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Neovim (Lua Powered) Network Resource Manager

Interested in how Netman Works or how to integrate with it?


Table of Contents


What am I?

Netman is a framework that plugins can utilize to expose remote resources (such as ssh filesystems, docker containers, database tables, etc) to the user via a standard API.

Why would I use this instead of X plugin?

Netman's aim is to sit under X plugin and provide an easier experience for both X plugin and other plugins to expose their remote resources to a user

Isn't Netrw included in Neovim? Why would I use Netman?

It is! The goal of Netman is to free Neovim from having to use Netrw for remote resource accessing as Netrw is a slower, more antiquated, and non-extensible means of remote resource interaction.


Netman aims to sit between Neovim, the end user and remote resources. In practical terms, this means that Netman's goal is to provide a framework for other plugins to utilize, to interface seamlessly with remote resources via Netman's provider system. Netman additionally comes with a handful of providers in its core which are documented in the Currently Supported Network Protocols section of this doc.

Netman does not aim to implement providers for every protocol in existence, rather to establish a framework for others to provide that support.

This goal will allow Neovim to support an arbitrary set of protocols for editing as opposed to being locked against whatever the current version of Netrw supports.


There are 2 pieces to Netman, the API (documented here) and its Providers. The API does not have any external dependencies (with the exception of Unit Testing). The providers however may have dependencies which are uncontrollable from Netman's perspective. This is due to a provider needing to interface with arbitrary programs on local and remote machines in order to meet Netman's API requirements.

Within Netman core, there are 2 implemented providers

  • SSH
  • Docker

These have the following requirements

Failing to have a required dependency for a provider will not prevent Netman from offering its functionality, however it will prevent the provider who's requirements are not met from running.

In other words, if you do not have docker installed, you can not use the docker provider (for example).


Installing Netman is done the same as any other package. As it has no external dependencies it requires to be used/installed, it does not need much. Consult your preferred package manager for how to install packages


Using Netman is easy! Simply add the following line somewhere to your init.lua file


Once Netman is loaded into memory, it will automatically load its providers. If you are using 3rd party providers, they will have already loaded themselves into memory and thus you wont need to load them into Netman.


Netman now supports integration as a source for the following UI tools

Below is tool specific configurations needed to get Netman working, as well as any caveats for that tool


Netman is now comes with a source provider for neo-tree. This provider can be loaded by adding "netman.ui.neo-tree" to the Neo Tree sources as detailed in the Neo Tree Documentation An example of this is as follows

    sources = {
        "filesystem", -- Neotree filesystem source
        "netman.ui.neo-tree", -- The one you really care about 😉

Netman will then register itself as the remote source in Neo Tree. You can load the New remote browser with the :Neotree remote command Note: All providers that support the new ui attributes will automatically be displayed here. As of current, this is likely to only be netman provided sources, as there is no documentation on this new attribute yet ;)

If you are more inclined to browse your file systems without Neo-tree, the original methods of interacting with Netman will still work, as detailed below.


You can simply use Neovim as you would usually. However you will now have the ability to interact with Remote Resources (remote files, remote directories, remote streams, etc) through Netman and any associated providers you have. Examples of this would be to open a file/directory via the ssh provider.

Simply open the file as you would any other file

:edit sftp://myhost/myfile.txt

You can also do it directly from your cli

nvim sftp://myhost/myfile.txt

Netman is smart enough to prevent Netrw from consuming this event and will instead pass it off to the core ssh provider.

Additionally Netman exposes the following Vim commands should you choose to use them


Vim help doc is pending, but each of these is described below


Takes 1 argument (the path to a provider to load) and calls Netman.api:load_provider. This will mostly be used by developers expirimenting with provider creation/configuration. Example:

:NmloadProvider netman.providers.docker

Can also be called via lua

:lua require("netman.api"):load_provider("netman.providers.docker")


Takes either 0 or 1 argument, where the argument is the location to dump the session logs. This will filter through the Netman logs to pull only logs related to the current Neovim session and store it in the location provided, and then format the logs and display them in a buffer Note: If no argument is provided, Nmlogs will generate a file in your home directory and store the logs in that Note: If the argument provided is memory, Nmlogs will not dump a file out and will simply render the logs to a buffer. Example:

:Nmlogs my_log_file
:Nmlogs memory

Can also be called via lua

:lua require("netman.api):dump_info()
:lua require("netman.api):dump_info("my_log_file")
:lua require("netman.api):dump_info("memory")


