Blog post link here:
Git hub link here:
Libraries used:
The libraries used are pandas, numpy for data manipulation matplotlib and seaborn libraries are used for visualization
Motivation for the project:
The motivation for this project is to understand how developers seek for help online and how frequently they do so. In addition, the project also researches the educational background of developers to gain insight into what might be a good bachelors degree to recommend to a prospective developer. It also seeks to understand the diversity of ethnicity in the Tech field.
Files in the repository:
There are four files in this repository.
- which contains information about the repository
- '2020 Stack Overflow Survey Responses.csv' which is a data containing the survey responses of developers on stack overflow for the year 2020
- project.ipynb is the jupyter notebook containing the analysis performed in the project
- schema_20.csv is the schema file containing the description of the questions asked in the survey
The result shows that most of the respondents have computer science background. However, the second most dominant majors give clearer insight into the backgrounds of developers in domain specific development roles. The result also shows that most developers seek help online a few times weekly.
Thanks to Stack Overflow for making the survey results public, and to Udacity for providing a quality project to work on