This document describes the changes needed when upgrading because of a BC break. For the full list of changes, please look at the Changelog file.
Controllers and commands now use DI and are defined as services.
Projects overriding them will need to adapt their code to fit with these changes. Note that backward compatibility is not ensured for such usage. Relying on extension points of the bundle (mostly through events) is preferred.
Methods and properties removed from FOS\UserBundle\Model\User
These properties were used to implement advanced features of the AdvancedUserInterface from the Symfony component, but neither Symfony nor this bundle are providing ways to use these features fully (expired credentials would just prevent logging in for instance). Projects needing to use these advanced feature should add the fields they need in their User class and override the corresponding method to provide an implementation fitting their requirement. Projects wanting to keep the previous behavior of the bundle can copy the condition used in 1.3.7.
You need to drop the removed fields from your database schema, because they aren't mapped anymore.
Propel integration has been moved to a separate bundle and can be installed using composer:
composer require friendsofsymfony/propel1-user-bundle
Once installed, walk through the readme to enable Propel support.
The signature of the LoginManager constructor has changed.
class LoginManager
public function __construct(
TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage,
UserCheckerInterface $userChecker,
SessionAuthenticationStrategyInterface $sessionStrategy,
ContainerInterface $container
class LoginManager
public function __construct(
TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage,
UserCheckerInterface $userChecker,
SessionAuthenticationStrategyInterface $sessionStrategy,
RequestStack $requestStack,
RememberMeServicesInterface $rememberMeService = null
Following Symfony coding standards template names are now lowercase. Please rename if you use custom templates.
public function checkEmailAction()
return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Registration:checkEmail.html.twig');
public function checkEmailAction()
return $this->render('@FOSUser/Registration/check_email.html.twig');
The signature of the UserListener constructor has changed and now requires an
implementation of PasswordUpdaterInterface
and CanonicalFieldsUpdater
class UserListener
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container);
class UserListener
public function __construct(
PasswordUpdaterInterface $passwordUpdater,
CanonicalFieldsUpdater $canonicalFieldsUpdater
The public methods refreshUser
, loadUserByUsername
and supportsClass
have been
removed. Please use the UserProvider instead.
The signature of the UserManager constructor has changed and now requires an
implementation of PasswordUpdaterInterface
and CanonicalFieldsUpdater
class UserManager
public function __construct(
EncoderFactoryInterface $encoderFactory,
CanonicalizerInterface $usernameCanonicalizer,
CanonicalizerInterface $emailCanonicalizer
class UserManager
public function __construct(
PasswordUpdaterInterface $passwordUpdater,
CanonicalFieldsUpdater $canonicalFieldsUpdater
The signature of the Validator Initializer constructor has changed and now
requires an implementation of CanonicalFieldsUpdater
class Initializer
public function __construct(UserManagerInterface $userManager);
class Initializer
public function __construct(CanonicalFieldsUpdater $canonicalFieldsUpdater);
Using the UserManager as a user provider is no longer supported and is deprecated. Change your security.yml's provider section to look like:
# ...
id: fos_user.user_provider.username
The XML namespace is changed from
This bundle now registers mappings
for the classes in the Model namespace directly, instead
of having empty extending classes. The User and Group classes in the Entity and
Document namespaces are deprecated, you should update your User and Group
classes to extend the classes found in Model
The old classes will are still available for now, but throw deprecated warnings. They will be removed
in the next alpha.
The characters used in generated tokens have changed. They now include dashes
and underscores as well. Any routing requirement matching them should be
updated to [\w\-]+
path: /{token}
token: \w+
path: /{token}
token: '[\w\-]+'
The profile form no longer wraps the user in a CheckPassword class. If you were overriding the form handler, you will need to update it to pass the user object directly.
The FOS\UserBundle\Model\GroupableInterface
interface now expects the getGroups
method to return a Traversable instead of expecting a Doctrine Collection.
Doctrine-based implementation are unchanged but the Propel implementation
now returns the PropelCollection instead of wrapping it.
The different Doctrine-based manager classes are deprecated and will be removed
in 2.0 in favor of the common implementation. If you were extending the UserManager
class for a Doctrine implementation, you need to change the parent class
to FOS\UserBundle\Doctrine\UserManager
The Propel backend does not require the UserProxy anymore as the UserInterface is now implementated on the model itself. you will have to change your config:
user_class: FOS\UserBundle\Propel\UserProxy
propel_user_class: FOS\UserBundle\Propel\User
user_class: FOS\UserBundle\Propel\User
The generation of the token is not done by the User class anymore. If you
were using the generateToken
or generateConfirmationToken
in your own
code, you need to use the fos_user.util.token_generator
service to generate
the token.
This file describes the needed changes when upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2
If you are experiencing the exception
No encoder has been configured for account "Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\User"
after upgrading, please consider the following.
The encoder now needs to be configured in the SecurityBundle configuration as described in the official documentation. If you were using the default value of the bundle, the config should look like this to reuse the same settings:
algorithm: sha512
encode_as_base64: false
iterations: 1