Tasks a unit of work that executes on a node (typically, Azure VM Scalesets) are made up of a handful of components, primarily including:
- An application under test
- Containers for use in specified contexts
- All tasks should have a
container, which contains the application under test and optional asetup.sh
to customize the VM prior to fuzzing - Input containers
- Output containers
- All tasks should have a
- Optionally a managed Azure Storage Queue of new inputs to process (Used for coverage, crash reporting, etc)
The current task types available are:
- libfuzzer_fuzz: fuzz with a libFuzzer target
- libfuzzer_crash_report: Execute the target with crashing inputs, attempting to generate an informational report for each discovered crash
- libfuzzer_merge: merge newly discovered inputs with an input corpus using corpus minimization
- coverage: record binary block and source line coverage
- generic_analysis: perform custom analysis on every crashing input
- generic_supervisor: fuzz using user-provided supervisors (such as AFL)
- generic_merge: merge newly discovered inputs with an input corpus using a user provided supervisor (such as afl-merge)
- generic_generator: use a generator to craft inputs and call the application under test iteratively to process them
- generic_crash_report: use a built-in debugging tool (debugapi or ptrace based) to rerun the crashing input, attempting to generate an informational report for each discovered crash
- dotnet_coverage: same as
but for dotnet
Each type of task has a unique set of configuration options available, these include:
- target_exe: the application under test
- target_env: User specified environment variables for the target.
- target_options: User specified command line options for the target under test
- target_workers: User specified number of workers to launch on a given VM (At
this time, only used for
fuzzing tasks) - target_options_merge: Enable merging supervisor and target arguments in supervisor based merge tasks
- analyzer_exe: User specified analysis tool (See: Custom Analysis Tasks)
- analyzer_env: User specified environment variables for the analysis tool
- analyzer_options: User specified command line options for the analysis tool
- generator_exe: User specified generator (such as radamsa.exe). The generator
tool must exist in the task specified
container - generator_env: User specified environment variables for the generator tool
- generator_options: User specified command line options for the generator tool
- supervisor_exe: User specified generator (such as afl)
- supervisor_env: User specified environment variables for the supervisor
- supervisor_options: User specified command line options for the supervisor
- supervisor_input_marker: Marker to specify the path to the filename for supervisors (Example: for AFL and AFL++, this should be '@@')
- stats_file: Path to the fuzzer's stats file
- stats_format: Format of the fuzzer's stats file
- input_queue_from_container: Container name to monitor for new changes.
- rename_output: Rename generated inputs to the sha256 of the input (used during generator tasks)
- wait_for_files: For supervisor tasks (such as AFL), do not execute the
supervisor until input files are available in the
See task definitions for implementation level details on the types of tasks available.
: An environment variable set prior to launching target-specific setup scripts that defines the path to the setup container.