  • RTCIceGathererEvent
  • RTCIceTransportStateChangedEvent
  • RTCIdentityAssertion
  • RTCSctpTransport
  • RTCSrtpSdesTransport
  • RTCSsrcConflictEvent
  • RTCStatsProvider
  • RandomSource
  • SVGCursorElement
  • SVGElementInstance
  • SVGElementInstanceList
  • SVGPathSeg
  • SVGPathSegArcAbs
  • SVGPathSegArcRel
  • SVGPathSegClosePath
  • SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs
  • SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel
  • SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs
  • SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel
  • SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs
  • SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel
  • SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs
  • SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel
  • SVGPathSegLinetoAbs
  • SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs
  • SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel
  • SVGPathSegLinetoRel
  • SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs
  • SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel
  • SVGPathSegList
  • SVGPathSegMovetoAbs
  • SVGPathSegMovetoRel
  • SVGZoomEvent
  • ServiceUIFrameContext
  • SpeechGrammar
  • SpeechGrammarList
  • SpeechRecognition
  • SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent
  • SpeechRecognitionEvent
  • StyleMedia
  • SyncManager
  • TextEvent
  • VRDisplay
  • VRDisplayCapabilities
  • VRDisplayEvent
  • VREyeParameters
  • VRFieldOfView
  • VRFrameData
  • VRPose
  • WebKitPoint
  • webkitRTCPeerConnection


