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Resizable Text Area code component

This code component provides a text area control that can be resized by the user using handle on the bottom right corner. It can be bound to a SingleLine.Text, SingleLine.TextArea or Multiple typed column.

Canvas apps Custom pages Model-driven apps Portals


The control accepts the following properties:

Text Properties

  • Text - The text value set in the control. This is the default bound property when used in a model-driven app.
  • Default - The default value that the control will have when the control is reset, or the default value is changed. This allows the control to work in a similar way to controls inside canvas app forms.
  • Max Length - The maximum number of characters that can be entered
  • Hint Text - The text to display when there is no text value set
  • Empty Placeholder Text - The text to display when there is no value, and the control does not have focus. This provides a similar style when the model-driven text control that displays --- when there is no value populated.

Style Properties

  • Padding Left - The padding to add inside the textarea.

  • Padding Right - The padding to add inside the textarea.

  • Padding Top - The padding to add inside the textarea.

  • Padding Bottom - The padding to add inside the textarea.

  • Left Padding Adjustment - Inside a model driven app, even when the label is hidden there is padding on the left of the code component to hold icons (e.g. lock icon). To correct for this, the width must be reduced by setting the Left Padding Adjustment to 21. When there is also a label, the Left Padding Adjustment must be set to the width of the label.

  • Render Border Style - This can be either Normal or Centered**.** When set to Normal, the border width will increase inside the text area box, however using Centered will center the border around the edge of the text area box. Use Centered to be compatible with the Power Apps Classic controls, and normal for model-driven and Fluent UI controls.

    Render Border Style
    Centered ResizableTextAreaBorderCentered
    Normal ResizableTextAreaBorderNormal

State Dependent Style Properties

Not all combinations of style/state are implemented by every component. The Resizable text area has the following style properties:

Normal Hover Focused Disabled Disabled : hover
Text Font
Name Font Name
Size Font Size
Font size units Font Size Units
Color Font Color Hover Font Color Focus Font Color Disabled Font Color
Weight Font Weight Hover Font Weight Focus Font Weight Disabled Font Weight
Hint Font
Color Hint Font Color
Weight Hint Font Weight
Color Fill Color Hover Fill Color Focus Fill Color Disabled Fill Color Disabled Hover Fill Color
Color Border Color Hover Border Color Focus Border Color Disabled Border Color
Thickness Border Thickness Hover Border Thickness Focus Border Thickness
Radius Border Radius

General Properties

  • Default Height - The height to set the text area to initially. If this is not set in a canvas app/custom page, the size will default to the code component height. For model-driven apps, this is required since the form does not provide an initial height.

  • Default Width - The width to set the text area to initially. If this is not set in a canvas app/custom page, the size will default to the code component height. For model-driven apps, this is not required, since the default width will be the width of the form column.

  • Min Height - The minimum height that the textarea can be resized to. Set to zero for no limit.

  • Max Height - The maximum height that the textarea can be resized to. Set to zero for no limit.

  • Min Width - The minimum width that the textarea can be resized to. Set to zero for no limit.

  • Max Width - The maximum width that the textarea can be resized to. Set to zero for no limit.

  • Allow Resize - Defines which direction the textarea can be resized in. None, Both, Vertical or Horizontal.

  • Enable Spell Check - Defines if the textarea should be spell checked by the browser or not.

  • Accessibility Label - The aria label

  • Input Event - Set the Input Event property to a string starting in SetFocus to set focus on the control. You must include a random suffix for the event to trigger.

  • Resized Height (output) - The user adjusted height

  • Resized Width (output) - The user adjusted width

Input Events

The Input Event property accepts a string that invokes various behaviors of the control. This is to simulate being able to call a custom method on a code component (e.g. Reset(myComponent) or myComponent.SetFocus()) which is not possible at this time.

To make calls to these input events, you can set a context variable that is bound to the Input Event property to a string that starts with SetFocus and followed by a random element to ensure that the app detects it as a change.


UpdateContext({ctxResizableTextareaEvent:"SetFocus" & Text(Rand())}));

The context variable ctxResizableTextareaEvent would then be bound to the property Input Event

The following input events are accepted:

  • SetFocus - Sets focus on the text area.
  • ResetSize - Resets the size of the text area to the default size (or the component size if no default is provided)
  • ResetWidth - Resets only the width part of the size
  • ResetHeight - Resets only the height part of the size
  • ResetText - Resets the text back to the Default value. This is similar to calling Reset(TextInput) which is not supported for code components.

Example of use inside canvas app form

The resizable text area can be used to replace a standard text input inside a canvas app form component.

