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Transaction Indexer

Cardano chain indexer builder framework

This is framework to build domain-specific indexing solutions, handling Cardano transactions as events and persisting the to a PostgreSQL database.


Although it's possible to implement general-use indexer, we have seen that the performance of such solutions is not desirable for most cases. Our solution allows to build a database schema with the domain requirements in the focus:

  • only store what you need in the format you need
  • index, structure however you want


This is a thin layer built on top of Oura providing some additional features, and as such, it is following the event-based structure. We capture transactions, convert them into plutus-ledger-api types so it's convenient to work with, and emit them as events.


  • Plutus ledger types for PostgreSQL
  • sqlx bindings for the above types
  • retry strategies based on error type
  • sync progress tracking
  • transaction events as plutus-ledger-api types
  • rollback handling