  • Animation
    • Added: onremove, replaceState, commitStyles, persist
  • AudioContext
    • Removed: outputLatency, createMediaStreamTrackSource
  • CSSStyleDeclaration
    • Added: appearance, aspectRatio, backgroundBlendMode, borderBlock, borderBlockColor, borderBlockStyle, borderBlockWidth, borderEndEndRadius, borderEndStartRadius, borderInline, borderInlineColor, borderInlineStyle, borderInlineWidth, borderStartEndRadius, borderStartStartRadius, colorScheme, contain, counterSet, fontOpticalSizing, fontVariantAlternates, fontVariationSettings, inset, insetBlock, insetBlockEnd, insetBlockStart, insetInline, insetInlineEnd, insetInlineStart, isolation, marginBlock, marginInline, mixBlendMode, offset, offsetAnchor, offsetDistance, offsetPath, offsetRotate, paddingBlock, paddingInline, scrollMargin, scrollMarginBlock, scrollMarginBlockEnd, scrollMarginBlockStart, scrollMarginBottom, scrollMarginInline, scrollMarginInlineEnd, scrollMarginInlineStart, scrollMarginLeft, scrollMarginRight, scrollMarginTop, scrollPadding, scrollPaddingBlock, scrollPaddingBlockEnd, scrollPaddingBlockStart, scrollPaddingBottom, scrollPaddingInline, scrollPaddingInlineEnd, scrollPaddingInlineStart, scrollPaddingLeft, scrollPaddingRight, scrollPaddingTop, scrollSnapAlign, scrollSnapStop, scrollSnapType, shapeImageThreshold, shapeMargin, shapeOutside, textDecorationSkipInk, textDecorationThickness, textUnderlineOffset
    • Removed: glyphOrientationVertical, maskComposite, maskImage, maskPosition, maskRepeat, maskSize, rubyAlign, textJustify, webkitTapHighlightColor, webkitTextSizeAdjust, zoom
  • CanvasRenderingContext2D
    • Added: getContextAttributes
  • Clipboard
    • Added: read, write
  • CompositionEvent
    • Added: initCompositionEvent
  • DataTransferItemList
    • Removed: item
  • Document
    • Added: pictureInPictureEnabled, rootElement, exitPictureInPicture, hasStorageAccess, requestStorageAccess
    • Removed: caretPositionFromPoint, getAnimations
  • Element
    • Added: part
    • Removed: msGetRegionContent
  • File
    • Added: webkitRelativePath
  • Gamepad
    • Removed: hand, pose
  • GamepadHapticActuator
    • Removed: pulse
  • HTMLCanvasElement
    • Added: captureStream
    • Removed: transferControlToOffscreen
  • HTMLElement
    • Added: outerText
  • HTMLFormElement
    • Added: requestSubmit
  • HTMLIFrameElement
    • Removed: allowPaymentRequest
  • HTMLInputElement
    • Added: capture, webkitEntries, webkitdirectory
  • HTMLMarqueeElement
    • Removed: onbounce, onfinish, onstart
  • HTMLMediaElement
    • Added: disableRemotePlayback, remote
  • HTMLOptGroupElement
    • Removed: form
  • HTMLVideoElement
    • Added: disablePictureInPicture, onenterpictureinpicture, onleavepictureinpicture, requestPictureInPicture
  • IDBCursor
    • Added: request
  • IDBFactory
    • Added: databases
  • IDBTransaction
    • Added: commit
  • InputEvent
    • Added: dataTransfer, getTargetRanges
  • KeyboardEvent
    • Added: initKeyboardEvent
    • Removed: char
  • KeyframeEffect
    • Added: pseudoElement
  • MediaDevices
    • Added: getDisplayMedia
  • MediaStreamTrack
    • Added: contentHint
  • MessageEvent
    • Added: initMessageEvent
  • Navigator
    • Added: mediaCapabilities, mediaSession
    • Removed: activeVRDisplays, msManipulationViewsEnabled, msMaxTouchPoints, msPointerEnabled, getUserMedia, getVRDisplays, msLaunchUri, msSaveBlob, msSaveOrOpenBlob
  • Node
    • Removed: namespaceURI
  • Notification
    • Removed: actions, badge, image, renotify, requireInteraction, silent, timestamp, vibrate
  • PaymentRequest
    • Removed: onshippingaddresschange, onshippingoptionchange, shippingAddress, shippingOption, shippingType
  • PaymentResponse
    • Removed: onpayerdetailchange, payerEmail, payerName, payerPhone, shippingAddress, shippingOption, addEventListener, removeEventListener
  • PerformanceMark
    • Added: detail
  • PerformanceMeasure
    • Added: detail
  • PushSubscription
    • Removed: expirationTime
  • PushSubscriptionOptions
    • Removed: userVisibleOnly
  • RTCDtlsTransport
    • Removed: iceTransport, onerror, getRemoteCertificates
  • RTCIceCandidate
    • Added: address
  • RTCIceTransport
    • Removed: ongatheringstatechange, onselectedcandidatepairchange, onstatechange, role, getLocalCandidates, getLocalParameters, getRemoteCandidates, getRemoteParameters, getSelectedCandidatePair, addEventListener, removeEventListener
  • RTCPeerConnection
    • Removed: idpErrorInfo, idpLoginUrl, peerIdentity, sctp, getIdentityAssertion, setIdentityProvider
  • RTCRtpTransceiver
    • Removed: setCodecPreferences
  • ReadableStream
    • Added: forEach
  • Request
    • Removed: isHistoryNavigation, isReloadNavigation
  • Response
    • Removed: trailer
  • SVGAElement
    • Added: rel, relList
  • SVGAnimationElement
    • Added: beginElement, beginElementAt, endElement, endElementAt
  • SVGPathElement
    • Removed: pathSegList, getPointAtLength, getTotalLength
  • SVGSVGElement
    • Removed: onunload, onzoom, getComputedStyle
  • SVGTransformList
    • Added: length
  • SVGViewElement
    • Removed: viewTarget
  • SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
    • Added: disposition, sample
  • ServiceWorkerRegistration
    • Removed: navigationPreload, sync
  • ShadowRoot
    • Added: delegatesFocus
  • SourceBuffer
    • Added: changeType
  • StorageEvent
    • Added: initStorageEvent
  • TextMetrics
    • Added: fontBoundingBoxAscent, fontBoundingBoxDescent
  • Touch
    • Removed: altitudeAngle, azimuthAngle, touchType
  • UIEvent
    • Added: initUIEvent
  • VideoPlaybackQuality
    • Added: corruptedVideoFrames
  • Window
    • Added: cancelIdleCallback, requestIdleCallback
    • Removed: applicationCache, defaultStatus, doNotTrack, msContentScript, offscreenBuffering, oncompassneedscalibration, ondeviceorientationabsolute, ongamepadconnected, ongamepaddisconnected, onmousewheel, onreadystatechange, onvrdisplayactivate, onvrdisplayblur, onvrdisplayconnect, onvrdisplaydeactivate, onvrdisplaydisconnect, onvrdisplaypresentchange, styleMedia, departFocus, getMatchedCSSRules, msWriteProfilerMark, webkitCancelAnimationFrame, webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage, webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode, webkitRequestAnimationFrame
  • WritableStream
    • Added: close

