This is a listing of some keymappings in the vimrc.
Note: The current character = ,
<F1> => <ESC>
<F5> => CtrlP to purge the cache for the current directory to get new
files, remove deleted files and apply new ignore options.
<leader><space> => :noh => clear search highlighting
<leader>_d => insert current date in format %Y-%m-%d
<leader>e => :Errors => sysntastic errors window
<leader>i => :set invlist<CR> => toggle invisible character display
<leader>N => :NERDtree => open NERDtree window
<leader>T => :Tabularize /=><CR> => tabularize / lineup the => signs
<leader>= => :Tabularize /=<CR> => tabularize / lineup the = signs
<leader>v => open vimrc in a new vsplit to edit and reload when done
<leader>W => :%s/\v\s+$//g<cr> => remove trailing white spaces
<leader>" => cs'" => change surrounding single quotes to double quotes
<leader>' => cs"' => change surrounding double quotes to single quotes
Cmd Maps: ds delete surroundings
cs change surroundings
ys takes a valid vim motion or text object and wraps it
yss wraps the current line ignoring leading whitespace
visual mode selection S
in linewise visual mode, surroundings placed on separate
lines and indented
in blockwise visual mode, each line is surrounded
Targets for mappings:
) } ] > wrap with these symbols
b B r a same as ) } ] > for the symbols
( { [ < wrap with these symbols and trim whitespace
' " ` quote marks
w W s word WORD sentence
p paragraph
Replacement Target when using cs, change to this target
) } ] > wrap with these symbols
b B r a same as ) } ] > for the symbols
( { [ < wrap with these symbols and trim whitespace
' " ` quote marks
<leader>gs => :Gstatus => git status window
<leader>gb => :Gblame => git blame in verticle window
<leader>w => new verticle window
<leader>wb => new window
<crtl>h => move to Nth window left of the current window
<ctrl>j => move to Nth window above the current window
<ctrl>k => move to Nth window below the current window
<ctrl>l => move to Nth window right of the current window
<leader>s => open/edit scratch buffer to store and edit text that will be discarded
when you quit/exit vim. The contents of the scratch buffer are not saved
or stored in a file.
<leader>S => open/edit scratch buffer in split window