Releases: microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-toolkit
We're excited to announce our v2.11.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this minor release, we did 2 fixes and 2 new enhancements.
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🎨 Enhancements
- Mark Teams, TeamsMsal2 and Msal providers as deprecated in v2.x.x by @musale in #2232
- Add custom focus ring color by @gavinbarron in #2334
🐞 Fixes
- Suggested people aria labels by @gavinbarron in #2335
- Update mgt-file-upload.ts by @stoubian in #2358
- React peer dependencies by @gavinbarron in #2254
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
The full changelog is available here
We are excited to announce the second preview release for v3.0.0 of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit. This release includes a number of fixes and new features.
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/[email protected]
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader and update your script tag to:
<script src="[email protected]/dist/bundle/mgt-loader.js"></script>
🎨 Enhancements:
- use fluent UI to theme the tasks component (#2150) by Musale Martin
- move completed items to bottom of the list in mgt-todo (#2215) by Nickii Miaro
- Support for new component mgt-search-results (#2047) by Sébastien Levert
- update Todo component to new Fluent designs (#1967) by Nickii Miaro
- use fluentui to theme the person component. (#2072) by Musale Martin
- allow programmatically theming a component without the theme-toggle component (#2199) by Musale Martin
- migrate to eslint (#2125) by Gavin Barron
- added spec for mgt-taxonomy-picker (#2156) by Anoop T
- add custom CSS properties for the people picker flyout text (#2162) by Musale Martin
- Storybook authentication (#2048) by Sébastien Levert
- use fluentui tokens for theming file and file-list (#2044) by Musale Martin
🐞 Bugs fixed:
- use fixed graph client version (#2274) by Gavin Barron
- react peer dependencies (#2254) by Gavin Barron
- remove mgt-spfx dependency from react webpart sample (#2196) by Gavin Barron
- fix mgt-spfx-utils packing (#2195) by Gavin Barron
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.10.1 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this minor release, we did 4 fixes and 1 new enhancement.
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🎨 Enhancements
🐞 Fixes
- people picker option labels by @gavinbarron in #2207
- voice over for person in list by @gavinbarron in #2206
- prevent undefined in people-picker option labels for line two by @gavinbarron in #2211
- people-picker set focus on list navigation by @gavinbarron in #2219
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.10.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this minor release, we did 4 fixes and 2 new enhancements.
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🎨 Enhancements
- storybook: added the auth page for storybook use #2126 by @sebastienlevert
- mgt-people-picker: added new custom CSS properties for the flyout text #2162 by @musale
🐞 Fixes
- mgt-people-picker: announce suggestion list changes #2148 by @gavinbarron
- mgt-people-picker: request state update after setting the selectedPeole #2163 by @musale
- storybook: accessibility issues #2129 by @gavinbarron
- storybook: hide the canvas button #2145 by @gavinbarron
The full changelog is available here
We are excited to announce the first preview release for v3.0.0 of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit. This release includes a number of breaking changes and new features.
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/[email protected]
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader and update your script tag to:
<script src="[email protected]/dist/bundle/mgt-loader.js"></script>
🎨 Enhancements:
- updated Graph Client to v3 (#1040) by Nikola Metulev
- msal2 multi-account UI (#1041) by Nicolas Vogt
- person-card fluent controls upgrade (#1253) by Nicolas Vogt
- added multi-user cache functionality and enabled multi user login in Msal2Provider (#1299) by amrutha95
- added option to disable incremental consent (#1316) by amrutha95
- update fluentui registration (#1338) by Beth Pan
- update person component to latest Fluent UI design (#1773) by Nickii Miaro
- update the people component to Fluent UI (#1786) by Musale Martin
- update Person Card to latest Fluent UI (#1797) by Nickii Miaro
- update people-picker component to fluentui design (#1801) by Musale Martin
- update File component to latest Fluent design (#1802) by Nickii Miaro
- update teams-channel-picker to fluent UI designs (#1805) by Musale Martin
- update mgt-login to new fluent-ui designs (#1807) by Gavin Barron
- update File List component to Fluent UI (#1833) by Nickii Miaro
- add custom element disambiguation #1852) by Gavin Barron
- update agenda component to the fluent UI spec (#1867) by Musale Martin
- add nodejs 16 support (#1911) by Gavin Barron
- add spfx utils for disambiguation (#1914) by Gavin Barron
- add support for GCC and other sovereign clouds (#1928) by Musale Martin
- mgt-picker component for generic picking of entities from Microsoft Graph (#1937) by Nickii Miaro
- add quick messaging to fluent person-card (#1958) by Nickii Miaro
- upgrade sample to angular 14 (#1968) by Gavin Barron
- add typing to events for react components (#1981) by Gavin Barron