Non-value types

  • AddEventListenerOptions
    • Added: signal
  • CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings
    • Added: colorSpace, willReadFrequently
  • ComputedEffectTiming
    • Added: startTime
  • EffectTiming
    • Added: playbackRate
  • InputEventInit
    • Added: dataTransfer, targetRanges
  • KeyframeEffectOptions
    • Added: pseudoElement
  • MediaKeySystemMediaCapability
    • Added: encryptionScheme
  • MediaStreamConstraints
    • Added: preferCurrentTab
  • MediaTrackCapabilities
    • Added: cursor, displaySurface, logicalSurface
  • MediaTrackConstraintSet
    • Added: suppressLocalAudioPlayback
    • Removed: autoGainControl, noiseSuppression, resizeMode
  • MediaTrackSettings
    • Added: restrictOwnAudio
    • Removed: autoGainControl, channelCount, latency, noiseSuppression, resizeMode
  • MediaTrackSupportedConstraints
    • Added: suppressLocalAudioPlayback
    • Removed: autoGainControl, channelCount, latency, noiseSuppression, resizeMode
  • OptionalEffectTiming
    • Added: playbackRate
  • PaymentDetailsBase
    • Removed: shippingOptions
  • PaymentDetailsUpdate
    • Removed: error, payerErrors, shippingAddressErrors
  • PaymentValidationErrors
    • Removed: payer, shippingAddress
  • RTCIceCandidatePairStats
    • Removed: bytesDiscardedOnSend, circuitBreakerTriggerCount, consentExpiredTimestamp, consentRequestsSent, currentRtt, firstRequestTimestamp, lastPacketReceivedTimestamp, lastPacketSentTimestamp, lastRequestTimestamp, lastResponseTimestamp, packetsDiscardedOnSend, packetsReceived, packetsSent, priority, retransmissionsReceived, retransmissionsSent, totalRtt
  • RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit
    • Added: errorText
    • Removed: statusText
  • RTCRtpEncodingParameters
    • Added: priority
  • RTCRtpSendParameters
    • Added: degradationPreference
  • RTCRtpSynchronizationSource
    • Removed: voiceActivityFlag
  • RTCTransportStats
    • Removed: iceRole, packetsReceived, packetsSent, selectedCandidatePairChanges, tlsGroup
  • SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit
    • Added: disposition, sample
  • ShadowRootInit
    • Added: slotAssignment
  • ShareData
    • Added: files
  • UIEventInit
    • Added: which
  • AnimationEventMap
    • Added: "remove"
  • CanvasUserInterface
    • Removed: scrollPathIntoView
  • DocumentOrShadowRoot
    • Added: pictureInPictureElement, getAnimations
    • Removed: caretPositionFromPoint, caretRangeFromPoint, elementFromPoint, elementsFromPoint, getSelection
  • GlobalEventHandlersEventMap
    • Added: "formdata", "webkitanimationend", "webkitanimationiteration", "webkitanimationstart", "webkittransitionend"
    • Removed: "cancel", "dragexit"
  • GlobalEventHandlers
    • Added: onformdata, onwebkitanimationend, onwebkitanimationiteration, onwebkitanimationstart, onwebkittransitionend
    • Removed: oncancel, ondragexit, onsecuritypolicyviolation
  • NavigatorContentUtils
    • Removed: unregisterProtocolHandler
  • ParentNode
    • Added: replaceChildren
  • PaymentRequestEventMap
    • Removed: "shippingaddresschange", "shippingoptionchange"
  • RTCDtlsTransportEventMap
    • Removed: "error"
  • SVGSVGElementEventMap
    • Removed: "SVGUnload", "SVGZoom"
  • WindowEventMap
    • Removed: "abort", "afterprint", "beforeprint", "beforeunload", "blur", "canplay", "canplaythrough", "change", "click", "compassneedscalibration", "contextmenu", "dblclick", "deviceorientationabsolute", "drag", "dragend", "dragenter", "dragleave", "dragover", "dragstart", "drop", "durationchange", "emptied", "ended", "error", "focus", "hashchange", "input", "invalid", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "load", "loadeddata", "loadedmetadata", "loadstart", "message", "mousedown", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "mousewheel", "offline", "online", "pagehide", "pageshow", "pause", "play", "playing", "popstate", "progress", "ratechange", "readystatechange", "reset", "resize", "scroll", "seeked", "seeking", "select", "stalled", "storage", "submit", "suspend", "timeupdate", "unload", "volumechange", "vrdisplayactivate", "vrdisplayblur", "vrdisplayconnect", "vrdisplaydeactivate", "vrdisplaydisconnect", "vrdisplaypresentchange", "waiting"
  • WindowEventHandlersEventMap
    • Added: "gamepadconnected", "gamepaddisconnected"
  • WindowEventHandlers
    • Added: ongamepadconnected, ongamepaddisconnected
  • WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope
    • Added: crossOriginIsolated
  • Console
    • Removed: memory, exception
  • HTMLElementTagNameMap
    • Removed: "applet"
  • SVGElementTagNameMap
    • Added: "animate", "animateMotion", "animateTransform", "feDropShadow", "mpath", "set"


