+++ """ {{blogposts}}
Plug in the list of blog posts contained in the /blog/
function hfun_blogposts()
curyear = year(Dates.today())
io = IOBuffer()
# The directory where the posts are located.
# By default this is "posts".
base = "posts"
# List all files in the posts directory
posts = filter!(
p -> endswith(p, ".md"),
readdir(base, join=true)
# Sort the posts by modified date
posts = sort(
# Get the first line in each file that begin with `# `
for post in posts
open(post) do f
for line in eachline(f)
if startswith(line, "# ")
# Remove the `# ` and write the line to the buffer
line = replace(line, r"# " => "")
linkloc = joinpath("posts", replace(basename(post), ".md" => ""))
write(io, "- [$line]($linkloc)\n")
# for year in curyear:-1:2023
# ys = "$year"
# year < curyear && write(io, "\n**$year**\n")
# for month in 12:-1:1
# ms = "0"^(month < 10) * "$month"
# base = joinpath("posts", ys, ms)
# isdir(base) || continue
# posts = filter!(p -> endswith(p, ".md"), readdir(base))
# days = zeros(Int, length(posts))
# lines = Vector{String}(undef, length(posts))
# write(io, "abc")
# for (i, post) in enumerate(posts)
# continue
# ps = splitext(post)[1]
# url = "/blog/$ys/$ms/$ps/"
# surl = strip(url, '/')
# title = pagevar(surl, :title)
# title === nothing && (title = "Untitled")
# pubdate = pagevar(surl, :published)
# if isnothing(pubdate)
# date = "$ys-$ms-01"
# days[i] = 1
# else
# date = Date(pubdate, dateformat"d U Y")
# days[i] = day(date)
# end
# lines[i] = "\n[$title]($url) $date \n"
# end
# # sort by day
# foreach(line -> write(io, line), lines[sortperm(days, rev=true)])
# end
# end
# markdown conversion adds `<p>` beginning and end but
# we want to avoid this to avoid an empty separator
r = Franklin.fd2html(String(take!(io)), internal=true)
return r
blogposts = hfun_blogposts() +++
@def title = "comind" @def tags = ["syntax", "code"]
go here for the current best description of what comind is.
if you go to the main site (comind.me) you will be disappointed. comind doesn't work yet, sorry 🤙. we'll keep you updated. i guess that means you can't think good thoughts. well, you can think them somewhere else. i hear the outdoors are nice.
oh well, life presses on.
contact us at [email protected] or send good vibes to [email protected].
- we try to keep devlogs
- we've got a list of things that comind is intended to address on our inspirations page.
also some blog posts