  1. Create an app using the canvas app dataverse template, that allows adding/deleting/editing of Accounts. This template is a good starting point for a simple app, and uses the Edit Form control to add/edit records in dataverse.

  2. Add the Description column to the Form Controls on DetailScreen1 and EditScreen1 using Edit Fields -> Add Field

  3. Unlock the Edit Form Card named Description_DataCard1 for the Description column on EditScreen1. We will replace the standard Text Input control with a resizable control.

  4. Remove the Text Input

  5. Import the Resizable Text Area code component using Get more components.

  6. Drag the Resizable Text Area component from the Insert pane into the card where the text input was.

  7. Bind the following properties to enable the data card to use the default value for the Text Area, and then pick up the Text value when the form is being used for an update:

    1. ResizableTextArea1.Width = Parent.Width - 60
    2. ResizableTextArea1.Height = 100
    3. ResizableTextArea1.Default = Parent.Default
    4. ResizableTextArea1.AllowResize = Vertical
    5. ResizableTextArea1.MaxHeight = 500
    6. ResizableTextArea1.MinHeight = 100
    7. Description_DataCard2.Update = ResizableTextarea1.Text
    8. ErrorMessage4.Y = ResizableTextarea1.Y + ResizableTextarea1.Height
  8. Bind the following properties to ensure that the Resizable Text Area is reset when the form is reset:

    1. EditForm1.OnReset = UpdateContext({ctxResetText:"ResetText" & Text(Rand())});
    2. ResizableTextArea1.InputEvent = ctxResetText Note: The random element is required to ensure that the change event is triggered.
  9. Style the text area to look like the classic controls as required using the styles below.

Example of use inside canvas app with responsive containers

There are two types of responsive layouts that can be implemented using the Resizable Text Area:

  • Manual Responsivity - The X,Y, Height & Width properties of components are set using calculations based on the Screen Width/Height and the Resizable Text Area ResizedWidth & ResizedHeight properties.
  • Responsive Containers - The Text Area is placed inside a responsive container, the width/height of which is controlled using the ResizedWidth & ResizedHeight properties. This then causes automatic re-flow of the surrounding components.

The simplest way to create a responsive app is to use the Responsive Container:

  1. Add a new Vertical Container to a screen:

    1. Direction = Vertical
    2. Vertical Overflow = Scroll
  2. Inside the Horizontal Container, add two Containers:

    1. Flexible Height = Off
    2. Height = ResizableTextarea1.ResizedHeight (This will resolve once the Resizable Text Area is added below)
  3. Inside the first Container, add a Resizable Text Area:

    1. X = 0
    2. Y = 0
    3. Height = 100 (This will be the initial default width)
    4. Width= Parent.Width
  4. Inside the second Container, add a Text Input control.

  5. Style the text area to look like the classic controls as required using the styles below.

Example of using inside model-driven apps

The Resizable Text Area can be added to a model driven app to replace a standard Text or Multiline text field.

  1. Open the form inside the Classic Editor

  2. Locate the field that you wish to add the Resizable Text Area to

  3. On the field Properties -> Display tab, uncheck Disable label on the form. This is so that the control occupies whole columns width. A section name can be used to provide name of the control. If the label is required, the Left Padding Adjustment property must be changed accordingly below since the AllocatedWidth context property provided to the code component via the context does not take this into consideration.

  4. On the field Properties -> Controls tab, use Add Control, select the Resizable Text Area control, and then set the following properties:

    Property Value
    Max Length Set to the maximum length of the column bound to the control
    Hint Text Optional, e.g. 'Enter Description'. This will be shown when the control gains focus
    Empty Placeholder Text ---
    Default Height 200
    This is the default height for the control before it is resized.
    Min Height 60
    Max Height 600
    Padding Left 7
    Padding Right 5
    Padding Top 5
    Padding Bottom 5
    Left Padding Adjustment 21
    This is required to compensate for the AllocatedWidth property not taking the left padding for label and lock icon indicators into account.
    Allow Resize Vertical
    Enable Spell Check Yes
    Font Name 'SegoeUI', 'Segoe UI'
    Font Size 14
    Fill Color rgb(255,255,255)
    Disabled Hover Fill Color rgb(226,226,226)
    Border Color transparent
    Border Width 1
    Focus Border Color rgb(102,102,102)
    Hover Border Color rgb(102,102,102)
    Render Border Style Normal
  5. Set the Resizable Text Area as the default for the Web experience using the radio buttons.

  6. Save and Publish the form.

Styling the Resizable Text Area

The following styles can be used to style the Resizable Text Area to look like native Power Apps controls.