Non-value types

  • Navigator
    • Added: vibrate

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h-joo commented Jul 16, 2021

The following four types also seems to be removed, but are not mentioned in the above list :

  • AudioParamDescriptor
  • RTCInboundRTPStreamStats
  • RTCMediaStreamTrackStats
  • RTCStatsCallback

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Contributor Author

orta commented Aug 11, 2021

@types/[email protected] should be the version which is shipped with TS 4.4rc

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Found undocumented breaking change: PermissionName has less union members than 4.3 which cause the following code type error.

navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'camera' })


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Breaking change documented wrong:

CryptoKeyPair didn't get removed.

// 4.3
interface CryptoKeyPair {
    privateKey: CryptoKey;
    publicKey: CryptoKey;
// 4.4
interface CryptoKeyPair {
    privateKey?: CryptoKey;
    publicKey?: CryptoKey;

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ClipboardItem constructor type is wrong. According to MDN, it should be string | Blob | Promise<string | Blob>.

In 4.3 it is string | Blob, in 4.4 it is Promise<string | Blob> which is wrong.

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saschanaz commented Aug 14, 2021

Found undocumented breaking change: PermissionName has less union members than 4.3 which cause the following code type error.

navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'camera' })


Camera permission is at risk because of lack of multiple implementation, so I guess the work item is to document the removal.

ClipboardItem constructor type is wrong. According to MDN, it should be string | Blob | Promise<string | Blob>.

In 4.3 it is string | Blob, in 4.4 it is Promise<string | Blob> which is wrong.


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I want to add (deprecated: ref #884) mouseWheelEvent to the list of removed types

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busches commented Aug 27, 2021

Undocumented change msSaveBlob was removed from window.navigator in TypeScript 4.4.2.

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I tried upgrading from TS 4.3.5 to 4.4.2 today and encountered two issues:

  1. HTMLDialogElement went missing (as a value, not as a type). This is noted in the list above. But why? It's supported by Chrome, Edge, and Opera, and by Firefox behind a flag. The type is still present, as it is needed to represent <dialog> elements. I can write declare var HTMLDialogElement: HTMLDialogElement; to allow using it as a value, but then element instanceof HTMLDialogElement no longer works as a type guard.
  2. HTMLInputElement.autofocus was removed. This is not noted in the list above. This seems like a bug since it is supported in every browser. The MDN page's browser compatibility section just refers to the page for the global autofocus attribute where it is noted as fully supported in Chrome, Edge, and Opera, and supported everywhere on several elements including HTMLInputElement. In my case, I have a custom JSX implementation, and I basically have to patch the HTMLInputElement type to work around this.