Takes exactly 1 argument, the URI to delete. This will call out to Netman's delete function to delete the URI resource Example:

:Nmdelete sftp://myhost/mydir/myfile.txt

Can also be called via lua

:lua require("netman"):delete("sftp://myhost/mydir/myfile.txt")


Takes n arguments (where n > 0) and opens each in a new buffer. Example:

:Nmread sftp://myhost/mydir/
:Nmread docker://mycontainer/mydir/myfile.txt

Can also be called via lua

:lua require("netman"):read("sftp://myhost/mydir/)
:lua require("netman"):read("docker://mycontainer/mydir/myfile.txt")


Takes 0 arguments, this will write the current buffer out to its associated provider Example:


Can also be called via lua

:lua require("netman"):write()

Currently Supported Network Protocols


Accessing files/directories over ssh can be done in below URI format

  • $PROTOCOL://[$USERNAME@]$HOSTNAME[:$PORT]/[//][$PATH] A break down of what is happening here
    • $PROTOCOL: Must be sftp, scp, or ssh
    • $USERNAME: The username to authenticate with (Optional)
    • $HOSTNAME: The hostname to connect to. Supports using hostnames defined in an SSH CONFIG file
    • $PORT : The port to connect to (Optional)
    • /[//] : Forward slash (one) is considered a relative path to the $USER home directory. Note, this will work regardless of if $USER is specified or not. Providing /// will act as a "Full Path" override
    • $PATH : The path to a file/directory to interact with. If not provided, defaults to /[//] as described above (Optional)

Current Limitations:

  • Interactive authentication currently do not work If you need a password or keyphrase to enter a box, currently this will just fail (ish?).
    • This is being investigated in issue 33


:edit sftp://myuser@myhost:myport///my/absolute/path/file.txt
:edit sftp://myhost/my/relative/path/file.txt
:Nmread scp://myhost/myfile.txt
:lua require("netman"):read("ssh://myhost/mydir/file.txt")


Accessing files/directories in a container can be done in the URI below format

  • $PROTOCOL://$CONTAINER/$PATH A break down of what is happening here
    • $PROTOCOL : Must be docker
    • $CONTAINER: The container (by name) to open
    • $PATH : The path to a file/directory to interact with. **NOTE: Unlike the ssh provider, the docker provider does not allow relative pathing

Current Limitations:

  • Does not respect container by ID
    • Maybe addressed in the future if users care?


:edit docker://mycontainer/my/dir/to/file.txt
:Nmread docker://mycontainer/my/dir/to/file.txt
:lua require("netman"):read("docker://mycontainer/my/dir/to/file.txt")

Targeted Network Protocols

  • Rsync


When debugging your netman session, ensure that you are running in DEBUG mode. This can be done by simply setting

vim.g.netman_log_level = 1

in your init.lua configuration file. NOTE: It is recommended that you place this line somewhere before you import plugins as Netman automatically sets itself up on import of itself or api. Any logging during initialization is lost if the appropriate level is not set before that

Valid log levels are

  • 4 (Error)
  • 3 (Warn)
  • 2 (Info)
  • 1 (Debug)
  • 0 (Trace) These are in conjunction with vim.log.levels

NOTE: Debug mode a significantly volume of logs, ensure you only have it on when its needed

When you encounter a bug that you wish to submit an issue for, please refer to How to fill out issue. Netman is designed to make your life as the user easy. To help accomplish this, netman has a command built in specifically to dump session logs for you. :Nmlogs

This will dump the session log out into the above listed /home/miversen33/WHY_YOU_BIG_DED.log file, which can then be retrieved and uploaded with your issue. Additionally, the generated log will be opened up in a new NetmanLogs filetype buffer, formatted and available for viewing. This should prove helpful for developers as they work through integration with Netman.

NOTE: In order for the logs to be useful, it is required that :Nmlogs be ran from within the problem session as only the logs associated with the current session will be aggregated.

The Netman logfile for netman is stored in $HOME/.local/nvim/netman/logs.txt if you would prefer to look through this in an attempt to troubleshoot issues

NOTE: This does not scrub sensitive content, so it is wise to ensure there are no passwords or the like in this log before uploading it


Do not feel obligated to donate anything for this. Your issues will be resolved all the same whether you have donated or not. Still, if you are feeling generous...