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File metadata and controls

147 lines (114 loc) · 3.54 KB

How to run a seed job remotely

Run book

To process a seed CSV against a non-local environment:

  • Ensure nobody is deploying a change (or is going to deploy a change shortly.)

  • Change into the 'script' directory in this project

  • Upload the CSV file to the target environments

    ./pod_upload_seed_file preprod /path/to/my_csv.csv
  • This will output confirmation and provide the name of the pod used e.g.

    File uploaded to /tmp/seed/refresh_nat_users.csv on pod hmpps-approved-premises-api-69cf9df9b8-g4vp2
  • Connect to the aforementioned pod

    ./pod_shell preprod hmpps-approved-premises-api-69cf9df9b8-g4vp2
  • Run the helper script from within the container to trigger the seed job:

    /app/run_seed_job {seed type} {file name}
  • seed type is a value from the SeedFileType enum in the OpenAPI spec. e.g.

    /app/run_seed_job approved_premises ap_seed_file
  • Check the logs using Azure Application Insights to see how processing is progressing. The following query will provide seed traces and exceptions only:

    union traces, exceptions
    | where cloud_RoleName == 'approved-premises-api' and customDimensions contains ("")
    | project timestamp, message, outerMessage, severityLevel, customDimensions, problemId, operation_Name, operation_Id

Local Seeding

For seeding in a local development environment use ./script/run_seed_job

CSV reference

User seed job

Required fields:

  • deliusUsername
  • roles
  • qualifications

Example CSV

Approved Premises seed job

Required fields:

  • apCode
  • qCode
  • apArea
  • pdu
  • probationRegion
  • localAuthorityArea
  • town
  • addressLine1
  • addressLine2
  • postcode
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • maleOrFemale
  • totalBeds
  • status
  • isIAP
  • isPIPE
  • isESAP
  • isSemiSpecialistMentalHealth
  • isRecoveryFocussed
  • isSuitableForVulnerable
  • acceptsSexOffenders
  • acceptsChildSexOffenders
  • acceptsNonSexualChildOffenders
  • acceptsHateCrimeOffenders
  • isCatered
  • hasWideStepFreeAccess
  • hasWideAccessToCommunalAreas
  • hasStepFreeAccessToCommunalAreas
  • hasWheelChairAccessibleBathrooms
  • hasLift
  • hasTactileFlooring
  • hasBrailleSignage
  • hasHearingLoop
  • notes
  • emailAddress

Example CSV

Approved Premises rooms and beds job

"seed type": approved_premises_rooms

Required fields:

  • apCode
  • bedCode
  • roomNumber
  • bedCount
  • isSingle
  • isGroundFloor
  • isFullyFm
  • hasCrib7Bedding
  • hasSmokeDetector
  • isTopFloorVulnerable
  • isGroundFloorNrOffice
  • hasNearbySprinkler
  • isArsonSuitable
  • isArsonDesignated
  • hasArsonInsuranceConditions
  • isSuitedForSexOffenders
  • hasEnSuite
  • isWheelchairAccessible
  • hasWideDoor
  • hasStepFreeAccess
  • hasFixedMobilityAids
  • hasTurningSpace
  • hasCallForAssistance
  • isWheelchairDesignated
  • isStepFreeDesignated
  • notes

Example CSV

Approved Premises AP Area (CRU) Email Address Seed Job

"seed type": approved_premises_ap_area_email_addresses

Required fields:

  • ap_area_identifier
  • email_address