This demo will use an Adaptive Card to render Group information.
If the Visual Studio debugger is running, stop it.
Open the file Controllers\GroupDataController.cs.
Locate the
method. It is currently a stub returning an empty card. -
Replace the contents of the
method with the following. (The fullCreateGroupCard()
method is in the file LabFiles\Cards\Groups\CreateGroupCard.cs.).private AdaptiveCard CreateGroupCard(Models.GroupModel group) { AdaptiveCard groupCard = new AdaptiveCard() { Type = "AdaptiveCard", Version = "1.0" }; AdaptiveContainer infoContainer = new AdaptiveContainer(); AdaptiveColumnSet infoColSet = new AdaptiveColumnSet(); bool noPic = String.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Thumbnail); if (!noPic) { AdaptiveColumn picCol = new AdaptiveColumn() {Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto}; picCol.Items.Add(new AdaptiveImage() { Url = new Uri(group.Thumbnail), Size = AdaptiveImageSize.Small, Style = AdaptiveImageStyle.Default }); infoColSet.Columns.Add(picCol); } AdaptiveColumn txtCol = new AdaptiveColumn() {Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch}; var titleBlock = new AdaptiveTextBlock() {Text = NullSafeString(group.Name), Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder}; if (noPic) { titleBlock.Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Large; } txtCol.Items.Add(titleBlock); txtCol.Items.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock() { Text = NullSafeString(group.Description), Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.None, IsSubtle = true }); infoColSet.Columns.Add(txtCol); infoContainer.Items.Add(infoColSet); groupCard.Body.Add(infoContainer); AdaptiveContainer factContainer = new AdaptiveContainer(); AdaptiveFactSet factSet = new AdaptiveFactSet(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Classification)) { factSet.Facts.Add(new AdaptiveFact() { Title = "Classification", Value = group.Classification }); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Visibility)) { factSet.Facts.Add(new AdaptiveFact() { Title = "Visibility", Value = group.Visibility }); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(group.GroupType)) { factSet.Facts.Add(new AdaptiveFact() { Title = "Type", Value = NullSafeString(group.GroupType) }); } if (group.CreatedDateTime.HasValue) { factSet.Facts.Add(new AdaptiveFact() { Title = "Created", Value = $"{{{{DATE({group.CreatedDateTime.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")},SHORT)}}}}" }); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Policy) && group.RenewedDateTime.HasValue) { factSet.Facts.Add(new AdaptiveFact() { Title = "Policy", Value = NullSafeString(group.Policy) }); factSet.Facts.Add(new AdaptiveFact() { Title = "Renewed", Value = $"{{{{DATE({group.RenewedDateTime.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")},SHORT)}}}}" }); } factContainer.Items.Add(factSet); groupCard.Body.Add(factContainer); return groupCard; }
In Solution Explorer, right-select on the Components folder and choose Add > New Item...
Select the SCSS Style Sheet (SASS) template. Name file GroupCard.scss.
Replace the contents of the template with the code from the file LabFiles\Cards\Groups\GroupCard.scss.
In Solution Explorer, right-select on the Components folder and choose Add > New Item...
Select the TypeScript JSX File template. Name file GroupCard.tsx.
Replace the contents of the template with the following. (The complete code for the
class is in the file LabFiles\Cards\Groups\GroupCard.tsx.)import * as React from 'react'; import * as AdaptiveCards from "adaptivecards"; import { IGroupDetailsProps } from './GroupDetails'; import './GroupCard.scss'; export class GroupCard extends React.Component<IGroupDetailsProps, any> { constructor(props: IGroupDetailsProps) { super(props); } render() { let card = ""; if ( { card = this.renderAdaptiveCard(; } return <div className="groupCard" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: card }} > </div> } private renderAdaptiveCard(card: any) { // Create an AdaptiveCard instance var adaptiveCard = new AdaptiveCards.AdaptiveCard(); // Set its hostConfig property unless you want to use the default Host Config // Host Config defines the style and behavior of a card adaptiveCard.hostConfig = new AdaptiveCards.HostConfig({ fontFamily: "Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif" }); // Parse the card payload adaptiveCard.parse(card); // Render the card to an HTML element: var renderedCard = adaptiveCard.render(); return renderedCard.innerHTML; } }
Open the file Components\GroupDetails.tsx
At the top of the file, add the following import statement.
import { GroupCard } from './GroupCard';
In the
method, locate thereturn
statement. Modify the return statement to include the GroupCard.return ( <div> <h2>Group Information</h2> <DocumentCard> <GroupCard group={} /> </DocumentCard> {activity} </div> );
Save all files.
Press F5 to run the application. Navigate to the Groups page and select on a group. The detail panel will include details about group in addition to the activity.