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This code component provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Facepile control for use in canvas & custom pages.

Canvas apps Custom pages Model-driven apps Portals


The control accepts the following properties:

  • Items - The action items to render

    • ItemPersonaName - Display Name of the Persona.
    • ItemPersonaKey - The key identify the specific Item. The key must be unique.
    • ItemPersonaImage - The Image Column of Dataverse table which contains Persona Image(Profile Picture).
    • ItemPersonaImageInfo - Url or Base64 Content of Persona Image(Profile Picture).
    • ItemPersonaPresence - Optional - To defined the Presence of the persona.
    • IsImage - Whether the persona image(ItemPersonaImage) is a Image Column of Dataverse table. This allows the component to render the image based on the type(Url or Image). True incase Image needs to refered from Dataverse table & false, incase, its a Url or Base64 to be referred from ItemPersonaImageInfo property.
    • ItemPersonaClickable - Whether or not the persona should be clickable.
  • PersonaSize - Size of the persona to appear on screen.

  • OverflowButtonType - To choose which type of Overflow button to appear and whether to appear or not.

  • MaxDisplayablePersonas - Maximum number of Persona to appear of the Facepile. Five is the default and recommended number.

  • ImageShouldFadeIn - Whether the image should have a Fade In effect while appearing.

  • ShowAddButton - Whether Add Button should appear in Facepile component.

  • OverflowButtonLabel - Aria label for Overflow button

  • AddbuttonAriaLabel - Aria label for Add button


Following are the exmples on how to use the Facepile component.

Note that facepile completely support other sources from where the input collection can be retrieved.

With Office365Users Connector

To generate the input collection using Office365Users connector, to pass as items property, refer the below sample code.

       // Get first 10 users who have email ID - optional
                Mail <> Blank()
        //Get base64 image data

With Dataverse table

Consider Standard User table with following schema

Column Name (Internal Name) Property to Map Data Type Managed Comments
Full Name (fullname) ItemPersonaName Text Yes
Primary Email (internalemailaddress) ItemPersonaKey Text Yes
User Image (cat_userimage) ItemPersonaImage Image No
Is Image (cat_isimage) IsImage Formula(Yes/No) No Formula column If(IsBlank(cat_UserImageId),false,true)
ItemPersonaClickable (cat_isClickable) ItemPersonaClickable Yes/No No

Add Users or specific users(using below code) from table to the items collection of facepile.

// To pick specific members from User table - optional
Filter(Users,'Full Name' = "Megan Bowen" || 'Full Name' = "Diego Siciliani" )

Capture Output event

Inorder to interact with Facepile and continue with rest of the operation, refer the below sample code which needs to be placed in OnChange event.

    //Pick one depending upon the data source
    //Incase of Office365Users 
    //Incase of Dataverse table
    Notify(Self.Selected.'Primary Email'),
    //Define logic to Add Users
    Notify("Add Users"),
    //Define logic to Show more information
    Notify("Show More Information")

Style Properties

  • Theme - Accepts a JSON string that is generated using Fluent UI Theme Designer ( Leaving this blank will use the default theme defined by Power Apps.
  • AccessibilityLabel - Screen reader aria-label

Event Properties

  • InputEvent - An event to send to the control. E.g. SetFocus. See below.

Setting Focus on the control

When a new dialog is shown, and the default focus should be on the control, an explicit set focus will be needed.

To make calls to the input event, you can set a context variable that is bound to the Input Event property to a string that starts with SetFocus and followed by a random element to ensure that the app detects it as a change.


UpdateContext({ctxResizableTextareaEvent:"SetFocus" & Text(Rand())}));

The context variable ctxResizableTextareaEvent would then be bound to the property Input Event property.

Example Theme

The following is an example of setting the theme based on the output from the Fluent UI Theme Designer (

Set(varThemeBlue, {
  palette: {
    themePrimary: ColorValue("#0078d4"),
    themeLighterAlt: ColorValue("#eff6fc"),
    themeLighter: ColorValue("#deecf9"),
    themeLight: ColorValue("#c7e0f4"),
    themeTertiary: ColorValue("#71afe5"),
    themeSecondary: ColorValue("#2b88d8"),
    themeDarkAlt: ColorValue("#106ebe"),
    themeDark: ColorValue("#005a9e"),
    themeDarker: ColorValue("#004578"),
    neutralLighterAlt: ColorValue("#faf9f8"),
    neutralLighter: ColorValue("#f3f2f1"),
    neutralLight: ColorValue("#edebe9"),
    neutralQuaternaryAlt: ColorValue("#e1dfdd"),
    neutralQuaternary: ColorValue("#d0d0d0"),
    neutralTertiaryAlt: ColorValue("#c8c6c4"),
    neutralTertiary: ColorValue("#a19f9d"),
    neutralSecondary: ColorValue("#605e5c"),
    neutralPrimaryAlt: ColorValue("#3b3a39"),
    neutralPrimary:ColorValue( "#323130"),
    neutralDark: ColorValue("#201f1e"),
    black: ColorValue("#000000"),
    white: ColorValue("#ffffff")

  ""themePrimary"": ""#0078d4"",
  ""themeLighterAlt"": ""#eff6fc"",
  ""themeLighter"": ""#deecf9"",
  ""themeLight"": ""#c7e0f4"",
  ""themeTertiary"": ""#71afe5"",
  ""themeSecondary"": ""#2b88d8"",
  ""themeDarkAlt"": ""#106ebe"",
  ""themeDark"": ""#005a9e"",
  ""themeDarker"": ""#004578"",
  ""neutralLighterAlt"": ""#faf9f8"",
  ""neutralLighter"": ""#f3f2f1"",
  ""neutralLight"": ""#edebe9"",
  ""neutralQuaternaryAlt"": ""#e1dfdd"",
  ""neutralQuaternary"": ""#d0d0d0"",
  ""neutralTertiaryAlt"": ""#c8c6c4"",
  ""neutralTertiary"": ""#a19f9d"",
  ""neutralSecondary"": ""#605e5c"",
  ""neutralPrimaryAlt"": ""#3b3a39"",
  ""neutralPrimary"": ""#323130"",
  ""neutralDark"": ""#201f1e"",
  ""black"": ""#000000"",
  ""white"": ""#ffffff""

The Theme JSON string is passed to the component property, whilst the varTheme can be used to style other standard components such as buttons using the individual colors.

Design challenges

The following are items of note that were encountered when creating this component:

Forked FocusZone

Since canvas apps (not custom pages) assigned a positive tab index to its controls (see below) - the Fluent UI FocusZone has to be modified to allow for the default tab index to be specified from its props rather than always being zero. The Facepile/Pivot/CommandBar components also need to be forked to accommodate this change since they do not allow for providing a custom FocusZone implementation. See the Fluent UI fork read me for more information.

Code for Fluent UI 8.29.0 that is forked

Unsupported techniques

The following items are considered unsupported techniques at this time and will be removed once the platform allows:

Non-zero tab index in canvas apps

When canvas apps add html controls such as buttons and inputs to the DOM, it assigns a non-zero tabindex. E.g.:

<button class="appmagic-button-container no-focus-outline" tabindex="15"...>

The result is that if html elements are added by code components without a non-zero tabindex assigned, they will not be set focus in the correct order when using keyboard tabbing.

To overcome this, there is an undocumented property that can be read inside the code component provided by the context:

const assignedTabIndex = (context as any).accessibility?.assignedTabIndex ?? 0;

Note: The context is cast to any (or an extended Context type) to allow reading of the accessibility property.

This technique is not needed in model-driven apps, and the tabindex is not set on the textarea control.