- update TeamsFxProvider.ts for v3.0.0 (#1983) by rentu
- add tests and example jest config (#1987) by Gavin Barron
- add theme management tools (#2037) by Gavin Barron
- report custom element name collisions (#2053) by Gavin Barron
🐞 Bugs fixed:
- fix: lock responselike resolutions to v2.0.0 (#1851) by Nickii Miaro
- fix: people picker RTL renders, focus and storybook loading errors (#1864) by Musale Martin
- fix: restore provided msal public client behavior (#1931) by Gavin Barron
- fix: update typescript and ts-node versions for proxy samples (#2020) by Gavin Barron
- fix: correct typing problems in sample vue app (#2021) by Gavin Barron
- fix: set the search icon to be on the same level with the input field (#2043) by Musale Martin
🚨 Breaking Changes:
- In mgt-agenda for eventClick the clicked MicrosoftGraph.Event moves from a property of e.detail to be the value of e.detail
- All events for mgt-task now emit a CustomEvent
- Numerous changes to design tokens that may break styling customizations
- @microsoft/microsoft-graph-client now uses v3.0.2, upgraded from v2.2.1, solutions using the graph client from the provider will experience breaking changes.
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.9.2 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this patch release, we did 1 fix. We are also welcoming one new contributor!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- mgt-person: fix avatar scaling issue by @JoshWhite in #2071
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @JoshWhite made their first contribution in #2071
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.9.1 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this patch release, we did 5 fixes, 1 enhancement and made some updates to our documentation platform. We are also welcoming one new contributor!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- Fix dynamic group id people picker story by @gavinbarron in #2023
- People picker state management by @gavinbarron in #2028
- PeoplePicker add removePerson safety input check by @masashiswingle in #2033
- Fix voice input for people picker by @gavinbarron in #2058
- Unselect person focus indicator on webkit by @gavinbarron in #2060
🎨 Enhancements
- mgt-loader version warning by @gavinbarron in #2059
📝 Documentation
- Update README to remove 404s by @sebastienlevert in #1990
- Adds version information to storybook by @gavinbarron in #1999
- Fix html title for by @gavinbarron in #2019
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @masashiswingle made their first contribution in #2033
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.9.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this minor release, we did 2 fixes, 2 enhancements and added specs for a new control. We are also welcoming one new contributor!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- Remove disabled users from the organization chart in person card by @gavinbarron in #1973
- Properly validate email addresses in people picker by @musale in #1978
🎨 Enhancements
- Add a dedicated icon for business phone in person card by @nmtoblum in #1988
- Cache the URL used to load data when using the mock provider by @musale in #1979
📝 Documentation
- Added specs for the generic mgt-picker control by @sebastienlevert in #1941
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.8.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this minor release, we did 7 fixes, 4 enhancements and a documentation change in our Playground. We are also welcoming one new contributor!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- Update groupIds prop of PeoplePicker to string array by @NathZ1 in #1935
- Update graph.userWithPhoto.ts by @devdavest in #1933
- Set the person details in all blocks when loading state by @musale in #1959
- Set the hover and focus color on the dropdown item by @musale in #1960
- Check for page-size when filtering by extensions in FileList by @Mnickii in #1965
- Make people-picker aria-label work in Firefox by @gavinbarron in #1963
- Remove the SdkVersion header when redirected to a non-graph endpoint by @musale in #1947
🎨 Enhancements
- Add new CSS properties for the people picker by @musale in #1926
- Adding aria label to people picker by @gavinbarron in #1945
- Adding an aria-label property that can be set on the people picker component to allow a visual label to match the label of the component by @aslynblohm in #1943
- Allow use TeamsUserCredential to construct instance by @SLdragon in #1954
📝 Documentation
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @devdavest made their first contribution in #1933
- @aslynblohm made a contribution in #1943
- @NathZ1 made a contribution in #1935
- @SLdragon made a contribution in #1954
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.7.1 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this patch release, we did 3 accessibility fixes. We are also welcoming one new contributor!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- Update the text announced for person image, initials and email address by @musale in #1923
- Updating accessibility features of the people picker component by @aslynblohm in #1922
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @aslynblohm made their first contribution in #1922
The full changelog is available here