- #24 simplify python frontend api by refactoring c++ backend with pybind11-empowered virtual function overriding and methods overloading
- #24 update flow graph in dev-guid.md and docstring in _analyzer.py
- PR#26 Introduce cmake module to fetch library pybind11 and date-tz; Modify setup.py to support c++17 on MacOSX >= 10.12; and Build windows version on Windows-2022 with manually downloaded tzdata
- 30e2f2e fix that collect_news changed last head commit
- PR#22 Update Documents: user-guide/install.md dev-guide/
- PR#22 Use mermaid-js to draw UML graphs
- PR#23 Supplement change logs from v0.5.0 to v0.7.5
- PR#23 Add workflow to build changelog and docs, then publish to GH Pages
- PR#14 tweak tag in build_sdist and build_wheel by CIBW
- PR#17 directory refactoring
- 0b1abcc call reused workflow publish_pypi.yml with inherited secrets
- PR#12 support Linux on Ubuntu20.04 and MSVC on windows2019
- PR#6 customize github action workflows for CI