Clone the repository and run the script.
- powerline fonts for status line symbols
- facebook PathPicker to open fpp in a new tmux window
- fzf choose a tmux pane with fzf
- tmux-ssh - Detect if a shell is controlled through SSH and display it to the user
- tmux-wifi - Display wifi signal strength
- - Choose a tmux pane with fzf
If you wish to use the scripts in your tmux segments add them to your path and call them in your tmux configuration.
set -g status-right '#[fg=green] #('
This configuration uses the Tmux Plugin Manager tpm and the following plugins:
- tmux-resurrect - Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
- tmux-open - Quickly open a highlighted file or URL.
- tmux-copycat - Enhance tmux search.
- tmux-yank - Copy to system clipboard.
- tmux-sidebar - Sidebar with the directory tree.
Themes are installed in $HOME/.tmux/themes
. You can use them by editing your tmux.conf
# Theme {{{
source-file "${HOME}/.tmux/themes/my-theme.tmuxtheme"