It would be great if these changes could be reverted.

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saschanaz commented Aug 27, 2021

  1. HTMLDialogElement went missing (as a value, not as a type). This is noted in the list above. But why? It's supported by Chrome, Edge, and Opera, and by Firefox behind a flag. The type is still present, as it is needed to represent <dialog> elements. I can write declare var HTMLDialogElement: HTMLDialogElement; to allow using it as a value, but then element instanceof HTMLDialogElement no longer works as a type guard.

Chrome/Edge/Opera all uses the same engine Blink and no other engine supports it without a flag, that is why. Please refer to for the reasoning here.

  1. HTMLInputElement.autofocus was removed. This is not noted in the list above. This seems like a bug since it is supported in every browser. The MDN page's browser compatibility section just refers to the page for the global autofocus attribute where it is noted as fully supported in Chrome, Edge, and Opera, and supported everywhere on several elements including HTMLInputElement. In my case, I have a custom JSX implementation, and I basically have to patch the HTMLInputElement type to work around this.

Fixed by #1111

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Thanks, I read that section of the README but it's not clear about flagged features, plus <dialog> is enabled by default in Firefox Nightly.

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Why was hashchange event removed? Now there is only Event which doesn't have newURL property:

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Why was hashchange event removed? Now there is only Event which doesn't have newURL property:

Fixed by #1104

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Location#reload(forcedReload: boolean): void was removed as well.
Was that intended?

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Location#reload(forcedReload: boolean): void was removed as well.
Was that intended?

It's currently a Firefox specific extension, so yes, that was intended.

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speech recognition apis have been removed but i don't find informations about deprecation of this technology.

is there a remplacement api ?

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saschanaz commented Aug 30, 2021

speech recognition apis have been removed but i don't find informations about deprecation of this technology.

is there a remplacement api ?

It's not deprecated, it's just not mature enough with no prefix-less implementation and being still in WICG (where immature specifications exist).

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daggmano commented Sep 1, 2021

Just a query, maybe my bad understanding, but File.webkitRelativePath is not a standard property and, according to MDN, should NOT be used on production sites. Can this be made optional or removed (or is my understanding here wrong)?

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@saschanaz, thank you! If you or anyone else knows when TypeScript itself will be updated with this change, that would be helpful.

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orta commented May 27, 2022

Likely in TypeScript 4.8, so roughly 3 months from now

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@orta, I see. Thank you.

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Avinash4243 commented May 30, 2022

Hi All - I've been facing the same issue for last 1 week all of them are related to Canvas and Worker. I've resolved few of them like transferControlToOffscreen and offscreenwebworker (coming from typescript -> lib.dom.d.ts ) by using declaration merging technique. But still getting issue like Cannot find name 'OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D' and Property 'getContext' does not exist on type 'OffscreenCanvas' even after adding to custom declaration file. This is being referred from typescript -> lib.webworker.d.ts and custom declaration is not working for this.
your help would be much appreciated. Thank you,

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Removed: altitudeAngle, azimuthAngle, touchType

They MUST NOT be removed. They are actually defined in the specification.


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saschanaz commented Jun 5, 2022

They MUST NOT be removed. They are actually defined in the specification.

Please check README. (And MDN browser compatibility)

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I see. You should edit the following too:

interface TouchInit {
altitudeAngle?: number;
azimuthAngle?: number;
clientX?: number;
clientY?: number;
force?: number;
identifier: number;
pageX?: number;
pageY?: number;
radiusX?: number;
radiusY?: number;
rotationAngle?: number;
screenX?: number;
screenY?: number;
target: EventTarget;
touchType?: TouchType;

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@orta I find a Type bug of Font Face API: microsoft/TypeScript#51885

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I dont this this issue still needs to stay open...

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Yeah, time to close this.

@github-actions close

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Eh. Error: Resource not accessible by integration. @jakebailey, can you check? Thanks!

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Fixed in #1799; didn't realize the codeowners system could also close issues.

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Thank you!

@github-actions close

@github-actions github-actions bot closed this as completed Sep 4, 2024
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github-actions bot commented Sep 4, 2024

Closing because @saschanaz is one of the code-owners of this repository.

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