Style to look like a classic control

The following properties can be used to style the Text Area to look like the default classic text area

Property Value
Empty Placeholder Text
Padding Left 12
Padding Right 5
Padding Top 5
Padding Bottom 5
Left Padding Adjustment 0
Font Name Open Sans
Font Size 13
Fill Color rgb(255,255,255)
Disabled Fill Color rgb(244,244,244)
Hover Fill Color rgb(186,202,226)
Border Color rgb(0,18,107)
Border Width 1
Focus Border Color rgb(102,102,102)
Hover Border Color rgb(102,102,102)
Disabled Border Color rgb(166,166,166)
Render Border Style Centered

Style to look like a Fluent UI control

Use the following styles to make the Resizable Text Area look like a fluent ui control in custom pages.

Property Value
Empty Placeholder Text
Padding Left 8
Padding Right 8
Padding Top 8
Padding Bottom 8
Left Padding Adjustment 0
Font Name Segoe UI
Font Size 10.5
Font Color rgb(66,66,66)
Fill Color rgb(255,255,255)
Disabled Font Color rgb(209,209,209)
Disabled Fill Color rgb(245,245,245)
Border Color rgb(128,128,128)
Border Width 1
Border Radius 2
Focus Border Color rgb(0,120,212)
Hover Border Color rgb(66,66,66)
Hover border thickness 1
Focus Border Width 2
Disabled Border Color transparent
Render Border Style Normal

Style to look like a model-driven text control

Use the following styles to make the Resizable Text Area look like a model-driven text input.

Property Value
Empty Placeholder Text ---
Default Height 200
This is the default height for the control before it is resized.
Min Height 60
Max Height 600
Padding Left 7
Padding Right 5
Padding Top 5
Padding Bottom 5
Left Padding Adjustment 21
This is required to compensate for the AllocatedWidth property not taking the left padding for label and lock icon indicators into account. If the label is shown, this value will need increasing.
Allow Resize Vertical
Font Name 'SegoeUI', 'Segoe UI'
Font Size 14
Fill Color rgb(255,255,255)
Disabled Hover Fill Color rgb(226,226,226)
Border Color transparent
Border Width 1
Focus Border Color rgb(102,102,102)
Hover Border Color rgb(102,102,102)
Render Border Style Normal

Design challenges

The following are items of note that were encountered when creating this component:

Configurable pseudo styles

Under many circumstances, code components have fixed or limited style capabilities. This code component has a large number of configurable styles similar to the native controls. Because of this, CSS pseudo styles for hover/focus/disabled cannot be used, and instead must be manually set using focus/mouse over events.

Centered vs inner border

The classics canvas app control borders work very differently to the Fluent UI and model-driven border styles. For this reason, the text area has to be wrapped in two div elements to allow centering of borders on the edge border box. See the note above on the Render Border Style property.

Two Option Properties

Some properties such as the Enable Spell Check property would be ideally set to a TwoOptions property type. This can be configured inside canvas apps and custom pages, however in model-driven apps, TwoOptions properties can only be bound to a field instead of a static value provided. Since a field would not normally exist on the form to bind this two, an Enum is created for this property and similar ones:

<property name="EnableSpellCheck" display-name-key="EnableSpellCheck" description-key="EnableSpellCheck_Desc" of-type="Enum" usage="input" default-value="1">
  <value name="No" display-name-key="No">0</value>
  <value name="Yes" display-name-key="Yes">1</value>

Unsupported techniques

The following items are considered unsupported techniques at this time and will be removed once the platform allows:

Non-zero tab index in canvas apps

When canvas apps add html controls such as buttons and inputs to the DOM, it assigns a non-zero tabindex. E.g.:

<button class="appmagic-button-container no-focus-outline" tabindex="15"...>

The result is that if html elements are added by code components without a non-zero tabindex assigned, they will not be set focus in the correct order when using keyboard tabbing.

To overcome this, there is an undocumented property that can be read inside the code component provided by the context:

const assignedTabIndex = (context as any).accessibility?.assignedTabIndex ?? 0;

Note: The context is cast to any (or an extended Context type) to allow reading of the accessibility property.

This technique is not needed in model-driven apps, and the tabindex is not set on the textarea control.

Tooltips in canvas apps

When a code component is added to a canvas app, a tooltip can be set in the same way as a standard Label control. This tooltip cannot be read using the standard documented types. Instead, an undocumented property can be used:

const accessibleLabel = (context as any).accessibility?.assignedTooltip ?? "";

Note: The context is cast to any (or an extended Context type) to allow reading of the accessibility property.